Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 118

After Christmas, Fang zhe basically completed several goals of their coming to the United States this time. The only thing left is to take a good look at this sleepless city before returning home.

After Zheng Siwen and two other employees of the company came back from Washington, Fang zhe opened the tourism mode, including the statue of liberty, the Empire State Building, Central Park, Wall Street, Chinatown, Broadway and 9 / 11 return to zero. Each scenic spot is a classic set of American blockbusters in the mouth of fat people.

In addition, the delicious food in New York is also a feast for Fang Zhe and fat people. As the most prosperous city in the world, New York brings together delicious food from all over the world. Under the leadership of Zheng Siwen, a Wall Street veteran, from Le Bernardin\'s French foie gras to Pearl oysterbar\'s lobster rolls.

Even Fang zhe ate the Freddy\'s BBQ barbecue in the classic American drama "house of cards", but it may be because "house of cards" will not be broadcast for a few years. Although this store has been an old store for more than 20 years, it is not very popular. The taste is, in the words of fat people, there are differences between the tastes of East and West.

On the evening of December 31, it was Fang Zhe\'s last day in the United States. Tomorrow morning, they were going to fly home. However, this night was a sleepless night.

At this time, the Times Square downstairs of the hotel was full of people! This is why Zheng Siwen advised them to change the ticket that should have returned home yesterday to tomorrow. Tonight is the famous New Year\'s Eve in New York!

On the last day of each year, millions of people from all over the United States and even around the world will gather in Times Square in New York to celebrate the arrival of the new year. It is said that this tradition has a history of more than 100 years, which is longer than the history of watching the spring Festival Gala on Chinese New Year\'s Eve!

At more than 18 p.m., the downstairs of the hotel was already crowded with people. Fang zhe looked down from the upstairs window. The crowd stretched to several streets in the distance. There were all kinds of large screens on the surrounding buildings, playing advertisements celebrating the coming new year.

At this time, the melodious melody began to ring in Times Square. With the music, the crowd began to stir. Fang zhe took out the telescope Zheng Siwen bought in advance and looked at the distant street.

On the stage in the distant street, several black stars who Fang zhe didn\'t know stepped onto the stage and began to perform.

Many large screens around have switched to show the scenes on the stage. Originally, there were only waves of cheers from some agitated people. It seems that these stars are still very popular in the United States.

Hot songs and dances came from all corners of times square. Many people began to wiggle their bodies with the rhythm of the song, and even the fat man lying next to Fang zhe shook up!

"Fat man, do you understand what they sing?" Fang zhe asked curiously.

The fat man glanced at him disdainfully and said, "music knows no borders!"

Fang zhe smiled speechless. The subtext of this sentence is that he can\'t understand it!

With the passage of time, a wave of stars took turns to perform. Most of them were local American stars that Fang zhe was not familiar with, but there were still a few. Fang zhe looked so familiar and never wore a duplicate look. Taylor Swift, whose ex boyfriend could soon form a team, was still just a rookie in the American entertainment industry. However, Hearing a crazy scream from the crowd downstairs, it seems that their fire is doomed. No wonder so many people gather here every year for the new year. It\'s an all-star concert at all!

Compared with China\'s Spring Festival Gala, most people can only watch it across the screen. This New Year Carnival of millions of people can drive the mood of every participant!

At 23:59, the crowd began to cheer and boil, and the 60 second countdown began to appear on the big screens of various buildings around!

Over the square, the most dazzling Waterford crystal ball began to land slowly!

At 23:59:50, after a moment of silence, the atmosphere in the square was drowned by the surprisingly consistent countdown in English!



The square was drowned by the blessings of countless happy new years, many people hugged and kissed the people around them, colorful balloons were released into the air, and colorful ribbons were sprayed on the surrounding high-rise buildings, flying all over the sky!

"Shit! You know Americans are so good at playing, I\'ve been down for a long time!" the fat man excitedly looked at a pair of men and women kissing each other downstairs. Many of them didn\'t even know each other at all!

Fang zhe was also excited when he saw it upstairs. The fat man was right. He just saw a little black brother who was originally separated by more than a dozen people. When there were a few seconds left in the countdown, he suddenly ran over a dozen people and crowded into a blonde. When the crowd shouted "1", he hugged the blonde next to him and began kissing. Moreover, It\'s been dozens of seconds. They don\'t take their mouths apart!

"Fat man, let\'s do it again next year?" Fang Zhe, who was a little calm before going to bed at midnight, turned to another double bed and asked the fat man who was lying texting Yingying.

The fat man turned to look at him, smiled and said, "why don\'t you come every year!"

On January 1, 2009, new year\'s day, many American people were still immersed in the celebration of the new year. Fang Zhe and his party boarded the plane to return home at Kennedy International Airport in New York. No matter how good the United States is, there is no good family. Our family all spent the Spring Festival!


When Fang zhe boarded the plane and returned to China, the famous American game magazine GameInformer published a report on "don\'t step on white blocks", "fruit Games", China Huizhong company and apple company!

At the beginning of this report, I briefly mentioned that on the app store released by apple, a new free mobile game called "don\'t step on white blocks" has recently appeared. In less than a week since its release before Christmas, this game has rushed to the first place in the free list of game categories and the third place in the free list of total applications.

In front of it, there is only one Facebook Mobile Version and Youtube. On the best-selling list, this game currently ranks second, second only to the first fruit games. Both this game and the first fruit games belong to the same game company in China. Huizhong!

If you only see the news here, you must think this report is praising or marveling that a game company from China can make such achievements! In fact, not so!

Looking down at the news, the author of this report raised a question: Why did a free game from China rush to the first place in the free game list and the third place in the total application list in a short week? Does this mean that there are currently undiscovered vulnerabilities in Apple\'s app store that undermine the fairness mechanism of the whole store, or that the Chinese company has unknown secrets or insider trading with apple?

Similarly, since the release of the Appstore, apple, as an American company, has ranked the top two in the best-selling list, which has been dominated by RB Sega\'s Super Monkey Ball and China Huizhong\'s fruit games, except that no American company has been on the list.

Does this mean that Apple\'s app store mechanism is more biased towards foreigners? Does it also prove that the two questions asked by the author above are that there is a problem with the Appstore mechanism, or that Apple has unknown insider trading with these foreign companies?