Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 119

As one of the most famous game magazines with the highest sales volume in the United States and even in the world, many news websites will quote and even reprint its relevant reports. Therefore, after the publication of this article, there have been relevant reports on many game industry related news consulting websites, forums and blogs, including Gamasutra, ign and so on.

Subsequently, the coverage area was further expanded. From entertainment news websites such as Gawker and TMZ to comprehensive news newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, many news about this report also appeared on Yahoo, Google and emerging twitter.

Some news reports say that the game company from China has mastered the loopholes in Apple\'s app store, so their games can quickly be listed on the free list of the app store or even at the top of the sales list.

Some news reports say that the two games "don\'t step on the white block" and "fruit Games" are really good, but they don\'t exaggerate to occupy the top two of the best-selling list. In contrast, there are better games on the Appstore that should occupy these rankings.

There are also some news that are rational. They said that after some investigation, they gave an explanation to one of the two questions of the author of the report in GameInformer magazine, that is, how "don\'t step on white blocks" topped the list of free games in Appstore and the top three in the total free list in just one week. The reason is that this Chinese company was in their previous best-selling game "fruit Games" At the same time, they also doubt how such a free game rushed to the second place in the best-selling list. Does this mean that there may be insider trading between the company and apple?

Of course, some news refuted this view. They think that even if Apple is stupid, it can\'t cooperate with others to brush its best-selling list. Maybe the cooperation case "Super Monkey Ball" just launched Appstore has this suspicion, but now these two games from China are unlikely, which is not in Apple\'s long-term interests.

However, at the same time, they also believe that Apple\'s App Store recommendation mechanism is unreasonable. Otherwise, why has the champion of the best seller list never appeared in American Games since its release? Do Apple editors prefer foreign games, or do some apple editors privately have interest transfer relations with foreign companies.

Since the report of GameInformer, there are many websites or media behind the scenes. The debate between Chinese companies and apple has intensified. Later, in the press release of the Washington Post, it has evolved into Chinese companies taking advantage of the financial crisis and colluding with American companies to steal national interests, which makes Fang zhe feel speechless!

At this time, Fang zhe was on his way back to Yanjing city. Not long ago, they just got off the plane at Yanjing International Airport. As a result, Zheng Siwen\'s phone kept ringing when they got off the plane!

It was Zheng Siwen\'s friend in the United States who called and said he saw public opinion reports about his company on the Internet, so he quickly informed him. Zheng Siwen understood the seriousness of the matter when he heard that the Washington Post reported relevant news. The Washington Post is one of the most famous newspapers in the United States. Decades ago, this newspaper exposed the "Watergate incident", Indirectly led to the downfall of an American president.

It\'s not a good thing to be noticed by such media giants. If a congressman is not allowed to read the newspaper and talk about it tomorrow, their company may never want to sell games to Americans again.

Therefore, after Zheng Siwen answered the phone, he quickly explained the matter to Fang Zhe. Fang zhe also understood the seriousness of the matter. Huizhong is now just a small Chinese company. If these media giants in the United States casually guide public opinion, they may ruin Huizhong\'s job.

Therefore, the five of them quickly divided into two waves. Fang Zhe, Zheng Siwen and the fat man took the special bus sent by the company to go to the company. Fang zhe asked them to take a taxi back to rest. At this time, it was more than 23 p.m. in Yanjing. It was no use for them to go to the company. At the same time, Fang zhe also hung up VPN and checked the relevant news of the Washington Post on his mobile phone.

"As for you, we just made two games and made them some money!" Fang zhe said speechlessly looking at the Washington Post News on his mobile phone.

"If this matter is not handled properly, I\'m afraid the problem will be very serious, and even apple may worry about the pressure of domestic public opinion and interrupt its cooperation with us!" Zheng Siwen, who listened to Fang Zhe\'s indifferent tone, said solemnly.

Fang zhe has never lived in the United States. He may not understand how "democratic" the United States is. In the United States, as long as one thing is "democratic", it can be incorrect or even harmful. Most of the time, this "democracy" is easily affected by various influential media.

Especially at present, the first black president in American history is about to take office, and the undercurrent of forces from all sides is surging. Anyone who is caught by others and pushed to the top of the wind and waves may fall to pieces.

Although Huizhong is a Chinese company, it is unlikely that they will manage to come to China, but preventing Huizhong from entering the U.S. market is something that any congressman can say casually. Compared with Huizhong\'s little interest in the United States, the hot headed netizens\' votes influenced by public opinion are more important.

"Well, I understand. I just think these media are too high-profile and big things can rise to the national level. At least their family is a very influential news media. It\'s too much to report such things directly without investigation and verification!" Fang zhe looked at Zheng Siwen\'s serious expression and explained.

"Ah Zhe, look at this news... Ha ha", at this time, the fat man sitting next to them broke in and laughed.

"I\'m not interested. I\'ll see it later!" Fang zhe looked at the fat man and smiled heartlessly. He was speechless. When is it? Your brother\'s company is about to turn yellow. You can still laugh!

"Ha ha, you\'d better have a look. I think you must pay more attention to this matter after reading this news!" the fat man couldn\'t stop laughing and handed Fang zhe his mobile phone.

Fang zhe took his mobile phone and read it. The news was in pure English. Unexpectedly, the fat man could understand English jokes. Fang zhe thought and browsed the English news. In a few seconds, Fang Zhe\'s face was a little green!

"Fuck me!" Fang zhe looked at the report in the news and almost didn\'t yell out.

The dog day news even said that Fang Zhe and cook had an affair. The news said that after careful investigation, their website found that cook was gay and Fang zhe was cook\'s Chinese fag. The reason why Huizhong, a Chinese game company, achieved such good results on apple Appstore is that Huizhong\'s founder Fang Zhe and cook had an unknown py transaction in private, At the bottom of the news, there is also a picture of two and a half holding their waist.

"Ma De\'s such a broken website, I\'ll have to sue it for bankruptcy in the future! These editors don\'t owe money!" Fang zhe angrily scolded. Unexpectedly, Huizhong company provoked a pile of negative public opinion on a trip to the United States. He even provoked a pile of coquettish. He took a picture with cook. These broken websites directly said that they were what they were, shit, A scholar prefers death to humiliation! I have to pornograph this broken website in the future!

"This website is called Gawker. I also read the comments of netizens at the bottom of the news, so I jumped over and looked at it! Ha ha ha ha." the fat man explained two sentences, but he still couldn\'t help laughing. He never thought that Fang Zhe, who has been making himself feel farther and farther away and can only look up to himself, would also make such an embarrassment.

"Why laugh!" Fang zhe looked at the fat man laughing all the time, and his anger dissipated a lot. Zheng Siwen on the side also held back the smile on his face. The seriousness and pressure he felt before because of this public opinion also faded a lot.

"I don\'t care. After you two, no one is allowed to say! Who says I\'m in a hurry! And you, Lao Zhang, keep your mouth tight!" Fang zhe solemnly warned Zheng Siwen and the fat man, even Lao Zhang, the driver of the company.

"Boss, just put your heart in your stomach. I promise not to talk about that!" Lao Zhang promised with his native dialect that he could not abide by the boss\'s "discipline" when he finally found a more comfortable driver job.

"Let\'s go next," said Zheng Siwen halfway. Fang zhe interrupted, "we won\'t go to the company next. Lao Zhang, send president Zheng first, and then send me and fat man to my house. What\'s the matter? Let\'s talk about it tomorrow morning. Let\'s go back and get jet lag first!

I don\'t believe Americans have no brains! "