Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 109

When Fang zhe saw Zhu Yajun in the reception room, Li Yifei was talking with him. After all, he was also the boss of a company and one of Huizhong\'s partners. He should not be neglected.

Li Yifei is also familiar with Zhu Yajun. He was one of the main negotiators when he went south to talk about the project of "striving for hegemony" with Zhu Yajun\'s Jieyou. Now when Zhongle talks about the new intermodal project, he basically handed it over to his subordinates. His main work energy has been transferred to what Fang zhe explained at the last meeting.

"Boss Zhu! Welcome!" Fang zhe showed a procedural smile after entering the door.

When Zhu Yajun saw Fang zhe push the door in, he couldn\'t care to talk to Li Yifei again. He quickly stood up to meet Fang Zhe, but he didn\'t know that his action fell into Fang Zhe\'s eyes, which made Fang zhe smile more.

The two exchanged greetings for a while. Even Fang zhe felt disgusted when he spoke, Zhu Yajun said the purpose of his trip.

"Hey, Mr. Fang, I\'ll ask you to teach me, brother. I\'m here mainly to talk about our cooperation with you!" Zhu Yajun is nearly 40 years old. It\'s not easy for him to call Fang zhe a little boy in his early twenties a brother. Fang zhe doesn\'t care much about it. If you don\'t care, it\'s your business, Should I be my business.

When Zhu Yajun said the word "cooperation", Fang zhe had confirmed his previous guess, but he still pretended to be confused and asked:

"President Zhu, what\'s the matter? Is there any problem with our cooperation?"

Zhu Yajun quickly explained: "no, no problem. I want to further strengthen the cooperative relationship between our two companies!"

"In this way, I won\'t beat around the bush. I think Fang is always young and promising. He is also a happy man. Let me be frank! I\'m here this time in the hope that we Huizhong can exclusively represent our company\'s games!" Zhu Yajun not only holds Fang Zhe in his mouth, but also cheeky and directly says "we Huizhong" to draw closer relations.

Fang zhe listened to his explanation and looked calm. Then he began to ask in some embarrassment:

"Mr. Zhu, you also know that our company is now promoting a legendary game called the legend of MafA. I\'m afraid"

Fang zhe didn\'t go on here. Zhu Yajun took advantage of his words and said, "I know, I know that Huizhong is now promoting the legend of MafA, but I believe president Fang should also have seen the data of our company\'s game" dominate the world ". I believe if our two companies further strengthen cooperation, they will make more money than it."

Zhu Yajun opened his mouth and said yes, as if Huizhong would make a lot of money as long as they promoted their home games.

Sitting aside, Li Yifei thought that the old man was really a ghost. When he was alone with himself just now, he didn\'t talk and didn\'t leak. He was careless with himself when he asked him anything. Now Fang zhe came. He told his purpose by dividing five into three. He didn\'t know it was because he was afraid of negotiating with himself last time, Or he doesn\'t want to give himself the face of the person in charge of the page tour platform. So, before Fang zhe spoke, he put in his mouth first:

"President Zhu, you also know that our platform has just been put into public beta, and the game" Legend of MafA "has just been put into public beta. It\'s hard to say a lot. From the data of legendary games in the past, the Arup value of users can rise to more than 50 or 60 in the later stage."

Zhu Yajun looked at Li Yifei and interposed, but Fang zhe didn\'t mean to stop him. He knew that he was neglecting Fang Zhe\'s capable generals. He didn\'t really want to neglect Li Yifei, but was really frightened by Li Yifei\'s negotiation skills. He had such a shadow in his heart. Last time Li Yifei and Fang zhe went to Yangcheng to talk about cooperation with their company, Li Yifei said "however" and belittled their company\'s "striving for hegemony" as if no one wanted it on the street.

Afterwards, Zhu Yajun thought about the negotiation process at that time and found that Li Yifei always changed his concepts and brought them to the ditch. For example, he said that their game art failed, and then talked about how good the game art was and how bad their game art was.

But actually? How can a game be good everywhere? Each game has its own unique selling points. Some games have novel playing methods, some games have beautiful pictures, and some games are SLG games like them. They play strategy and PK confrontation, but Li Yifei has to compare the short board of "fight for the sky" with the strengths of other games, and he also said it very skillfully, Unknowingly, I made myself feel that the games they played were really bad.

Therefore, when he came to Yanjing this time, he didn\'t want to talk too much with President Li. Just now, Li Yifei talked to him, but he was ambiguous and never mentioned anything serious. Now it seems that President Li was a little angry. He smiled and said:

"Mr. Li, I\'m really sorry. When you go to Yangcheng for a business trip next time, I\'ll treat you well. What I said just now is a little full, but you must know that all the page tour platforms on the market mainly promote SLG games, and the industry believes that this year is the outbreak year of SLG games.

Last month, 51wan and 91wan combined their "Three Kingdoms in blood" and achieved 30 million in just one month. Of course, they can\'t compare with our promotion ability, but it\'s enough to see the popularity of such games in the market. I believe many players in the market are potential users of our game "dominate the world."

After listening to the first half of his sentence, Li Yifei already recognized the meaning of his words, and the little resentment in his heart dissipated a lot, so he smiled and didn\'t say anything more.

In fact, like Zhu Yajun, he believes that this time is indeed the outbreak of SLG games. If they can promote another SLG game, they believe they will make a lot of gains, and the game quality of "dominate the world" can also be seen from the previous test data.

Fang Zhe, who hadn\'t spoken for a long time, opened his mouth: "president Zhu, I remember your company seems to have signed intermodal transport agreements with many platforms!"

Zhu Yajun\'s face showed a happy face. Fang zhe said this, which means that they have a play in this matter. He opened his mouth and explained:

"You can rest assured that we Jieyou are willing to bear all the liquidated damages independently."

Fang Zhe and Li Yifei looked at each other. It seemed that Zhu Yajun had made a lot of money in order to promote this cooperation. I\'m afraid the liquidated damages would add up to two or three million. However, if Huizhong really wanted to be the sole agent of their games, considering the terrible flow and running water, this money was nothing.

Fang zhe thought about it. At present, several people in the Huizhong page tour project department have gone south to talk about cooperation with the game. Soon, Li Yifei will go south again to talk about cooperation with several companies he named to talk about. Now the traffic on the Zhongle platform is extremely huge and terrible. In order to ensure that the players lost from the legend of MafA can still stay on the platform, The operation Department has discussed several schemes, including recharge rebate, membership system and so on.

There is another kind, that is, push several more unique generation games as soon as possible, so as to give players more choices, so as to ensure that players are tired of playing a certain game and can have other game options. Although intermodal games can also be pushed, after all, many platforms are pushing intermodal games, which is certainly less attractive to players than the Games exclusively represented by Zhongle platform.

Jieyou\'s "striving to dominate the world" is indeed a high-quality game with good quality. In previous generations, the data of this game is general. I think it\'s still due to traffic restrictions. As a pure R & D company, Jieyou is powerless here and can only point to the platform of intermodal transport.

Fang zhe had planned to promise Zhu Yajun, and Zhu Yajun, looking at Fang Zhe\'s face calmly leaning on the sofa without opening his mouth, gritted his teeth and said:

"So, Mr. Fang, in order to show the sincerity of our company, we are willing to make another point in the share proportion, Huizhong 6, we 4. What do you think?"

Fang zhe turned to look at him in surprise and thought, fortunately, I\'m calm!