Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 123

Fang zhe rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "powerless! Deeply powerless!"

This is the first time Fang zhe has felt powerless about what happened to him and Huizhong since his rebirth. Since his rebirth for more than half a year, Fang zhe has a sense of wisdom because of the advantages of his rebirth, from making the first small game to starting the company to developing and growing to the present.

Until this time, he felt that things happened so suddenly. Fang zhe can be sure that there must be no such public opinion in the United States at the same time in his previous life, because at this time in his previous life, Huizhong and the fruit games did not exist at all.

"I also have the same feeling as you. I wonder if this time, without Apple standing in front of us, we Huizhong\'s excellent business overseas will come to an abrupt end. Like us, many Chinese companies and enterprises have to withdraw from the overseas market because of such things when they go to sea." Zheng Siwen sighed.

Yes, so many Chinese enterprises have lost their halberds. In previous lives, ZTE and Huawei, the two pride of China\'s telecommunications industry, have been disgraced by the U.S. government many times. However, this time, Huizhong didn\'t even rub against the edge of the U.S. government. He felt great pressure. Fang zhe thought that what Huizhong is doing now, even in previous lives, no Chinese company has done it. This is not just rewriting history, but rewriting new history!

Zheng Siwen\'s mood seems to be a little depressed: "now it\'s just the game business, which is so difficult. We really want to make mobile IM software in the future, I\'m afraid"

Fang zhe gently put the teacup in his hand on the table. His eyes were no longer weak and negative. He calmly said:

"Brother mosquito, soldiers come to block, water and earth cover up. We can make up for which is our weakness. We can beat Americans in the mobile game industry. In other industries, we can also hang them!"

Zheng Siwen was infected by Fang Zhe\'s tone of voice, and his originally depressed mood calmed down a lot.

Fang zhe said: "this public opinion crisis has exposed one of our weaknesses, that is, although we have launched the game business overseas, we have not deeply rooted in the overseas soil.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of Americans and other foreigners, we Huizhong only made money in the past. If we have invested enterprises and enough partners in the United States, I believe anyone who wants to move us has to weigh their strength.

In addition, we do not have any media relations overseas. Once we are attacked by some overseas media, public opinion will easily form an adverse environment for us. "

Hearing Fang Zhe\'s words, Zheng Siwen regained his composure and rationality in the past. Although it was late at night, his thoughts were more organized and clear. He said:

"Yes, there are conservative forces and radical forces everywhere. Similarly, there are different interest groups everywhere. There is an old saying in China that a strong dragon does not suppress the local snake. Even if we gather our people in China and go overseas, if we just make money, we are easy to be attacked by local vested interests.

This time, apple is willing to stand up and help us. One reason is that the spearhead behind the public opinion is directly directed at them, and the other is that we have indeed made a lot of money for apple. If our game is just an ordinary game on the Appstore, I\'m afraid Apple won\'t care about our life and death. "

Although it sounds cruel, it is true that this is the reality.

"This time we have apple to support us, but next time? Huizhong\'s overseas business has just started, and we will certainly face more competitors and various crises in the future. If we really want to do global im in the future, I\'m afraid its danger and difficulty will be more than dozens of times stronger than now!"

Fang zhe finished this sentence and continued:

"So I decided that the short board we gathered here must be mended!"

"Oh?" Zheng Siwen heard Fang zhe say so and knew that he had an idea.

"It\'s time for us to consider registering an offshore company."

Fang zhe simply said that Zheng Siwen immediately opened his mind. Yes, in the process of globalization of countless multinational companies around the world, the organizational form of offshore companies has played a great role. From taxation to law to overseas investment, offshore companies have too many advantages over pure overseas companies.

Fang zhe continued:

"Our current game business is indeed difficult to form common interests with overseas local enterprises, but there is a real competitive relationship. For example, this time, many American media accused apple of favoring overseas companies, saying that Huizhong has overwhelmed American companies. For American media and the U.S. government, American companies are their own people, and Huizhong is just an outsider 。

Therefore, I think we can consider investing in local game studios or game companies in the United States to share part of our overseas business, but also reduce the resistance of American media and conservative forces to us. "

Zheng Siwen nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, this is a good solution. Although overseas investment companies are sometimes criticized by public opinion, they have brought employment and tax benefits to the local area after all. The pressure of public opinion is much smaller than now. In addition, I think it is not only the United States, including Europe, Japan and South Korea, but also need to invest or set up local studios."

Fang zhe glanced at him and said with a smile: "yes, Rb should also be there. Last time we were rejected by that little Rb in the United States, we have to pay back. As for Europe, I don\'t think it\'s necessary for the time being. The game hobbies of European players basically don\'t have much gap with the United States, not as special as the RB market."

Zheng Siwen nodded and said, "listen to you. You know more about specific business than I do."

Fang zhe took two sips of tea on the table. Although it was late at night, his spirit was even higher because of the content of the conversation.

"In addition to establishing a game studio, we may have to spend some money to invest in other overseas companies." Zheng Siwen didn\'t understand Fang Zhe\'s words. He asked in surprise:

"You mean?"

Fang zhe leaned on the sofa, found a comfortable position and said, "new media and future mobile Internet startups! For example, twitter and Facebook!"

Zheng Siwen raised his hand and said, "stop! Ah Zhe, do you know how much money we have on our books now?"