Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 122

Compared with the 140000 comments on the fruit games, the number of comments on "don\'t step on the white block" is only more than 5000. However, it is no exception. The total evaluation of the game is 5 stars. The 5-star comment bar is close to the full grid. For other stars at the bottom, you can see a little except 4 stars, and you can\'t see any comment bars of other stars at all.

Players\' comments are also diverse.

"The first time I play a music game on my mobile phone, I just want to say one word, perfect!"

"Don\'t step on the white block, step on the black block, don\'t step on the white block, step on the black block, don\'t step on the white block, step on the black block... Don\'t step on the black block, step on the white block, my brain has fallen into a dead cycle!"

"Pit dad, isn\'t this game a free game? Why did I charge $10 and unlock some of my favorite songs!"

"It\'s good to spend $10 to talk? I directly spent $279 to unlock all the songs when I entered the game. Thank you!"

"Hehe, American chicken dishes, your emperor Kevin said here that in the hand speed game, you can only compete for the second place!"

"The local tyrant in the comment area claimed to have spent $279 to unlock all the songs. You probably didn\'t see the option to download new songs online at the bottom of the music list? I saw that their official music library updated more than 20 new songs yesterday, all of which are new pop songs!"

"Scum needs to spend money to unlock the song. Dare you play the challenge of 100 drills a game? The background picture of Laozi\'s new song is all expected to crush your hands and win diamonds!"


"I want to see here. You should have understood why this game ranked second in the best seller list?" Mary once again interrupted the media reporters who enjoyed watching the comments. After the reporters\' attention returned to themselves, Mary continued:

"This game can climb to the first place in the free list in such a short time. One is its excellent game quality, and the other is that its developer Huizhong company has made a video promotion of this game in their other game fruit games. I believe many people here should also know about it.

In addition, I would also like to say that if Apple really intends to favor this Chinese company, the position of this game for the first time should be on our recommendation list! I even have to say that this is our dereliction of duty. Such a good game has not been recommended to our beloved Apple users at the first time of its release. "

Mary said this, put the manuscript aside, looked up and said:

"Let\'s talk about the announcement and clarification of public opinion. Next, let\'s invite the media and journalists present to ask questions."

Mary has just finished her words. The reporter of macrumors, the technology media that has been waiting for a long time, raised his hand first! As can be seen from the name, this media is a media that specializes in reporting Apple related news. Tens of millions of fans obsessed with Apple products all over the world are their readers. Therefore, some netizens joked that the reporter of this media probably knows apple better than Apple\'s management.

"Macrumors, Mr. Jeremy!" Mary directly ignored other reporters who raised their hands and first gave her most familiar macrumors and reporter Jeremy the opportunity. Although this media is not owned by apple, almost all the news reported is related to their company. In terms of relevant news reports, it is generally biased towards apple, So Mary directly chose this "confidant" first.

"Hello, Mary, as far as I know, the source of this public opinion report on your company is the famous game magazine GameInformer in the United States. I don\'t know what your company thinks about it?" Jeremy has been a regular guest of Apple\'s various press conferences, so he stood up to ask questions and directly omitted the initial self introduction.

"On this issue, I think all of you here have understood the relevant contents of this report. For the false accusations and slanders against apple and China Huizhong, our company reserves legal channels to pursue the editors and authors of this report.

At the same time, as a magazine under Gamestop, the largest video game and entertainment software retail giant in the United States, GameInformer arbitrarily publishes relevant reports that slander our company without verification. We also reserve the right to investigate the legal responsibility of Gamestop.

In addition, I also want to say that whether it\'s TV, console, PC games or mobile games, they all respond to the market and develop according to the needs of users and consumers. We Apple launched Appstore just to provide Apple\'s iPhone and iTouch users with a better life and entertainment experience, so I hope others don\'t speculate about it. "

The media and reporters here can hear the hidden meaning of Mary\'s answer. The emergence of apple Appstore has led to the rise of mobile games that were not very mainstream, which has made many console and PC game developers and operators retailers feel a threat. The hidden lines Mary answered to the effect that we know who did the ghost, but for everyone\'s sake, Forget it this time. If you keep pestering, you can only see it in court.

After Jeremy sat down, Mary chose an influential comprehensive news media, the Washington Post. It can be said that the peak of news public opinion was made by this media. Even apple had to be careful.

After standing up, the reporter of the Washington Post made a brief self introduction, and then directly asked an aggressive question:

"Hello, Mary, as far as I know, Apple\'s iPhone has not been sold in the Chinese market, and the Chinese market is not open to apple. Under such circumstances, why should Apple allow a Chinese game company to release games on the Appstore to make money for us Americans? Can I think that Apple\'s behavior is betraying the national interests of the United States?"

Mary smiled and replied: "First of all, I have to correct your question. The Chinese market is not open to us apple. At present, we have notebook computers, iPods and other consumer electronic devices on sale in China, but the iPhone has not entered China. Our company has also been communicating with Chinese partners on this point. I believe that the Chinese market will soon become a new territory of the iPhone.

I can only apologize for your saying that Huizhong, a Chinese company, will not release games on the Appstore. Apple is an open company and a world company. If we can\'t tolerate the world, how can we go to the world?

As for the national interests you mentioned, I believe you have seen the previous comments. We just let the American people play two fun games and make every American who plays these games happier and happier. I believe these are our real national interests. "


Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen stayed up all night at the company to watch the press conference. Although Mary had promised on behalf of apple before, who knows if there will be any other moths in the middle.

After watching the press conference, it was more than 3 a.m. Fang zhe made two cups of tea and handed Zheng Siwen a cup.

Both of them just drank tea quietly without talking.

After a while, Zheng Siwen asked, "ah Zhe, how do you feel about these two days?"