Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 124

Fang zhe looked at him suspiciously. He should know this better than himself. When he came back this time, he also learned about the company\'s income during this period. If there was no public opinion crisis, I\'m afraid he should be immersed in the joy of becoming a billionaire and looking at Zheng Siwen\'s eyes. Fang zhe said:

"What\'s the matter? Didn\'t the page tour platform settle the net profit of more than 30 million last month? And by next Wednesday, Apple should remit us nearly 20 million share of the fruit games in November last year."

When Fang zhe said it himself, Zheng Siwen interrupted and exclaimed, "yes, I\'m afraid you\'ll be a billionaire in a few months!"

He never thought that because he chose to start a business with Fang Zhe, he could become a multimillionaire in such a short time! Fang Zhe, the younger brother of a college student who needed to borrow tens of thousands of yuan from him a few months ago, has become the boss of a company with hundreds of people and a billionaire. I\'m afraid there should be no second self-made rich generation like him in China!

Zheng Siwen sighed a few words and said, "do you know the current valuation of Twitter and Facebook? Twitter raised $15 million in May last year, and the valuation at that time was $80 million. Now there are rumors in the investment circle that they may carry out round C financing this spring, and the target valuation is $250 million.

As for Facebook, the last time Facebook raised capital was in October 2007, when Microsoft invested 240 million US dollars to take up 1.6% of the shares of Facebook. According to this ratio, the valuation of Facebook was as high as 15 billion US dollars at that time. Now it has been a year and a half, you "

Fang zhe understood what he meant. He was just saying that he was a little overconfident, but at least I\'m a multimillionaire, and I\'m still your boss. You have so little confidence in me?

Fang zhe joked: "yes, I can\'t afford it. It\'s the same as someone didn\'t believe that page swimming water can exceed 100 million. It\'s also the same as someone didn\'t expect that he casually found a smelly boy to start a business, and he became a multimillionaire in a few months."

Hearing Fang zhe joking, Zheng Siwen thought, yes, at the beginning, he didn\'t believe that Fang zhe could achieve today\'s achievements, nor did he believe that page tour could flow hundreds of millions of dollars every month, but what about today?

The legend of MafA, which was mainly promoted by their Zhongle platform, had a total flow of nearly 60 million last month, and the total flow of all games on the whole platform added up to more than 70 million. However, the Zhongle platform was only publicly tested on the 13th of last month, which is only equivalent to the data in the first half of a month. Next, their platform will mainly promote the world domination with better data, and Jieyou has been controlled by their company, More than 60% of the profits belong to them.

In addition, these days, I heard Li Yifei say that these days when they are not in China, the door of Huizhong is almost broken by developers. Originally, Li Yifei also said to go to the south to talk about game cooperation. As a result, the boss of other people\'s company rushed to the door for cooperation. I believe that it will not be long before the goal of running more than 100 million on the whole platform of page game platform and more than 100 million on a single game per month, It will come true.

Thinking of these, Zheng Siwen suddenly felt that all the impossibilities he thought would become possible or even inevitable here.

Zheng Siwen took a sip of tea, smiled and punched Fang Zhe, smiled and scolded, "smelly boy is still kidding me. Do you have any idea?"

Fang Zhefang shook his head and said, "we don\'t have enough money in China, so I seem to have seen a lot of dollars waving to us when the international version of happy farm went online. Look, that\'s our owner, boss Fang Zhefang!"

Zheng Siwen listened to his nonsense. While his heart was funny, he also believed his statement. Seeing is believing. The five minute company invested by Fang zhe more than a month ago has now become a dark horse and tomorrow star in the domestic page tour R & D company.

Happy farm, produced by their company, has swept all major sns social platforms in China in recent months, from happy net to campus net, and then to the 51 community established by 51wan company. For all social networks with friend relationship chain, this game is so popular that it can\'t work. On the water, because Huizhong has a five minute investment relationship, they also have detailed data, As of new year\'s Day 2009, the running water of happy farm in the two months since the internal test has exceeded 5 million, and the net profit of the company in five minutes has also exceeded 2 million.

Of course, the data is pitiful compared with the games they gathered, but this is entirely because QQ space, the largest sns social platform in China, has been indifferent to it. It has neither made any open platform nor come to talk about cooperation for five minutes. For this, Fang zhe only said: "wait patiently!"

Looking at Fang Zhe\'s confident expression, Zheng Siwen asked curiously, "are you so optimistic about this game? Do you estimate how much water can be? 30 million?"

Fang zhe looked at him and stretched out two fingers. After a moment, one of the fingers bent down again. Zheng Siwen was puzzled. He asked:

"Aren\'t you optimistic about this game? Why do you think you can only make 10 million?"

Fang zhe shook his head. Zheng Siwen looked at him shaking his head, saw his half bent fingers and said:

"Even if it\'s 15 million, it doesn\'t make much difference. It\'s far worse than I expected."

Fang zhe looked at him, sighed and said:

"I don\'t think you have any confidence in our products. Can\'t I be 150 million with one and a half fingers!"

Zheng Siwen stared at him for a long time before he said:

"Crazy, ah Zhe, you must be crazy about money! I think we should all go back to bed early. I think you need to rest now!"

Fang zhe stood up and helplessly spread his hands: "just think I\'m crazy! Let\'s see!"

Before going out, Zheng Siwen turned back and said to Fang Zhe, "I\'ll start preparing for the offshore company next week, but if it doesn\'t cost 150 million, you\'ll run around the company naked! If it costs 150 million, I\'ll run around the company naked. Dare you bet?"

Seeing Fang zhe shaking his head, Zheng Siwen smiled proudly. Sample, if you boast again, you can\'t cure you.

Don\'t want the next moment, Fang zhe said: "I think the bet is too small. Why don\'t we take off our pants and leave only our underwear?"

Zheng Siwen looked at him speechless, then clenched his teeth and said, "well, it\'s a deal. Don\'t think about going back, or I\'ll pick your pants myself!"

Fang zhe doesn\'t care about this: "it\'s not certain who picks whose pants!"

In the previous life, Zynga made $50 million or $60 million a month by relying on the overseas version of happy farm. It started with $3.4 billion in RMB. Man, as a reborn world, do I make more than $1.2 billion a month?