Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 114

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. Fang zhe had an ominous feeling in his heart. Before leaving, Fang zhe had told Shen Liang to call himself if these two things were done. Therefore, he specially asked him to go to mobile and open an international long-distance service.

Sure enough, Shen Liang brought himself bad news. There was an accident in the update of the fruit games.

The reason is that during the final inspection before the update in the morning, the test group found a very serious bug in the game. If the update continues, a large number of old players will be affected.

Therefore, the update scheduled for this morning can only be postponed. Shen Liang is busy in the morning to readjust the work plan and urge the developer to modify the bug. Therefore, he has not reported to Fang Zhe.

When such a thing happened, Fang zhe didn\'t severely criticize Shen Liang, but asked him to supervise the relevant work, arrange more testers for further comprehensive system testing, and strive to complete the update in recent days. It\'s five days before Christmas. If the Christmas version of the fruit games can\'t be updated before that, Then this version is completely obsolete.

However, Fang zhe would rather scrap this version than allow the existence of bugs that affect a large area of players in the game in order to update in a hurry.

There is nothing wrong with "don\'t step on the white block". The development of their team has been submitted to apple for review in the morning. According to the current official review speed of apple, it is estimated that it will be officially released in less than three days.

After hanging up, Fang zhe remembered the update recommendation mentioned by Apple\'s official staff at the morning Symposium. Since they want to recommend recently updated games, if the fruit games are updated during this period, should there be a recommendation? With this in mind, Fang zhe decided to contact the official staff and ask if he could win another recommendation for the fruit games, wouldn\'t he?

Although "fruit Games" has been at the top of the best-selling list, it can bring some new users with more or less recommenders. Each new user is money!

The next morning, Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen, who got up in the morning, discussed the matter. They both thought they could have a try. Although most of the recommended places were officially set by apple, they would also consider some excellent partner applications.

Fang zhe called to make an appointment and hoped to meet and communicate with Apple\'s official staff. That is, the Appstore has just been online for a short time, and it is still in the United States. If it is in China a few years after the previous life, you will write an application email and wait, and you will reply when you have time!

Apple\'s staff are also very talkative. One of their purposes of holding this symposium is to hope that developers can launch game updates as soon as possible and cooperate with their recommendation of update sections. Fang Zhe is already the seventh developer to contact them today. They can understand the target company of this symposium better than Fang Zhe. There are many people.

The appointment mentioned by Fang zhe was also directly passed away by them. The staff said that as long as they submitted the updated version as soon as possible within three days, they would naturally recommend the location to them if they passed the audit. This was unexpected for Fang Zhe. It seems that acquaintances are good to talk. No wonder those big companies issued a new game and recommended the list every minute in their previous lives, Not because they had an affair with apple.

Fang zhe hangs up the phone and goes to ocean to call Shen Liang to explain the matter. Last time, they updated in-game updates without submitting versions. This is also to save trouble. At present, Apple\'s official management is not too strict. Now it\'s worth taking a wave of normal update process of app store in order to rub a recommendation.

After this, the first thing of the trip to the United States is over. Fang Zhe and his team pack up and go to the airport to prepare for the next stop of the trip to the United States, New York.

They went to New York, first, because Zheng Siwen had to file a tax return, second, Fang zhe wanted to go to New York, an international metropolis, to see NASDAQ Times Square, which is the dream of countless start-ups, and third, to talk about promotion and cooperation with several advertisers who had contacted New York before.

In the past two months, the domestic farm wind has been blowing hot, and it has spread abroad. The R & D work of Huizhong Jianghai studio has been basically completed. According to the plan, the international version of happy farm will log on Facebook after new year\'s day. Before that, they need to talk about good cooperation with relevant promotion and advertising companies in the United States, If a game wants to be popular quickly in a short time, it is very necessary to promote it.

The other two employees of the company they accompanied this time came to talk about advertising cooperation. Here, they are more professional than Fang Zhe.

The plane took off from San Francisco International Airport and flew from the west coast of the United States to the east coast. It took more than five hours. When it landed at Kennedy International Airport in New York at 16:23 p.m., Fang Zhe and his party took a taxi to the hotel booked in New York, paramount Inn in Times Square.

This hotel is located in downtown Manhattan, New York, adjacent to Times Square. The price is not cheap. It costs more than 2000 yuan a night. However, Fang Zhe, who has become a local tyrant, naturally doesn\'t care about this money. If he has the opportunity, Fang zhe also wants to go to Dubai sailing hotel to experience the 200000 yuan presidential suite one night!

Five people got into two taxis, Fang zhe fat man and Zheng Siwen got into one, and the other two got into another. The driver of their little black brother knew that they met fat guests when he heard that they were going to the Paramount Hotel in Times Square, so he got close to the three.

"Japan?" the little black brother guessed as he drove and turned to the fat man sitting in the front seat.

Seeing the fat man shaking his head, the little black brother guessed again, "Korea?"

"No, no, wearechinese!" without waiting for the black brother to guess, the fat man gave the answer first. After staying in the United States for a few days, he and Fang zhe did not dare to talk to foreigners as much as they did when they first came, regardless of what he said.

"Chest hair?" said the little black brother in non-standard Chinese.

"Yes, panda, panda!" the fat man responded with a smile. It\'s still very happy to hear foreigners speak Chinese abroad.

When the little black brother heard him say yes, he felt as if he had opened a breakthrough. Then he said in a strange foreign accent: "old sister, pick garlic!"


Fang Zhe, who was drinking water in the back row, heard this and sprayed water directly on the back of the front seat.

"Brother, it\'s northeast Yiner who teaches you to speak Chinese!"