Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 110

Zhu Yajun\'s opening was to let Fang zhe hold back the idea he had promised. Isn\'t this guy a fool to stick upside down and stop killing him.

Fang zhe smiled and said:

"Mr. Zhu, we appreciate your sincerity, and we are also very interested in cooperating with your company, but"

Zhu Yajun couldn\'t help but smoke from the corner of his eye. Now whenever he heard the word "but", he had an unknown premonition in his heart. How come all the people have a temper and like to use the word "but".

"However, we Huizhong have talked about the sole generation cooperation with several companies. Boss Zhu wants to jump in the queue, and it\'s not easy for us to do it!" God knows, Fang Zhe\'s talk about the sole generation cooperation is actually only the intention of cooperation. However, with the achievements of Zhongle platform and the legend of MafA, I believe the probability of success, Basically, it is close to 100%. If you can make more money, few companies are willing to make less!

"What do you mean by Fang Zong?" Zhu Yajun also saw that Fang zhe seemed to have been moved. Now talking about these is just to ask for more benefits.

Fang zhe smiled and said, "Mr. Zhu, let\'s talk about something else first. What do you think other platforms and developers in the industry will think and do this time when our Zhongle platform makes such a big noise?"

"This" Zhu Yajun thought for a moment and said: "For other platforms, I guess there will be many platforms that will learn from your company\'s Zhongle model, and also do the sole generation and star endorsement. For the R & D business, I think after your big move, I\'m afraid the voice of the R & D business will decline a lot. In the future, I\'m afraid the door of your company will be crowded out by many R & D business!"

Zhu Yajun thought along Fang Zhe\'s ideas and understood that since then, pure developers such as his own Jieyou have reduced their voice a lot. This promotion of Zhongle has proved the strength of page tour platform operators to the industry. In the past, the problem of insufficient traffic of unique Games has also been broken by Zhongle.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu is right, but Mr. Zhu can think deeply. What should we do if other platforms copy our Zhongle model?" Zhu Yajun said with some scruples. He only said that other platforms learn Zhongle, but in Fang Zhe\'s mouth, he directly said that they copy it.

Fang Zhe is also unable to stop this. This kind of thing is confidential before it is done. After it is done, it is the reference answer. Anyone can follow this model. The only thing they can do is to constantly establish the barriers of their own platform and ensure their own advantages, so that they can only imitate themselves and have no chance to surpass themselves.

Zhu Yajun was asked by Fang Zhe. Although his company has always only done R & d rather than operation and platform, as a person in this industry, he naturally knows some of these things. At present, the unique generation + intermodal mode of Zhongle has been exposed. Any platform in the industry can follow this routine to learn and imitate, and how can Huizhong build in this situation Zhu Yajun looked at Fang Zhe and thought that he had a way to deal with it. He just racked his brains for a long time and didn\'t understand what strategy Zhongle would adopt to deal with it.

Fang zhe looked at Zhu Yajun and didn\'t give him much time. He drank a cup of tea and said:

"Mr. Zhu, to tell you the truth, Huizhong is strengthening its strength and R & D capability in page game R & D recently. At present, it has established a game studio. In addition, we have also negotiated several page game R & D studios and R & D companies, two of which have expressed their willingness to become wholly-owned studios under Huizhong and signed investment agreements In the letter of intent, there are also two R & D companies invested by Huizhong, and one of them is controlled by Huizhong. "

When Zhu Yajun heard Fang zhe say so, he had guessed what Fang zhe meant. He just wanted to take a stake in Jieyou, and he did consider this.

Long before going north this time, he had discussed with another shareholder to further discuss the exclusive agency cooperation with Huizhong this time, and had long thought that Huizhong might have all kinds of possibilities, including taking a stake in Jieyou. He and the other shareholder didn\'t mind this very much.

Zhu Yajun didn\'t come from the orthodox game industry. Before he founded Jieyou, he was in the clothing business. Later, he heard that his friend\'s friend made a lot of money by doing page tour, and now it\'s the outbreak of page tour industry. It\'s easy to make money by doing whatever he wants. At that time, he wanted to try, and in order to reduce the risk, he also specially found a friend to partner in shares, that friend You is another shareholder of Jieyou and the owner of a fairly large hotel in Yangcheng. They engage in a game company, which is purely a sideline, that is, they have the idea of playing.

If he didn\'t want to do this, he ran into a dead mouse. The producer of the R & D team he recruited came from Netease. After two years of doing it, he also made millions, which has exceeded his previous main clothing business. Therefore, Zhu Yawen took the heart to make a good game company.

Whether he or another shareholder, the purpose of the game company is to make money. Therefore, as long as Fang zhe can offer a satisfactory price, let alone become a shareholder, he and another shareholder are fully willing to sell the company.

Therefore, Zhu Yajun just hesitated and said, "president Fang, you have also known our R & D strength of Jieyou. If the conditions are appropriate, we are very interested in further strengthening cooperation with your company."

When he said this, Fang zhe knew he understood what he meant. Fang zhe told him about investing in studio R & D companies. He just wanted to tell Zhu Yajun that he wanted to invest in their Jieyou network, and this can\'t be too straightforward. In business, he always likes to beat around the bush. Unconsciously, Fang zhe slowly learned this set.

Now that Zhu Yajun has shown his willingness to accept Huizhong\'s shares, Fang zhe no longer talks to him and directly says that he wants to take shares in Jieyou. At the same time, he also puts forward several cooperation schemes, which are several sets of standard schemes discussed by Huizhong\'s senior management over this period of time to invest in game R & D studios and R & D companies, that is, It can be used in any company.

In the current Jieyou network, in the past, the two sides had the first step of cooperation, so it was easier to talk. Zhu Yajun went out and called another shareholder friend. The other party was as expected. As long as the price was appropriate, he could sell the company. At the same time, he also told him the bottom line of Huizhong\'s shareholding.

After Zhu Yajun called back, the two sides began formal negotiations. More than two hours later, the negotiations finally came to an end. Zhu Yajun, with some fatigue and helplessness on his face, pretended to smile with Fang Zhe. Li Yifei shook hands and left Huizhong. Zhu Yajun felt that he would never hear the word "but" again, or even think about it from the bottom of his heart, There was a shudder.

As a result of the negotiation between the two sides, Huizhong took a stake of 5 million in Jieyou network, accounting for 62.5% of the shares. Zhongle, the page tour platform of Huizhong, will be the sole agent of Jieyou\'s "striving for hegemony", and promised that the game will start after the main push of Zhongle platform, and the total flow in the first month will not be less than 20 million. At the same time, before Huizhong officially took a stake in Jieyou network, Jieyou network needs to clarify the relevant debt agreements of the company, that is to say, the liquidated damages for the contracts signed between "striving for hegemony" and other platforms shall be borne by Zhu Yajun and another shareholder.

In any case, Huizhong\'s stake in Jieyou network is a win-win for both sides. Fang zhe has obtained a mature R & D team he urgently needs. Zhu Yajun and another shareholder will also make more money because Huizhong\'s exclusive agent for "striving for hegemony", 37.5% of 20 million, and more than 7 million. This is just the beginning. In the future, he and another shareholder, It\'s like completely embracing Huizhong, the gold owner\'s father. Zhu Yajun even thought whether he should quit the CEO of Jieyou and travel around the world!

Hehe, how could Fang zhe let the company keep moths who only take money but don\'t work!