Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 117

Devin held back tears from the corners of his eyes. At the same time, he was also determined to play the game. Even when he saw the song "yesterday once more", the unlocking condition was that 124 songs in front of customs clearance or 10 * 124 diamonds were consumed.

It\'s worth paying for your love!

While Devin is determined to play the game "don\'t step on the white block", Alex, an independent game developer in Atlanta, is also playing the game over and over again.

Alex\'s mood is getting more and more depressed as songs are unlocked. The reason is that in recent months, he is also developing a music game independently. Now the progress has been completed by more than 70%, except for the final bug modification and art optimization.

Of course, as an independent game developer, the so-called art optimization is nothing more than optimizing to the level of tolerance on the basis of intolerance. However, Alex, a straight man with cancer, doesn\'t care about these.

He believes that all players who have played his games will be fascinated by his game creativity and playing methods.

Until now, or until this morning, when he found a new video in his fantasy game fruit games, which introduced a music game, Alex felt an impulse to jump from a building!

Why, why does your company also launch a music game? Seeing that Lao Tzu\'s music game is about to go online, did you get one first?

Alex doesn\'t think he has much chance of winning compared with the games made by the developers of the fruit games, but he still has a little fantasy and drops the damn music game from the video.

So he opened the game with anger, and then he opened the depressed mode. Why? Why can the developers of "fruit Games" think of such a good idea that they can play a syllable according to a black grid, and then they can play a piece of music continuously! And yourself?

I thought the idea of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods was to play a song sentence by sentence, and then the player sang along. The higher the coincidence between the player\'s tone and the original sound, the higher the player\'s score. For this game, I also thought of a very coquettish name, "I\'m a singer"!

Originally, if the game was successfully launched, I could be successful, dating Martha, the sexy daughter of the landlord, and even thinking about my lines for the interview with the Atlanta daily in the future!

But now, after playing the game "don\'t step on the white block", Alex feels that his previous understanding of the playing method of music games is the same as shit. Compared with the game in front of him, which player will sing with a song, and then compete with other players to see if he sings more like the original song? What kind of logic is this? Is this a game? This is the software to find singers!

Alex feels like he has opened up a new world, looking for software for singers? Yes, maybe I should consider changing my career to make software, and then make another investment. I\'ll be successful again, dating Martha, the landlord\'s daughter, and even the landlord who has been handed down in one continuous line... Bah, she\'s almost 50 years old. It should be the Atlanta daily to interview herself and publish it in time magazine... In fact, she\'s not old at 50

When Alex fell into his wonderful fantasy, old players of the fruit games all over the world poured into the new game don\'t step on the white block, and the ranking of don\'t step on the white block on the Appstore began to rise.

One hour after the release of don\'t step on the white block, it broke into the top 100 of the free game list. Two hours later, it broke into the top 60 of the free game list. At the same time, it also broke into the top 100 of the free list. This list contains the ranking of all free games and free applications.

Seven hours later, "don\'t step on the white block" entered the top 25 of the free game list, and ranked 48th on the free game list. The Appstore in this era is different from later generations. There is a separate tab on the Appstore list that contains the top 25. Therefore, when "don\'t step on the white block" is close to the top 25 of the free game list, many non fruit games Players\' Apple users have also paid attention to the game. Therefore, the climbing speed of "don\'t step on white blocks" has not slowed down, but accelerated.

At 20 pm, "don\'t step on the white block" has been released for 12 hours. The game has reached the ninth place on the free game list, and the ranking on the free list has also reached the 22nd place.

When Fang zhe heard the good news, he was walking with the fat man in Times Square. At this time, it was more than 11 a.m. Yanjing time. Shen Liang just called him and informed him of the results since the update of the fruit games and the release of don\'t step on the white block.

The first is the Christmas Edition of fruit games. Although there are Apple\'s recommendations, the growth of new users is not large, which is also expected by Fang Zhe. On the app store, no recommendation is better than the invisible recommendation at the top of the best-selling list. Most players download a game from the ranking on the list, Especially when this game is a paid game.

Secondly, the highlight gift "don\'t step on the white block" prepared by Huizhong for this Christmas. Although the game failed to get the recommended position of Apple due to the problem of development cycle arrangement, under the wise decision of Fang Zhe, more than 100000 players of the fruit games poured into the new game, which increased the download volume, It has exploded the effect of any recommendation in the app store at this stage. Of course, this game is a free game, which is also one of the reasons for its high download volume.

Free is always more popular than paid. This is no exception for old players who spend money to download the fruit games. Anyway, the Games introduced in the video don\'t cost money. Why don\'t you download them to play?

Although the game is free, it does not mean that the game does not make money. According to Shen Liang\'s telephone feedback, in more than ten hours since its release, more than 6000 of more than 100000 players have paid, with a payment rate of 5.2%. The Arup value of paying players is $4.6, and the cumulative running water is more than $28000.

On the surface, it seems that there is still a big gap between this figure and the daily flow of more than $100000 in the fruit games every day, but don\'t step on the white block is a free game. Any player who has played domestic free games knows that domestic free games can make more money than paid games.

As a producer who has been nurtured by the domestic game industry for seven or eight years, Fang zhe has brought the essence of "free and more expensive" into full play in the game "don\'t step on white blocks".

For example, there are more than 200 songs in the music list. The unlocking of each song requires the song before customs clearance, or diamond unlocking. If there is a song before customs clearance, it will cost 10 more diamonds to unlock, and the recharge purchase channel in the game is $1 = 10 diamonds.

Theoretically, players who have just entered the game need to spend 10 * 99 diamonds, or $99, to unlock the first 100 songs. Yes, the first song, the Christmas Song Jinglebells, is free without customs clearance. This is a Christmas gift from Huizhong to all game players!

The goose feather like snow fell on Times Square. Today is Christmas Eve. Fang Zhe and fat man bought an apple and gave it to each other. Zheng Siwen was not in New York. He went to Washington on business with two other employees of the company. Fang zhe stayed in the wine shop because he caught a cold these two days, and fat man stayed with him.

Fang Zhe, who hung up Shen Liang\'s phone, looked at the snow flying all over the sky. A video of Christmas greetings was playing on the big screen of NASDAQ in the distance. Fang zhe suddenly said with emotion:

"Fat man, let\'s ring the bell here in two years!"