Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 112

After showing the invitation, the staff at the door led Fang Zhe and his party to the conference room.

Along the way, Fang zhe looked around curiously and wanted to have a good look at what was unique in the office building of this famous company, but after looking for a long time, he found that it was just like that, which was no different from an ordinary office building.

Only the bitten apple logo that can be seen everywhere will let people here know that this is the famous apple company. No wonder jobs spent a lot of money to build a circular "spaceship" building in his previous life. He can\'t do anything about his office. It\'s not to pretend to be forced!

The staff led Fang zhe into the conference room through the security channel, then explained a few words and left.

Although Fang zhe has jet lag these two days, he is actually adapting to the language environment. Therefore, listening to Americans now is much more pleasant than when he first came. Although he still can\'t fully understand it, he still listened to several key words. Therefore, he also understood the general idea of the staff and asked them to find a seat marked with their company name, Each invited unit has five seats.

Fang zhe had an episode when they were looking for a seat.

An Asian face, a middle-aged man in a black suit and an orange tie, walked up to several people, half bent over and said:

"Ha Jimei circus!"

"RB man?" although Fang zhe didn\'t understand what he said, they also knew that he was RB man, so they were curious about what RB man was doing in front of them?

The fastest response was Zheng Siwen, who had been in the United States for the longest time. He stepped forward, stretched out his right hand and said "nice to meet you!"

In front of Rb, a trace of surprise flashed on his face. He replied two sentences in English and left.

Fang zhe seems to understand what\'s going on. It seems that this RB man has mistaken his hometown!

After several people found their seats, they sat quietly in their seats and waited for the beginning of the meeting. Apple invited hundreds of people from dozens of companies to the symposium.

In addition to game companies, some famous Internet software companies with IOS applications such as eBay and Facebook are also invited. The meeting room is no different from a small venue. Fang Zhe and they all face the podium. There are two staff members beside the podium who don\'t know what to do.

Sitting in his seat, Fang zhe looked around. Most of them were middle-aged people over 30. There were men and women with different skin colors. There were really few young people like Fang Zhe\'s fat man.

After more than ten minutes, the meeting officially began. The lights in the meeting room darkened and the crowd became quiet. The spotlight hit the podium. An Indian man wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans came to the podium and stopped.

"Ma Dan, I thought it was jobs!" Fang zhe looked at the Indian brother who had begun to speak and thought depressed. Just now when the little brother came on the stage, the light was dim. Looking at a black T-shirt and blue jeans and jobs\'s classic dress, Fang zhe thought it was Jobs himself.

As a result, when I came to the spotlight, I found that it was an Indian with wheat skin and unique facial features. However, think about it, Steve Jobs is unlikely to attend such a level meeting. After all, it is only a department seminar, and I don\'t know if I have the opportunity to see him.

After thinking for a moment, Fang zhe listened carefully to the Indian brother\'s speech. Although it was just some nutritious opening remarks, he could also practice English listening, didn\'t he?

A few minutes later, after the Indian brother came out, he replaced a blonde middle-aged woman with glasses. At this time, Zheng Siwen sitting next to Fang zhe gently patted Fang Zhe\'s arm. Fang zhe turned to look at him. He pointed to his ears and the translator between them.

"How did you forget this artifact!" Fang zhe put on the translator. There came a non-standard Chinese female voice. It was still simultaneous interpretation. It really deserves to be a big company!

The blonde\'s speech mainly talked about some problems found in Apple\'s current operation of the app store, some solutions put forward by apple and Apple\'s plans for future revision of the app store. Although she spoke with great passion, Fang zhe still felt sleepy listening to the low girl in the translator.

After the blonde stepped down, another white middle-aged man came up. Fang Zhe, who had heard some sleepy, was as energetic as a hormone after seeing the man\'s appearance.

The new man who came to power turned out to be Apple CEO cook after the death of former Steve jobs. Fang zhe was excited and finally met the legendary figure.

In Fang Zhe\'s impression, cook was Apple\'s coo, that is, the chief operating officer, before jobs died. Apple has been able to reach cooperation with dozens of operators around the world, including China Unicom. This guy can be said to have contributed a lot. Moreover, this guy is still one of the few public figures who dare to disclose that he is gay!

At this time, Fang Zhe, while listening to cook\'s speech, thought that he would have to take a picture with the future big man later. If Huizhong can have a good relationship with him now, when he becomes Apple CEO in the future, this investment is really valuable!

More than half an hour later, cook\'s speech ended and he began to host the guest speech in person. From the representatives of Facebook to Sega, many people expressed their views and opinions on the Appstore. Although Fang zhe also wanted to stand up and say a few words, he thought of his English level and the low-key plan they had made before their trip, Fang zhe still resisted his impulse to stand up.

At this time, cook mentioned on the podium that Apple plans to launch the update recommendation section before Christmas, which is one of the reasons for convening manufacturers to hold a symposium before Christmas. This section will focus on recommending some recently updated excellent applications and games, Therefore, Apple hopes that manufacturers with update plans in the near future can complete the update of the application as soon as possible.

In addition, cook also highlighted that they had this idea and plan because they were inspired by fruit games, the best-selling game on the Appstore. After that, cook also specifically asked the venue whether the developer of fruit Games was present, hoping that he could stand up and express his views.

When Fang zhe heard cook call the roll in person, his legs almost had to stand up and have an on-site dialogue with the future big man, but in the end, Fang zhe held back. The reason is that according to Fang Zhe\'s previous observation, all the speakers who stood up, whether white, Asian or black, spoke in English.

At this time, Fang zhe wanted to go back to school to learn English again. At the same time, he also made up his mind. After returning home this time, he had to hire an English foreign teacher anyway to improve his English level. He must have many opportunities to go abroad in the future. Do he call Zheng Siwen every time in the future and always be a coward who dare not stand up and speak? Shit, absolutely not! I\'m a man who wants to change the world!

Fang zhe turns to look at Zheng Siwen. When Zheng Siwen sees Fang Zhe\'s eyes, he understands what he thinks. The fat fellow and two other employees also focus on Zheng Siwen. At this time, Zheng Siwen represents not only Huizhong company, but also the Chinese people participating in this symposium!

Zheng Siwen took a deep breath and stood up slowly. Although he had stayed at Goldman Sachs for several years and went in and out on many occasions, this was also his first time to speak on such an occasion. The audience here were all representatives of world-famous enterprises. He represented not only the face of Huizhong, but the face of all Chinese people.

Fortunately, before they came, they had discussed various possible situations, so Zheng Siwen was also prepared at the bottom of his heart.

Zheng Siwen stood up and said hello to cook and other participants on the podium. Then he simply introduced himself and the audience. After that, he talked about some of the contents they had discussed before. Fang zhe listened to his proficient oral English and confident speech. He gritted his teeth and vowed to learn English well.

Zheng Siwen sat down, and the whole audience burst into warm applause. After cook took the words, he gave oral thanks and compliments, and was preparing to express his views. A representative sitting not far from Fang Zhe\'s west side raised his hand to say something.

Naturally, cook could not turn a blind eye to this situation, so he invited the representative who raised his hand to stand up and speak.

The audience\'s eyes focused on the speaker who stood up. Fang zhe turned around and was surprised to find that it was the RB who had made a misunderstanding with them at that time.