Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 108

"Well, on the first day of the public beta, the Arup value of this game was only about 15 yuan. By yesterday, the Arup value of the old area had risen to more than 20 yuan, because it was on average with the new area, so it was only more than 17 yuan." Li Yifei, who knows the operation data like the back of his hand, gave an answer.

After listening to his explanation, Fang zhe nodded and said, "the potential of this game is pretty good. We can consider putting more resources into other games later. We also look at the adjustment of their game data. It\'s good that we can keep this Arup value under the condition of such a large number of users."

Li Yifei agreed: "indeed, legendary games have appeared in China for several years, and the user audience is already very wide. This time, we are advertising in the whole network. Many players play such games for the first time, so the retained data are very good.

In the area we opened on the first day, the average retention rate of the next day is more than 40%, and the high can reach 60%. On the whole, the user activity is very high. Yesterday, a red [ruling] broke out in area 42. I heard from people in our department that the players who hit this equipment have sold the number on the third-party platform, and the transaction price is 80000. "

Fang Zhe is very satisfied with the fact that the page tour in the ghost area can reach this retained data in three days. Sure enough, it is still a wild era of the page tour industry. Many players are exposed to this kind of game for the first time, so the probability of playing it is very high. Ten years later, a page tour will open a new area. The next day, the whole area can find 500 players, which is a good game.

As for the player account that Li Yifei said made a ruling and sold 80000, it has nothing to do with Fang Zhe. He played the game the day before yesterday and entered zone 1, which was the first to open the service. The decision that burst out was also forced by the fat man. As a big boss, he doesn\'t have time to play the game all the time. The account of "bury love heavenly king" has nothing to do with it, I\'m afraid it will always be a legend in the game.

"How\'s the data model? We should have collected a lot of data for the whole network advertising this time!" using big data system to optimize operation efficiency is one of the operation strategies set by Zhongle platform from the beginning, so Fang Zhe is also very concerned about this.

Li Yifei replied: "it has initially played a little effect. Our advertising yesterday has been much better than the first day. For a platform with high user quality such as starting point, we have increased our advertising yesterday."

"Well, this area should be continuously optimized and adjusted. At the beginning, it is the fastest time to improve operation efficiency. We should seize the time to find out a mature promotion channel system and advertising plan as soon as possible, occupy the market and channels as soon as possible, and improve our bargaining power in R & D and advertising channels!" Fang zhe said in a summary, Then he said:

"Our data in the past two days is pretty good, but the real battle has just begun. The gun is the first bird. Other platforms can\'t watch us steal users and traffic, so we must fight back.

Therefore, we must also adopt corresponding strategies, take it seriously, maintain the good situation we have opened, and ensure the leading edge of our platform. When President Zheng and I come back from the United States, if the total flow of our whole platform can exceed 100 million, we will hold a celebration banquet for you! "

The corresponding strategy mentioned by Fang zhe was not discussed at this meeting. This is the core secret of the operation of the page game platform and has no specific connection with the business in charge of many people at the meeting, so it was not discussed at this meeting.

After the high-level meeting of the whole company, Fang zhe convened the heads of page game platform department and mobile game department to hold meetings respectively.

In the page tour Platform Department, the main content of the meeting is to determine the main work of the page tour platform in the next stage. First, improve the data system, improve operation efficiency, reduce user acquisition costs and improve profit space;

The second is to attack quickly. Now Huizhong doesn\'t need money. Before other platforms react, it can get the exclusive right to more good boutique games. With the current proofing of the legend of MafA, it is believed that it is much easier than the last time Fang zhe went south to talk about cooperation. In addition, Fang zhe also mentioned several game names and company names that will make a lot of money in the future. Of course, There are also some people who don\'t make so much money or even lose money, which is purely used to confuse people\'s ears and eyes;

Third, accelerate the establishment or investment of Zhongle\'s own page game R & D team, expand the game themes and types on the platform, and accelerate the project approval and R & D of customized game projects adapted from several novels that have been contacted before;

The fourth is star endorsement, which selects different star agents for different games to carry out All-Star lineup endorsement.

In order to reduce this cost, Fang zhe has also specially prepared a list of the names of the stars who will be popular in the past two years. Although Fang zhe doesn\'t remember a few, it\'s enough. For example, sun Honglei, who lost fire in the TV drama "latent" next March, and Yao Chen, who just made a little fame for shooting "biography of Wulin", because of the TV drama "Legend of immortal sword and chivalry III", "Palace" and Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, etc.

Now they are not as popular as in the next few years. It is easy to talk about endorsement, and the endorsement fee is much cheaper than in the future. Fang zhe waved his pen and signed him for a few years first. Anyway, he only wrote the names of a few people. Even if others recognized it, they thought it was their own insight and beads, and there was nothing to doubt.

Even, Fang zhe thinks about whether he wants to invest in a cultural company, film and television stars, which will fire, which will sign, which is also a business that can make no loss.

After the meeting of the page tour platform, Fang zhe convened the people of the mobile game department. In addition to Shen Liang, the general person in charge, the producers of each project team also attended the meeting.

Among the four mobile game project groups, one group of the Christmas version of the fruit Games has entered the comprehensive testing stage, and the second group of braised eggplant is responsible for about one third of the R & D work of the flying Parkour game Xuanfei Superman. Fang zhe just calmed him down and polished the game patiently.

Three groups of fruit Xiaole by Li Mengwei, because it applies the mature three consumer play methods on the market, there is no difficulty in development. At present, the simple version has been completed, but if it goes online, I\'m afraid it will be available in January next year.

The last four groups are divided from Shen Liang\'s group. In terms of R & D combat effectiveness, they are also second only to the group where the fruit games is located. They developed the "don\'t step on the white block" according to Fang Zhe\'s general creativity. Now the comprehensive test has entered the final work, and it is expected to go online in the next two days. Unfortunately, Fang Zhe is going to the United States, May not be able to witness in person at the company.

Although the production of this game is simple, like the work on art materials, almost any rookie art can do it, but the investment is not small. The reason is that it involves all kinds of game music. Huizhong spent a lot of effort and money to buy the authorization of these music. In this item alone, nearly 500000 was invested, which is higher than the personnel development cost.

Fortunately, in the first version, most of the songs are free songs that are famous at home and abroad but do not cost money, such as jingling bells and Blue Danube. Otherwise, boss Fang has to be patient to calculate whether he can recover the cost.

In the afternoon, Fang zhe was having a meeting. The door of the conference room was knocked by Li Wen. After Li Wen came in, he brought him a news that surprised him. Zhu Yajun, the boss of Yangcheng Jieyou, actually visited the door in person!

"Darling, what is he doing here?" Fang zhe thought in wonder. Then he seemed to think of something, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.