Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 126

Although he is as old as Zhe, Liu Qun is still a little reserved when he meets Fang zhe for the first time. In front of Gein, he is likely to be his future gold owner.

After a brief self introduction, they got to the point. Although they met for the first time, they had chatted many times on the Internet, so there was no difference. After a chat, Liu Qun also let go of a lot from the recent development of CocoaChina forum to the prospect of domestic Apple development.

Fang zhe doesn\'t have any formality. His experience over the past six months and his worth of tens of millions have indeed given Fang zhe a lot of confidence. Let alone an ordinary forum leader, even if he meets several big men of Lei zongbat in Jinshan in the future, I believe Fang zhe will never lose his face. You have your identity and status, but my brothers, It\'s young and promising now, isn\'t it?

"President Fang, you can also hear that I just hope to make the CocoaChina forum bigger and better, but limited by my personal conditions, I have to ask you to come here." Liu Qun is now asking for Fang Zhe, so the age gap between the two people is directly ignored.

Fang zhe didn\'t care about it. These days, he has been used to people who are "on the surface" many years older than him calling him president Fang, and his words are full of "you".

Fang zhe agrees and supports Liu Qun\'s plan to expand the CocoaChina forum. At present, the domestic mobile Internet industry is ready to go. If Fang zhe remembers correctly, it should be January 7 in two days. The three operators will publicly get the 3G operation license.

This also marks that China is about to enter the era of China\'s mobile Internet. Web2.0, Nokia Changhong and Xiaozhiling, which have been shouting for many years, will also become 3G, mobile Internet outlet, Samsung and LG smart phones.

These are just things at the performance level. Behind them, it also means the change in the technical direction of IT talents, from PC technology to mobile development technology. Mobile development technology is divided into two factions, one is the IOS faction built around the apple Appstore ecosystem, and the other is the Android faction built by Google and various Android camp mobile phone manufacturers.

If we can build and build a mobile technology development talent training system at this time, we believe that Huizhong will have many advantages in talent selection and industry status in the future. Fang zhe thinks of the recruitment difficulties of Huizhong when it was just founded and the uneven talent level in the adjacent new year\'s market, In the future, if Huizhong wants to quickly occupy the first advantage in the mobile Internet industry, it may really become a constraint on the talent reserve.

Therefore, when Liu Qun proposed to let Fang zhe invest in cocoa China Forum, Fang zhe agreed to meet him without thinking. Even if he didn\'t find himself now, he also had the idea to find him years later.

Fang zhe stirred the coffee and asked with a smile, "so you have the idea of starting a company?"

"Yes, now the number of registered people of the forum has exceeded 2000. I can\'t manage it alone. Although there are moderators to help manage each section, I am responsible for the maintenance, development and upgrading of the forum.

And I\'ve been idle at home for a long time. My wife and children have to eat. Now I think, either go out and find a job, or find someone to do a good job in the forum. "

Liu Qun\'s explanation did not come out of Fang Zhe\'s expectation. In his previous life, he also partnered with investors to establish touch technology, but at that time, it was more than a year later than now.

Therefore, Fang zhe asked curiously, "why do you have the idea of looking for me to invest?"

Liu Qun glanced at him and said honestly, "I know you as a rich man!"

There is also this truth. Fang zhe listened to his answer and wondered. It turned out that you didn\'t start touch until more than a year later in your previous life because you didn\'t know the rich!

Well, for the time being, this is a reason. Fang Zhe is also happy. This is the first time. He heard from others that he is a rich man. If one day, he heard from a beautiful woman: "I like you not because of how good you are, but because you are handsome!"

Fang zhe feels that he is the legendary tall, rich and handsome. Yes, Fang Zhe is still confident in his height.

However, Fang zhe was not dazzled by Liu Qun\'s honest cunning. He still asked his most concerned questions:

"Do you think cocoa can make a profit in the future? Or what is its future profit direction?"

This question is probably asked by every investor. Even if Fang zhe wants to fund the cocoa China forum free of charge, the money invested by Fang zhe will always be spent. What should we do then? Can Fang zhe continue to invest or simply pull Huizhong in for investment? Although this can be done, it is not in the interests of a normal investor.

Liu Qun pondered for a long time. Before he came, he had thought that Fang zhe might ask himself this question. Since he came to ask him for investment, he naturally thought about these questions.

To tell the truth, after thinking for so long, he still didn\'t really want to understand what CocoaChina will make money in the future. The only thing he can think of is that Fang zhe was inspired by advertising in their forum last time and engaged in enterprise recruitment, but it\'s hard to say whether this can balance the operating costs, not to mention making money. Therefore, when he called Fang Zhe, I\'m still very nervous. But how do you know if you can succeed without trying?

Liu Qun pondered for a long time and opened his mouth honestly: "the only thing I think of now is to publish some enterprise recruitment advertisements in the future after the popularity of the forum is high, and offset some operating costs by charging enterprises. As for making money, I really haven\'t thought of any good way yet."

"Shit, you\'ve failed in your investment? Even if you don\'t have PPT, you can\'t even boast." Fang zhe thought depressed. In this way, you still want me to invest for you. Do you already know that I will definitely invest?

Fang zhe was thinking, and Liu Qun opened his mouth and said, "I wanted to establish this forum. Originally, I didn\'t want to make a profit. I just hope that people who study Apple development can have a place to communicate with each other, so I hope you can understand."

"Well, who made me a programmer? Of course, I understand what you people who only want technology but not business think. Wouldn\'t the world be full of copper smell without you?

Isn\'t it a group of people who make the domestic android network, open source China, and foreign GitHub and stackoverflow. "Although Fang zhe comes from it and agrees with their values, he still hopes that as the person in charge of CocoaChina in the future, he can be together with Philistines. How can people who are not Philistines support their families?

Therefore, Fang zhe still plans to beat Liu Qun\'s wooden head.