Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 113

The RB man stood up and began to speak, but he didn\'t speak English, but Japanese.

Including cook on the podium and many participants on the scene, they all reluctantly picked up the translator beside them and put it on their ears. Fang zhe looked at this situation and thought it could also speak in other languages.

However, it seems that participants don\'t want a speaker to speak in other languages, otherwise they won\'t have the expression that you don\'t stand up and speak if you can\'t speak English.

The simultaneous interpretation inside the translator is a little slower than before, but Japanese is also one of the major international languages after all. Although it can\'t enter the six working languages of the United Nations, multinational companies such as apple obviously have talent reserves in this regard.

Fang zhe listened to the translation inside the translator, and gradually, he was not calm.

The reason is that the RB person who stood up accused Zheng Siwen of his previous speech. Zheng Siwen only talked about the purpose and reason of Huizhong\'s updating the fruit games, and expressed support for Apple\'s official update recommendation. Unexpectedly, the RB person accused Zheng Siwen and Huizhong of not updating the fruit games. One of the reasons is Fruit games is a paid game. They shouldn\'t disturb the order of the industry like this.

"This grandson is looking for trouble!" Fang zhe was thinking. Taro Yano had finished his speech and sat down. Cook on the podium took off the translator and smiled awkwardly. The RB man with low EQ was beating himself in the face. He had just praised Huizhong for updating the fruit games. As a result, he slapped him in the face and said that the game should not be updated.

In order to keep the symposium going, cook told a joke and then continued that since both parties were present, the representative of Huizhong company could simply stand up and say a few words.

Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen turned their heads and looked at each other. It was obvious that cook\'s hidden meaning was that he didn\'t want Huizhong to argue with the man named Yano taro. This was their apple symposium, not a game industry seminar. Now the man named Yano taro made the scene awkward. Cook hoped Huizhong people could stand up and round the court.

Fang zhe stopped Zheng Siwen who wanted to stand up. He slowly stood up and asked cook in English if he could speak in Chinese. After receiving cook\'s consent, Fang zhe briefly introduced himself. Then he looked at the Yano taro who had just spoken in the West and said:

"Mr. Yano, I don\'t know why you are so hostile to Huizhong company. Your company and we are the third-party collaborators and game developers of Apple App store. We should think more about how to make better and more interesting games for app store and iPhone users, rather than blaming or hating other competitors.

I believe that Apple has provided us with an excellent platform like Appstore, which also ensures the fairness of this platform. If you have any comments on our company\'s update of paid games, you can communicate with us in private. Now, I think we should leave our valuable time to host cook to discuss the main contents of this symposium, Thank you! "

For Fang Zhe\'s response, Yano taro also wanted to stand up and argue a few more words, but his colleague next to him pulled his sleeve hard. At the same time, cook on the podium wisely thanked Fang zhe directly and entered the next topic.

Sitting in his seat, taro Yano was depressed. He also knew that on such an occasion, he should not stand up and accuse Huizhong, or even discuss something unrelated to the symposium, but he was really angry!

Since the fruit games replaced their company\'s Super Monkey Ball as the new best seller two months ago, his nightmare began. First, he had to postpone the development of the originally planned girl adventure and turn to Super Monkey Ball The new version of is updated. He works overtime every day, and his boss urges him every day, which makes him suffocate all the time.

However, what\'s worse is that their Super Monkey Ball was finally updated. The ranking of Super Monkey Ball on the best seller list did not improve. It won back the championship from the damn fruit games, but kept falling. One of the reasons is that there were too many bad reviews of the game in their game reviews, all of which were the fruit games at that time After the update, the players who bought their game commented when they were angry.

Now, his boss, who was just urging him, broke out completely. Every day he went to work, he spent his time in criticism and scolding. Higher level leadership meetings have criticized him many times. If it weren\'t for a senior leader who said that he had let Super Monkey Ball sit on the top of the best-selling list of Appstore for three months, he would have contributed to the company, and Super Monkey Ball He also led the development. I\'m afraid he didn\'t even have the opportunity to attend the apple Symposium in the United States.

When taro Yano was depressed, Fang zhe sitting in his seat was not in a good mood. He was picked on by others for no reason. Who can be happy, little RB son of dog day!

More than two hours later, the symposium was officially completed. At noon, apple officially invited all guests to have dinner in Apple\'s internal restaurant. In the afternoon, it was a more casual exchange meeting. The occasion was no longer the previous venue, but a banquet hall with an easy-going atmosphere.

Fang zhe talked with other guests at random. Although they also met representatives of several large companies, the two sides just exchanged business cards and said a few polite words. Just when Fang zhe was thinking about where cook, who was still talking on the stage, went, and wanted to take a picture with him?

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. The side door of the banquet hall was pushed open. Cook and one of his accompanying female assistants came in. At this time, it was like a bee that saw flowers and surrounded them. Fang zhe looked at the crowd on the inner and outer floors and thought that these people were also representatives of large companies, even more philistine than himself.

Fang zhe was thinking about where to break in. The crowd suddenly separated. Cook came to Fang zhe step by step with a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Thank you, Fang zhe!" cook read Fang Zhe\'s name in nonstandard Chinese.

"You are welcome, Mr. cook!" Fang zhe tried to pretend to be calm and replied to him. Fang zhe knew in his heart that the gratitude Cook said meant the morning Symposium. Fang zhe felt that he still had a lot of face to be thanked by his future Apple CEO.

Fang zhe chatted with him in broken English, then shamelessly took out the iPhone he had been using as a test machine from his pocket and asked cook to take a picture with him.

Cook smiled and did not refuse.

After the two finished filming, cook gave Fang zhe a toast and left. Fang zhe looked at the photos in his iPhone and thought it would be good if there were a circle of friends now. He could send a circle of friends and force, "Apple CEO cook toasted Fang zhe!" anyway, he had a feeling of being a wechat business.

Alas, I\'m reborn. How can I still be such a loser!

In the evening, apple officials did not organize any more activities, and even if the symposium was completely over, although there were some parties in private, Fang zhe had no time to take care of it.

When he returned to the hotel, he didn\'t bother to take a bath. First he took out his mobile phone and made an international call. It\'s more than 20 p.m. San Francisco time and more than 11 a.m. Yanjing time on the 19th. Today, Huizhong company has two major events, one is to update the Christmas version of the fruit games, and the other is to submit the game review package of don\'t guess the white block. If everything goes well, These two things should be done by now.