Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 111

At 12:25 p.m. San Francisco time on December 16, 2008, Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen, as well as fat man and two other employees of the company, got off the plane together at San Francisco International Airport, California, USA.

Nearly a month ago, when Fang zhe decided to go to the United States to attend an apple symposium, he had the idea of taking fat people with him. In the past, fat people often nagged themselves at school. They had the opportunity to go to the United States and experience the American style. After watching American blockbusters for so many years, Fang zhe would not leave him this time.

Apple\'s Silicon Valley is still south of San Francisco. Thanks to the developed high-speed transportation network in the United States, it takes only about an hour to take a bus from the airport.

As the most famous high-tech industrial zone in the world, Silicon Valley has been leading the electronic technology industry and Internet industry in the United States and the world since the 1960s.

Fairchild, Intel, Hewlett Packard, Cisco, Oracle, Yahoo, Google, apple, Facebook, etc. a considerable part of the enterprises that have left a reputation and ranked in the electronic technology industry and Internet industry are born and sprouted here, and finally grow into a world-renowned multinational giant.

At Hilton Garden Hotel in Cupertino, Silicon Valley, Fang Zhe and his party checked into their respective rooms under the leadership of a handsome blonde. Fang Zhe and the fat man lived in double rooms, and the other two employees lived in double rooms like Fang Zhe. Zheng Siwen lived in a single room alone.

After the blonde helped the fat man put his luggage, the fat man who had been waiting for a long time handed the $10 in his hand to the little brother and said, "thank you!"

Fang zhe smiled speechless. For the tip, the fat man nagged with him for a long time on the plane, saying that we should not appear to be Chinese, but also that we should not appear to have never been to the United States like a steamed stuffed bun. Who knows that the blonde brother took his sweaty $10 and threw it into his pocket. It seems that he still gave ya too much.

Although it is in the United States, in terms of hotel housing standards, the star rated hotels at home and abroad are not much different. Fang Zhe\'s double room is less than 30 square meters, with two large double beds and TV air conditioning. Needless to say, the only thing that makes Fang zhe feel new is that there are refrigerators and microwave ovens rarely seen in domestic hotels, And an iPod music base that Fang zhe worked on for a long time. It is said that apple is not as popular as later generations. This hotel is so crazy.

However, considering the location of the hotel, Fang zhe thinks that the business of the hotel will be more prosperous ten years later than it is now. The reason is that if Fang zhe remembers correctly, the new circular headquarters of Apple ten years later is just opposite the hotel.

Fang Zhe and fat man took a hot bath one after another, and then took a rest in the hotel. Although it\'s afternoon in the United States, it\'s late at night in Yanjing. They were still as sleepy as dogs before the jet lag came over.

At more than seven o\'clock in the evening, Zheng Siwen came to knock on the door and woke Fang Zhe and the fat man to go downstairs for dinner. This is also a headache for Fang Zhe and the fat man. Their English is the two most scum.

Although they have made up a lot of English since they knew they were coming to the United States, from today\'s actual situation, whether it\'s the English of the taxi driver, the English of the hotel front desk, or even the blonde brother who helped them with their luggage, when they talk, Fang Zhe and the fat man try to prick their ears, and then look at each other blankly. The meaning of the eyes, "Do you understand?" "I understand. What are you doing?"

At this time, Fang zhe can only smile helplessly. Who makes himself a reborn person? He has left school for nearly ten years. Not to mention the CET-4 in that year, that is, how to write many Chinese characters. He has returned them to the teacher! Just look at English e-mail and let yourself communicate with foreigners. I\'m afraid I can\'t come.

Therefore, in the following days in the United States, Fang Zhe and fat people all want to be the follower behind Zheng Siwen\'s ass. in addition to the common two people like toilet, it\'s hard for them to order a meal in the downstairs restaurant.

Zheng Siwen looked at Fang Zhe and the fat man hiding behind him and looking at his order, smiled and said:

"You two let go. Don\'t be afraid if you say something wrong. We are all foreigners. It\'s great that we can speak English. You see, how many foreigners can speak Chinese well when they come to China."

When Fang zhe thinks about what he said, it\'s also such a reason. We don\'t dislike that foreigners speak poor Chinese, and so do foreigners. Most Chinese people don\'t dare to speak English when they go abroad. It\'s nothing more than inferiority complex.

I\'m a man who wants to change the world. What\'s the difficulty!

Therefore, after Zheng Siwen got out of the way, Fang zhe bravely took a step forward and said to the blonde looking at him with his broken spoken language:


With that, Fang zhe pointed to Zheng Siwen who had just walked to his seat.

The blonde smiled even more. She nodded and replied, "Yeah, sameshis? OK!"

Fang zhe took the meal, turned around and teased the fat man:

"It\'s your turn, fat man!"

The fat man disdained Fang Zhe and said, "metoo, metoo!"

At dinner, Zheng Siwen affirmed Fang Zhe\'s and fat man\'s behavior. When he came to study in the United States, he also dared not speak, but for a long time, it was just a change of language environment. Fang Zhe and fat man\'s vocabulary were not bad. I believe they were used to talking to Americans in broken English after staying in the United States for a while.

Two days after coming to the United States, Fang zhe finally reversed the time difference. The apple symposium was held at 10 a.m. on December 18. Therefore, Zheng Siwen took Fang Zhe, fat man and others around Silicon Valley.

In addition to the headquarters of several famous large companies, Stanford University is also a stop in the trip. As the birthplace of Silicon Valley, Stanford University has a very different environment and architectural style from Huaqing Yanda and other famous universities in China. Several people walk on the campus as if they were in a medieval European manor.

This is one of the characteristics of many famous European and American schools such as Harvard and Oxford. Many of them have been established for hundreds of years. In terms of architectural style, they also retain the cultural characteristics of that era. If China also has universities left from the heyday of the Qing Dynasty, I\'m afraid walking on that campus is like visiting the Forbidden City.

On the morning of December 18, Fang Zhe and his party had a breakfast and took a bus to the current headquarters of apple, the famous ca95014!