Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 131

The three people in front of them seem to be eager to confirm with Fang zhe again.

Fang zhe smiled and said, "it\'s really monthly revenue. I don\'t think you need to do this. Dean Lin, you should have heard that Sega\'s game made $5 million in three days when the app store was just launched."

All three of them stared at Fang zhe without speaking. After a while, Lin Xiaobin replied:

"I always thought that Sega made fake data in order to cooperate with apple to promote the app store. If you want to make so much money, who still makes software went to the app store to play games?

However, now I believe it. No wonder the U.S. headquarters attaches so much importance to Android Market. If it seems to operate well, it is a new core business. "

Mr. Lei also said with emotion: "yes, I didn\'t expect to make so much money. They blocked the interface for viewing data from the outside world just a few days after the app store was opened. I thought they had ghosts in their hearts. Now it seems that even if there are ghosts, they are also a little ghost.

Apple announced two days ago that last year, Apple sold more than 17 million iPhones, and the total number of APP downloads on the app store exceeded 500 million times. I thought there was some moisture in their data. Now it seems that the outbreak of smart phones and mobile Internet is much more powerful than I thought. "

After hearing this, Fang zhe thought, what is 17 million a year? In the future, Apple\'s mobile phone sales in a month are more than this. Apple has accumulated a net profit of more than $200 billion overseas in recent years. How do you think it came from? It\'s all fruit powder for selling kidney.

"More than 30 million a month. The annual scientific research funds of our institute are only in the early 40 million, and this is still earning foreign exchange. If it were more than ten years earlier, it would be praised by the above."

Professor Liu Yuxi was also very impressed. He didn\'t expect that the student of his old classmate was so capable. No wonder he seemed very proud when he called himself. At that time, he thought, what\'s good for a student to be proud of when he started a company. Among his students, from scientists to bosses in all walks of life, and even the companies of two students were listed, But after all, in a third tier city like Anyang, he can also understand the feelings of his old classmates.

Now, he feels that he can\'t compare with his old classmates. The reason is very simple. It\'s Fang Zhe\'s age. Students at his age are either still in school or just ready to practice and work.

Although there are some entrepreneurs, I haven\'t heard any students make a noise. In the past few years, the most successful student at this age was a student seven years ago who partnered with others to do software outsourcing and made more than two million before graduation. Therefore, the old Dean specially approved him to speak at the graduation ceremony of the college.

"What are the names of several games operated by your company? Since they make so much money, they should be at the top of the best seller list? I don\'t believe that all apple Appstore games make so much money." Lin Xiaobin continued to ask.

"One is called" fruit Games ", the English name is" fruit Games ", the other is" don\'t step on the white block ", and the English name is" don\'t tap the white tile ". The two games are just one or two in the best-selling list." although Fang zhe said this in a very modest tone, even when he came out first or second, he was a little proud, even if he was reborn, It\'s hard to occupy the first or second best seller list of the app store.

All three looked at him with strange eyes. President Lei said, "good boy, you really give us Chinese a long face, but if you just make some money, don\'t live other apps on the Appstore!"

Fang zhe thought to himself that the market value of Xiaomi in future generations has reached nearly $100 billion. Mr. Lei, don\'t you nag all day and don\'t make money? I learned from you!

At this time, Lin Xiaobin seemed to think of something. He asked in an uncertain tone, "is your company Huizhong?".

"Do you know our company?" Fang zhe was surprised.

Lin Xiaobin smiled and thought it was true. He smiled and said, "I know. How can I not know? A few days ago, there was a lot of noise in the American science and technology circle. Apple also held a special press conference for this. Although I know the news trends of some large companies at home and abroad, of course."

He paused and said: "in February, our company\'s Android Market will soon allow the upload of paid applications. You have to remember to seize the opportunity. Although Android can\'t compare with apple now, its future potential is unlimited."

Professor Liu Yuxi nodded in agreement and said: "yes, Google led the cooperation between 84 top hardware manufacturers, software developers and telecom operators in the world, which basically includes the world\'s top mobile phone manufacturers.

Moreover, Google has also opened the Android code. Anyone and company who wants to make a mobile phone can be combined by it. In contrast, Apple has a leading edge, but no one else can plug in the whole business ecological chain. Apple wants to pick more than one, which is not so easy. "

Mr. Lei shook his head, but he had different views on Professor Liu Yuxi. He thought about it and said:

"I personally think Apple has a great chance. To be honest, I always think Android is a product made by Google to snipe apple. From design to application, many places imitate Apple iPhone.

Sooner or later, the two companies will file a lawsuit. I think there are signs now. However, so many manufacturers in the Android camp hold so many patents. They are not afraid of apple. I\'m afraid they will stick together.

In addition, in terms of system experience alone, closed apple is better than open-source and chaotic Android in terms of user experience and security. However, in terms of market competition, there are so many alliance manufacturers in the Android camp, whose power is dozens of times that of apple. Android is also more close to the people than apple in terms of price.

In addition, Nokia has neither cooperated with apple nor joined the Android camp. It has always been independent of Microsoft. Microsoft also intends to intervene in the field of mobile operating system, so I\'m afraid the global mobile phone market will be particularly lively in the future. "

"This is the battle. I don\'t know whether there are enterprises from our mainland to participate in the war." Lin Xiaobin said and sighed.

Lei Jun glanced at him and said, "ZTE and Huawei may have made some moves in some overseas regions, but I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for the United States to get in. Although they have accumulated some patents in the mobile phone industry, they still have a big gap compared with top multinational giants such as Samsung and apple, but in China, I\'m very optimistic about their popularization of smart phones."

Fang zhe saw that the three of them finally talked about mobile phones and thought that he had finally stepped on the purpose of coming today. He interrupted: "I think since Android is open source, even if it is a start-up mobile phone company, it is not without a chance!"

Hearing this, the three smiled. Professor Liu Yuxi opened his mouth and explained: "mobile phones, which integrate a large number of high-tech technologies and patented electronic products, can not be made by any start-up company."

Fang zhe thought that the three people\'s ideas still remained in the traditional thinking of the past. It seemed that he wanted to explain to them. He opened his mouth and said:

"Not necessarily. The first Android mobile phone released by Google this time was created by HTC in treasure island. Now that the mobile phone OEM industry is so developed, start-ups only need to understand the operating system. For example, make a localized mobile operating system suitable for our Chinese people based on Android, and then do a good job in the design, process, production chain and supply chain of the whole machine You can make your own mobile phone. "

Professor Liu Yuxi listened and nodded thoughtfully: "Oh? Your idea is OK. OEM production. In the past, many industries in our country did this. They have no production capacity. They only do design and quality control, from product design to quality control, and finally integrate OEM, which is even their own products."

"Professor Liu, do you think this is feasible?" Mr. Lei was very curious about it.

Fang zhe glanced at him. Does president Lei have the idea of making a mobile phone now?