Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 120

Of course, Americans are not all brainless sb. On the morning of the first working day after new year\'s day, Fang zhegang went to the company to convene a senior management meeting to study how to deal with the public opinion crisis in the United States. Secretary Li Wen knocked on the door of the meeting room and said that he had received a call from Mary, assistant secretary of Apple coo cook. He had confirmed the identity of the other party, The other party hopes Fang zhe can answer the phone.

After hearing Li Wen\'s report in surprise, Fang zhe said to the dignified senior executives in the office: "President Zheng presided over the meeting for me first, and I went out to answer a phone call."

Then Fang zhe looked at Zheng Siwen at his right hand. He nodded slightly. Fang zhe stood up and walked out of the conference room.

Fang zhe thought that the other party had to answer the phone by himself, perhaps because cook wanted to talk to him, but in fact, it was not the case. Mary just conveyed apple and cook\'s apology to Huizhong and Fang Zhe.

Although the public opinion crisis appears to be blaming China\'s Huizhong company, it is actually a contest between Apple\'s competitors and some conservative forces in the United States and apple and the forces behind him. However, Huizhong just hit the muzzle of the gun at this juncture and became the fuse that triggered the public opinion crisis.

Fang zhe agrees with Mary\'s statement. They just held a meeting to discuss it. They also think that the reason why the public opinion is so big this time must be because someone is behind the fire. Huizhong is only a small Chinese company, which does not rise to the so-called high degree of stealing national interests. There are many stronger Apple partners than Huizhong, It is also because they have made achievements that do not match their strength, which makes people jealous of being splashed with dirty water by others.

Mary said that it\'s off work time in the United States. She also made this call to Fang zhe according to cook\'s instructions, but cook can\'t talk to Fang Zhe in person for some personal reasons. I hope Fang zhe can understand this.

Fang zhe heard some meaning from her words. It seems that cook is in great trouble at present. However, Mary, as cook\'s assistant secretary, her words basically represent cook\'s meaning. Mary expressed the hope that Huizhong and Fang zhe would not have any pressure on this. Apple attaches great importance to this public opinion event and has established a special public relations team to deal with it, Apple will never allow any partner to be accused and hurt for no reason.

Finally, Mary said that Apple will hold a press conference at 10 a.m. San Francisco time tomorrow, that is, 1 a.m. Yanjing time, China, where Fang Zhe is located, to clarify the matter. I hope Fang zhe will pay attention to it at that time!

After hanging up, Fang zhe thought carefully about the contents of the call just now. The several meanings conveyed by Mary on behalf of apple and cook coincided with the results of their meeting just now.

The first point is that although this public opinion points to Huizhong and apple, it is clear that the main target is apple. If you\'re not polite, Huizhong doesn\'t deserve the attention of newspaper media at the level of the Washington Post.

The second point is that apple can never wait to die. At present, the development of Apple\'s iPhone and app store is very good. If Apple doesn\'t come forward to eliminate public opinion, clarify the facts and support Huizhong at this time, it will have a great adverse impact on the image of a large company such as apple and other Apple\'s overseas partners.

Anyone with a brain should see that the so-called facts about Huizhong\'s public opinion report can\'t stand scrutiny. What Huizhong has mastered the app store vulnerability, what Huizhong has insider trading with apple, etc. if Apple doesn\'t come forward to clarify all this, it will only make many overseas small and medium-sized R & D companies like Huizhong feel cold.

Fang zhe returned to the conference room and briefly relayed some of the news that Mary had just conveyed on behalf of apple. The original dignified atmosphere in the conference room was a lot easier.

To tell you the truth, although many of you here are people who have experienced wind and waves, at present, whether Chen Yimei, an executive who has been in a listed company for more than ten years, or Zheng Siwen, an old slick who has been on Wall Street for several years, feel a lot of pressure on the public opinion crisis in the United States.

To put it bluntly, now their energy is too small. In such a storm of public opinion, Huizhong is like a small boat swaying with the wind, which is in danger of collapse at any time.

When Fang zhe went out to answer the phone just now, Zheng Siwen even began to guide everyone to discuss whether Apple might suspend its cooperation with Huizhong due to the pressure of domestic public opinion, whether the international version of happy farm to be promoted by Huizhong overseas would also be implicated, and even whether Huizhong would consider withdrawing from the United States, Make every effort to consolidate the business related to the page tour platform in China.

This is not that Huizhong has no power to resist this public opinion crisis. Just with Zheng Siwen\'s character, he thinks about defeat before victory. If he plans for the worst at the beginning, the result will always be better than this.

Fang zhe looked at a group of high-level officials who had relaxed a lot. The tone of the meeting also tried to guide everyone to think in a good direction. For example, due to the reports of public opinion, the download and registration of the two games "fruit Games" and "don\'t step on the white block" have increased greatly. I don\'t know those who are jealous in this public opinion, What\'s your feeling now.

In addition, the accusation of public opinion can be regarded as throwing Huizhong and apple into a trench. As long as we can get through this crisis, the relationship between Huizhong and Apple may be further in the future, which may be of great benefit to the future development of Huizhong.

There is an old saying in China that misfortune depends on fortune. Fang zhe thinks that this is the case with Huizhong now. Since big apple wants to come forward in person, they will wait and see the situation.

After the discussion on dealing with the public opinion crisis, Fang zhe began to preside over and listen to the work reports of various departments during this period. These days, he and Zheng Siwen are both abroad, and the company still has a backlog of affairs that only they can decide.

At the end of the meeting, Fang zhe explained that what happened in the United States was only known by the senior management here. There was no need to pass it down, which made the company panic. Now, new year\'s day has just passed, and the time has entered 2009. The new year\'s weather has brought together ordinary employees. During this period, their work passion has been particularly high.

Because of the short time and the wall, most of Huizhong\'s ordinary employees do not know that their company\'s business abroad has encountered a serious crisis. On the contrary, the new free game "don\'t step on the white block" released by the mobile game Department ranked first in the list of free games in the United States and many overseas countries and regions within a week, and the best-selling list is second only to the fruit games Second. Such achievements have made the enthusiasm of all employees of the mobile game Department unprecedentedly high. Many ordinary employees of the mobile game department have privately calculated the bonus of the project team of "don\'t step on the white block"? Hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nima\'s project team has only been established for more than a month. This is the rhythm of getting double or even triple wages every month!