Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 128

On Wednesday, January 7, Fang zhe flew to Jianghai. Before they came back from the United States, the fat man rushed back the next day to marry Yingying after a long separation. Fang Zhe\'s visit was to inspect the preparations for the launch of the international version of Jianghai studio happy farm.

Jiang Che, the person in charge of Jianghai studio, was found by Zheng Siwen through headhunting. Fang zhe only met him when Jianghai studio was established, but Fang zhe was deeply impressed by his details and materials.

When he was a teenager, he immigrated to Canada with his parents and got a master\'s degree from the University of Toronto. Before returning home, he spent a few years in Yubi MONTRELl studio. Fang zhe had heard that he personally participated in the production of the first part of Assassin\'s creed, so he made a decision directly.

Jiang Che did not disappoint Fang Zhe. According to the small-scale internal test data and player feedback of happy farm International Edition overseas, the adjusted taste of this game can basically meet the potential users in most overseas regions.

The total number of people in Jianghai studio exceeds 30, which is more than the five minute number of the original company of happy farm, which has expanded a lot. The reason is that more than half of these people are operators. According to the plan made by Fang Zhe and Huizhong executives at the previous meeting, the international version of happy farm will be fully tested overseas on January 10.

At that time, more than a dozen advertising partners that Fang Zhe and his colleagues talked about in the United States will advertise on Facebook, Google, Yahoo and other network platforms. This alone will cost more than 8 million.

In addition, the initial deployment of cloud servers by the operation Department is up to 500 groups, and more groups of servers are ready to be added at any time, which also costs nearly 1 million yuan.

In addition to the salaries of developers and operators and other miscellaneous expenses, it can be clearly said that the international version of happy farm is a game that costs tens of millions of dollars to develop. With this order of magnitude of investment, it is definitely the first in the world in the page game industry.

Fang Zhe and Jiang Che stroll in the garden near the Jianghai studio office building. Fang zhe also hopes that such an environment can relax the atmosphere of chatting with each other.

"When did you go to Canada?" Fang zhe asked casually.

"In 1993, I was 15 years old and just graduated from junior high school in China!" Jiang Che was not very restrained. When he first met Fang Zhe, the big boss of the head office, he was really surprised. Like most people who first met Fang Zhe, he thought Fang zhe was a rich second generation.

It was not until he entered the company for a period of time that he learned about the boss\'s mysterious wealth history. In Jiang Che\'s view, the boss\'s life after the age of 20 was just like opening the door. In just half a year, he changed from an ordinary college student to a top rich man worth tens of millions today.

"Then why do you want to return home for development?" Fang zhe asked again.

Jiang Che replied, "when I was a child, I grew up in China. Many primary and junior high school students were here, and many relatives were here. Personally, I still like the domestic environment. Abroad, I always have a feeling that I am a foreigner."

Fang zhe nodded. Although many well-off families have emigrated overseas in the years after the reform and opening up, many of their children have chosen to return home for development.

"President Fang, I\'ve always wanted to ask you a question. Why did you spend so much money on a page tour?" Jiang Che asked the doubts buried in his heart. When he first came to Jianghai studio, he couldn\'t understand why the company spent so much money on a social page tour.

Even though he knows that this game has been popular in China, because he has been responsible for five minute docking research and development, he also knows the current flow data of this game. From its launch to now, the total flow of this game on the whole platform has only exceeded 5 million. In this case, Fang zhe has smashed tens of millions to make overseas versions of this game, It made him feel a little strange.

This means that Jiang Che has been abroad for a long time. If someone else is responsible, he may not ask his boss such questions before the game is about to go online.

Fang zhe looked at him, smiled and asked, "how about the test data of this game?"

Jiang Che looked at him suspiciously. He had just reported the test data of the game to him two days ago. However, after all, he was the boss. When the boss asked a question, he had to answer, "it\'s not bad. The user viscosity is very high. It\'s the same as that in China. There is a trend of virus transmission."

Fang zhe picked a leaf from the green belt beside him, played with it twice and threw it away. He said, "that\'s OK. When you spent tens of millions of dollars to make the assassin\'s creed in Yubi montlear, what did you think?"

Jiang Che said without hesitation: "I think this must be a well-made game. Up to now, I am honored to participate in the production of this game."

Fang zhe smiled and said, "that\'s right. Spending more money is to make better games. It also costs a lot of money to promote. It\'s also because we believe in the quality of this game. 3A masterpiece certainly has its charm, but this social game we make is not bad.

You can also see the test data and the feedback from many players. This is a bigger game than 3a. It has a wider audience and is easier for most people to like and indulge in.

Moreover, it does not require as much hardware as those 3A games. I have always stressed that you should do a good job in optimization, in the hope that our games can be played wherever you can open the web page in the world. "

Jiang Che listened to him and nodded thoughtfully.


Fang zhe stayed in Jianghai for a long time and flew back to Yanjing. He didn\'t think of going back after the international public beta of happy farm was launched. One of the reasons is that Jianghai studio has checked and rehearsed various situations that may be encountered in the public beta for many times. Fang Zhe, the big boss, has no other use except to put pressure on them.

The second reason is that Fang zhe received a call from his teacher Yan Xiao, saying that he helped Fang zhe make an appointment with President Lei in Jinshan. The time is this Saturday, just the same day as the international public beta of happy farm.

According to teacher Yan Xiao, Lei will always go skiing at a ski resort in Zhangjiakou and let Fang zhe go directly at that time.

Fang zhe didn\'t have much to say about the wonderful place the teacher asked. Fortunately, Fang zhe had snowed several times in his previous life. Although Fang zhe didn\'t dare to go to the advanced track of 60 or 70 degrees, Fang zhe felt that his strength was more than enough for the intermediate track of 40 or 50 degrees.