Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 127

Fang zhe drank two cups of coffee and said, "to tell you the truth, I\'m not a regular angel investor, and you\'re not a serious entrepreneur. We\'re both half weight. Although I agree with you, I can also directly invest money to support you to open a company and operate the CocoaChina forum.

However, whether it is a forum or a company, if you want to live, you must be self-sufficient. I can invest money for you now, but when the money is burned out next year or the next year?

Other entrepreneurs can still tell a few stories with a PPT to convince investors that they may make money. It\'s good for you to tell me directly that they don\'t aim at profit. Well, even if they don\'t aim at profit, can you support yourself in the future and the forum? I think you, as the forum leader, should think about these things clearly? "

Liu Qun smiled helplessly and said, "I know what you said, but whether at home or abroad, I\'ve never seen any profitable technology forums. Many technology forums can live by donations from forum friends. It\'s true that everyone hasn\'t found any good profit direction."

Fang zhe thought for a moment. It seems that Liu Qun has fallen into a dead end and always wants to make money from the surface of the forum. However, it can\'t be blamed on him. Before that, most technical forums lived miserably. Even if the industry explored several profit models a few years later, most of them actually offset part of the operating costs. If you really want to make money, the technical forums, I\'m afraid it can\'t be called a technology forum.

Although Fang zhe had some related ideas, they were also immature ideas. However, for the purpose of discussing and enlightening Liu Qun, Fang zhe still spoke out:

"Do you think those IT training institutions now make money?"

"Earn ah, how can they drive without making money?" Liu Qun answered very directly.

Fang zhe said, "that\'s enough. Although most of the forum friends who come to our forum are for the purpose of exchange and learning, if the forum can cooperate with some training institutions, they can recover some introduction fees!"

Liu Qun shook his head and said, "no, the training institutions are too deceptive. Cooperating with them will damage the reputation of our forum."

"Brother, you\'re labeling! Why are training institutions cheating? This industry is chaotic, but there are always so many forum friends on the forum. You really think everyone can learn by themselves!" Fang zhe said nothing to his labeling mentality.

Obviously, Liu Qun\'s high and cold academic background is very dismissive of training institutions, but the existence of training institutions has its own value. Fang zhe believes that in China, at least more than half of college students have jobs that are incompatible with their majors, and they want to change careers, such as entering the it industry, Can this road only be blocked?

The irregularities of China\'s reeducation industry are the value of training institutions, and also one of the reasons for the frequent occurrence of chaos in this industry. Although most people make complaints about training institutions, their basic theoretical level is generally worse than that of academic departments, but conversely, many people from different academic backgrounds are not as good as those of training institutions.

For example, it practitioners with professional background can be regarded as recruits who have been trained in orthodox methods for several years, while it practitioners with training institution background can be regarded as recruits who have been trained in surprise for several months.

The arrival of the mobile Internet era is like a war. It is a war faced by the whole IT industry. When the recruits who have been trained for several years can\'t use it, they can only rely on the method of assault training to train a batch of recruits directly to the battlefield.

"Let me ask you, do you think you can teach better talents by cooperating with training institutions, or do you expect all forum friends to become talents by themselves, or do you think that with our current energy, we can directly cooperate with a university to let them help us cultivate talents?"

The questions asked by Fang zhe made Liu Qun mute directly. Yes, what else can we do? In the current reality, it is the best choice to cooperate with training institutions.

"If you only want to be a technical exchange forum, I\'m sorry I can\'t vote for you. If you want to help China\'s Internet industry cultivate some talents, or help us Huizhong cultivate some reserve army, I can consider voting for you. We Huizhong don\'t have the ability to run any universities, but we can afford to invest in one or two training institutions." Fang zhe said bluntly.

"You don\'t have a good impression of training institutions, just because there are many training institutions that only want to pit money, but it doesn\'t mean that they don\'t do well. For example, New Oriental in the English industry, I don\'t deny that they are becoming more and more interested in profit, but they do help many people realize their dream of going abroad, and there are all kinds of course counseling classes everywhere in the streets without them The existence of, those poor students want to make up lessons, who to go to? Do they all ask for tutors? How many families can afford it?

What others do is not standard, which does not mean that what we do is not standard. If you really want to do it, I can invest money to help you start. Now we are also short of talents in this field. You can try to set up a training class for dozens of people first. As long as the technical level is qualified, I will guarantee your employment and ensure that our own training institution in the future is it re education Huangpu Military Academy in the education industry! "

Fang Zhe\'s words really moved Liu Qun. If it\'s really like what Fang zhe said, he\'s also very willing to try to be a training institution. Relying on the CocoaChina forum to recruit students, he has more advantages than ordinary training institutions. Moreover, if Huizhong can ensure employment, I believe many forum friends will be willing to try.

"OK, I just want to give you a direction. In addition, the recruitment you said is really a good direction. Although there are no people on the market to recruit Apple Mobile development talents, you can see it when the iPhone enters China in the future? At that time, I\'m afraid your students are all delicious cakes in the hands of enterprises!

You\'d better go back and think about it. At least make a PPT and come back to me. You just let me invest in money in a few words. Don\'t you seem that I\'m very casual? "

When Fang zhe said this, Liu Qun showed a happy face. It seems that Fang zhe has promised to invest, but he doesn\'t know how much he can invest in himself? How many shares? Liu Qun is about to open his mouth to test. Fang zhe has seen his mind.

Fang zhe opened his mouth and said, "you calculate what capital you have, and then think about how much money you want from me. You want to understand how much it is, how much it is!"

Fang zhe doesn\'t care much about whether he can control cocoa China. Although this forum has great influence in the technology industry, it doesn\'t make much money. As long as he can speak, although Fang zhe thinks so, Liu Qun said bitterly after some thinking and calculation:

"I find that I really don\'t have much capital. Including all the assets of CocoaChina forum, it\'s worth more than 100000. I originally wanted to pull 500000 from you to invest in the company, so that at least I can account for 30% of the shares, but now, if I set up a training institution, I\'m afraid"

Fang zhe put the coffee cup on the table and said: "I\'ll invest you 1 million yuan. As long as you can train 50 qualified Apple developers for me within four months, your ability is worth 30% of the shares. If you have a technical level, when you come to our company next time with a detailed business plan, I\'ll ask the technical director of our company to put forward requirements for you, but you have to find the teacher yourself. I don\'t have any free staff here, but Instead, you can organize employees to give lectures to your students occasionally. "


Looking at Liu Qun leaving with a happy face, Fang zhe shook his head with sigh. At present, there are still too few mobile Internet talents in China. Huizhong always expects how social recruitment can do if it wants to expand rapidly around the world. I\'m afraid only enterprises and training institutions can meet the needs of Huizhong\'s rapid expansion.

This is just Apple development. If you point to the market to train talents for you, considering the future Android development, cloud computing and so on, it can only be played by others.

Therefore, Fang Zhe\'s original idea of buying the car in full has become an installment payment, with a down payment of more than 500000 to pick up the car, and the remaining more than 1 million, pay slowly!

Fang zhe feels that this one million yuan in his own hands is much more valuable than the extra interest. For example, if he invests in several start-up companies that are bound to catch fire in the future, will it be a thousand times more in a few years?