Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 125

Fang zhe doesn\'t worry about losing his bet with Zheng Siwen at all. Judging from the current popularity of happy farm in China and the small-scale measurement data of the international version of happy farm conducted by Jianghai studio a few days ago, I\'m afraid this game will continue its track of previous lives and create miracles one after another until Fang Zhe\'s rebirth, There has never been any page game that can fire it, and there has never been any page game that can have such a huge and terrible user group as it.

To be frank, "happy farm" is a prosperous identifier for China\'s web game industry and even the world\'s web game industry. Since its emergence, the web game industry, like mobile games, has not been the mainstream of the game industry. Since its emergence, although the web game industry has briefly become a hot pastry in the eyes of major game companies, But because of the arrival of the mobile Internet era, it soon lost its dazzling position and gave way to mobile games.


In 2009, Huizhong company has a new goal and overall plan. If Huizhong was just established last year to gain a firm foothold in the mobile game and page game platform industries, one of Huizhong\'s goals since this year is to maintain a leading position in these two industries.

Therefore, Huizhong has entered a new round of rapid enrollment expansion. However, although the Gregorian new year has just passed, the Chinese Lunar New Year is coming. The time is January 26 of the Gregorian calendar, and there are only more than ten days left. Therefore, although Huizhong has accelerated the pace of recruitment and expansion during this period, it is still in the market, There are not many talents whose level can be seen in the past. The uneven interviewers have wasted a lot of time for several heads of various departments.

So Fang zhe decided to stop recruiting new people for the time being and wait for years. Anyway, according to Zheng Siwen, even if these new people are recruited now, they have to wait for years to report, because there are few empty office spaces left in the office on the fifth floor where Huizhong company is located. The office on the sixth floor and the whole floor upstairs has been decorated, but for the health of employees, The decoration master suggested that they hang it for a period of time and move it up after years.

These days, people from the administration department also put a lot of activated carbon and various flowers and plants absorbing formaldehyde in the office on the sixth floor. It\'s really hard. I don\'t know if they will be poisoned.

Although people are not recruited, it does not mean that all departments of the technology department can be idle. Needless to say, they are all busy with their own projects and logistics departments such as administration and personnel. These days, they are busy organizing the annual meeting of the company.

This year is the first annual meeting held by Huizhong since its establishment. Fang zhe also attaches great importance to it. There can be no less program lottery. In terms of funds, Huizhong is rich and powerful. Fang zhe has specially allocated 2 million yuan to hold this annual meeting.

In addition, although the company has only been established for a few months and many employees are newcomers, the year-end bonus that should be paid still has to be paid, ranging from the most ordinary 1000 yuan incentive fund to two or three months of half a year salary. Many newcomers in the two groups, such as fruit games and don\'t step on white blocks, get more bonuses than their salary since they joined the company.

Shen Liang, who is known as the fastest promotion and salary increase of quanhuizhong, found that his income has exceeded one million since the project bonus last month. Therefore, he has become the second millionaire of quanhuizhong. He is a millionaire under the age of 30. Only their old board fangzhe is above him.

As for senior executives such as Li Yifei and Chen Yimei, according to the contract agreement they signed when they joined Huizhong, in addition to wages and bonuses, some of them belong to shareholders\' dividends. However, according to the current development of Huizhong, everyone agrees with Fang Zhe\'s decision not to pay dividends for the time being.

In addition, the 3 million people who had not settled the transfer of the copyright of the fruit games for Fang zhe because they were worried about the financial pressure of Huizhong are now quietly lying on Fang Zhe\'s card. It is also because of this money that Fang zhe has been thinking about buying a car for a long time and appears in his mind again.

It\'s almost the new year. If you can drive a good car when you go home, I\'m afraid it\'s also the best way to prove your achievements to your parents. It also saves them from worrying about their business failure. They don\'t want to spend money recklessly. If they have money, they have to spend it. It\'s the practice of the poor to leave their money in the bank.

In this way of thinking, Fang zhe patiently turned over all kinds of riders\' forums these two days. Although we don\'t need money, we also have to make efforts to buy a good car, don\'t we? What\'s not suitable to change again? Fang zhe doesn\'t have it here. It\'s a waste of money!

Compared with ordinary cars, Fang zhe prefers off-road vehicles. One of the reasons is that off-road vehicles are generally large, cool and domineering.

In his previous life, I remember that every time I parked in the garage downstairs of the company, I saw the Toyota bully next to him, which was several models larger than his own car. Fang zhe felt that he would be scrapped if he touched someone else. In his previous life, if there was no accident in the accident, maybe his new car would be Toyota bully!

But now, the model selected by Fang Zhe is the range rover and Toyota, which is a bit out of line with the boss\'s worth. Moreover, in a few years, there will be a period of fierce Anti Japanese in China. Fang zhe doesn\'t want his car to be smashed by irrational patriotic young people one day.

Although the Land Rover brand was sold to Tata group of India by Ford in March last year, and it is also advertised as a "upstart" special vehicle in China, it is still very popular with Fang Zhe in terms of appearance, so Fang zhe doesn\'t care about these. In a sense, Fang Zhe is indeed an upstart. After all, more than six months ago, He\'s just a college loser with thousands of dollars.

However, Fang Zhe\'s idea of spending more than 1.5 million yuan to buy a car was lost by Liu Qun, the forum owner of CocoaChina forum.

At that time, Fang zhe had just finished taking a shower and was ready to go to bed. Before that, he had decided to buy a full range rover. He planned to go directly to the 4S store introduced by Zheng Siwen to collect the car tomorrow afternoon. He didn\'t want Liu Qun to call and said he hoped Fang zhe could invest in the CocoaChina forum.

Fang zhe called him when he first came to Yanjing, but they never called and always used QQ. This time, Liu Qun called Fang zhe directly. Fang zhe thought it was a liar at first. Fang zhe didn\'t understand that it was the forum owner until he asked several questions and confirmed Liu Qun\'s identity.

"How could this guy have the idea of looking for his own investment?" with such doubts, Fang zhe met Liu Qun at a cafe near Huizhong company the next morning.

This is also the first time Fang zhe has seen Liu Qun in reality. Because it is winter, he is also wrapped very tightly. However, he can still see that he is too fat. In addition, he is over 30. His hair has shown signs of balding. Wearing a pair of gold framed glasses, he looks a little different.