Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 121

At 10 a.m. San Francisco time on January 2, 2009 and 1 a.m. Yanjing time on January 3, 2009, apple held a press conference at its headquarters in California.

At the press conference, dozens of technology, games, comprehensive news media and relevant journalists in the United States gathered.

After the press conference, apple officially sent cook\'s female assistant Mary to preside over the press conference, while Apple executives, including cook and jobs, did not appear at the press conference.

After Mary came to the stage, she first read a draft, which responded to the corresponding public criticism against apple and its partners in the past two days.

First of all, Apple has publicly disclosed the relevant rules on the operation mechanism such as Appstore recommendation and ranking on the official website, and after strict investigation and demonstration, apple does not think there are any major loopholes in the current operation mechanism.

The first point is to respond to the false news that some news accuses Apple\'s app store of operating vulnerabilities, which have been cracked and used by Chinese game companies. If the outside world has any questions about this, you can contact Apple officials.

The second part of the manuscript is to respond to why Huizhong, a Chinese game company, won the top and second place in the best-selling list of Appstore. Moreover, one of the two games was a free game released less than a week ago. Apple\'s answer is that these two games are really fun. They can achieve such results, It is the choice of all iPhone and iTouch users.

Mary took the iPhone device aside and connected it to the projector next to her. The main interface of the iPhone appeared on the projector screen.

Mary operated the iPhone, turned two pages, opened the Appstore, switched to the best seller list, clicked the first ranked fruit games, and the interface switched to the detailed description page of the game. The page contains the publicity picture of the game, detailed introduction, developer, official game rating, total evaluation and total comments of players.

Mary first slides a few publicity pictures of the fruit games from left to right. Many of these publicity pictures are real scenes in the game, including warm Christmas blessings, gloomy and strange ghost scenes, Chinese traditional dragon and panda scenes, and simple wood grain fruit cutting scenes.

All of the simple publicity pictures are beautifully made. If any of them is cut off, they can directly serve as the background picture of mobile phone wallpaper. In addition, the information contained in these scenes is also extremely rich. It seems that players who see the publicity pictures can feel that after downloading this game, they can experience all kinds of different game atmosphere, or linger on the joy of Christmas just past, Or in the middle of the night, experience a terrible and exciting ghost fantasy, or in the United States, enjoy the broad and profound Chinese traditional culture in the game!

When the media at the press conference saw these publicity pictures, they already believed what Mary said, especially some game media. This production level is simply a 3A masterpiece in the mobile game industry!

Mary then clicked on the player comment page. The total star rating on the page is 5 stars, and the total number of players\' comments is 149874. Among them, the five-star comment bar is close to the full grid, while the following four-star, three-star, two-star and one-star comment bar, four-star and three-star can still be seen a little, and two-star and one-star can\'t be seen at all.

Many media at the press conference were surprised! This is too scary. Don\'t many players think this game is not easy to play?

Mary saw the media talking and whispering under the stage, smiled and said, "next, let\'s take a look at the players\' comments."

Mary\'s finger slowly slides up the iPhone screen, and player comments are displayed on the projector.

*****Caroline - August 11, 2008

China is hosting the Olympic Games these two days. Originally, my father said he would take me to Yanjing, China to watch the Olympic Games, but I failed in my last exam and only got a C. now he doesn\'t let me go out o (╥﹏╥) O. poor me, I can only play this game with Olympic and Chinese elements in my bedroom to talk about comfort. The pandas in the game are really cute, I really want to touch pandas in China!

*****Jason - August 17, 2008

Guys, have you noticed that there is an American with eight gold medals around his neck in the promotional picture of this game! Just today, Phelps won eight Olympic gold medals in the Olympic Games. The developer of this game is a divine prophecy! Five star worship!

*****Emma - August 17, 2008

If God wants me to have two more fingers, I will be able to get rid of the scum on the list!

*****Kevin - September 29, 2008

Emma, don\'t be funny. Even if God turns you into a tentacle with fingers, you can\'t get into the top 100 in the world. The advice from your American emperor Kevin.

*****Tracy - October 12, 2008

Kevin, the U.S. regional champion, was startled in the comments! God asks for YouTube live operation!

*****Marlon - October 15, 2008

No, this paid game has an update! Luckily I didn\'t uninstall it before!

*****Kanye - October 31, 2008

This is the only Halloween game I\'ve ever played on the app store. It\'s no big deal. 5 stars!

*****Chris - December 24, 2008

I knew this game should be updated by Christmas. I felt that I spent $4.99 to play three games and made a lot of money!

*****Jaden - 1 January 2009

I just want to say that the editor of GameInformer is sb!

*****Tim - January 1, 2009

Onlookers, I heard that the developer boss of this game had an affair with cook!


Looking at the player comments one by one, the news media and reporters at the press conference fell into silence. Many of them laughed when they saw Tim\'s comments. Unexpectedly, apple didn\'t filter out such comments. It can be seen that the openness of Apple\'s Appstore and the authenticity of these comments.

"OK, we\'ll see here first. 140000 comments, even if we watch them for two days and two nights!" after a while, Mary interrupted the news media who carefully took pictures of the projector and let their cameras aim at themselves again.

"Is this game really fun? I think everyone should know, and let\'s have a brief look at the situation of another game." Mary said, returning to the best seller list and clicking on the second ranked "don\'t step on white blocks".