Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 107

The confident tone of the middle-aged man calmed the participants, especially CEO Liu Na.

To tell the truth, the sudden emergence of this page tour platform called Zhongle really caught them unprepared and in a hurry. Otherwise, Liu Na wouldn\'t have called them to a meeting to discuss it on Monday morning.

Now, the middle-aged man not only simply figured out the reasons for the sudden emergence of this platform, but also threw out a very pragmatic response plan.

"Mr. Li, do you mean that we will be the only generation in the future?" a young executive sitting opposite the middle-aged man asked.

The middle-aged man called President Li glanced at him, then glanced around the conference room and said: "Yes, the advantage of the unique generation is that the cake can be eaten by one person. In the past, we had to combine a game with many platforms for traffic problems, whether good games or bad games. In this case, it is difficult to establish our own barriers to competitive advantage, so we can only compete with other platforms for traffic channels and network resources.

Therefore, the user acquisition cost in the industry is also getting higher and higher. When we first entered the page tour industry, the average user cost is only 20 cents. Now the user cost of our own channel has increased to more than 50 cents, and the more expensive one has exceeded one yuan. If this situation develops, our profit space may be smaller and smaller, which is beneficial to us The long-term development in the future is very unfavorable! "

Li Juan, sitting next to him, finally had a chance to speak again: "I think we can keep some intermodal games when we mainly promote the unique generation games like the Zhongle platform. Although the unique generation games are good, they are few in number after all. For a game platform, if there are only a few unique generation games, many users may lose because they can\'t find the game types they like to play."

Many people at the meeting nodded and agreed with Li Juan\'s point of view.

Next, all participants expressed their views and opinions more or less. From the adjustment of operation strategy to advertising and star endorsement, all possible schemes were put forward and discussed.

When there was a heated discussion in 51wan\'s office, Fang zhe was also convening a group of cadres in the large conference room of Huizhong company.

Unlike 51wan, which is only a pure page game platform company, Huizhong currently includes two core businesses: mobile game R & D and page game platform. Therefore, the content of the meeting is also important first.

The next most important thing for the whole Huizhong company is to go to the United States to participate in Apple\'s excellent R & D forum.

All senior executives, including Fang Zhe, attached great importance to participating in this symposium. First, it was Huizhong\'s first time to participate in a symposium in the same industry as a representative of a company. This participation represented Huizhong\'s first external image.

Second, the participants of this symposium are all famous game manufacturers in the industry, such as Sega kolomey. How Huizhong responds appropriately on such occasions represents the relationship between Huizhong and these peers in the future.

Third, the purpose of Apple\'s symposium is to make the instructions on the invitation concise and comprehensive. It only says that it hopes to discuss the future improvement direction of Appstore with excellent developers and further strengthen the cooperation and exchange between the two sides.

As for the first point, after the discussion of all senior executives, it was decided that Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen, the first and second leaders of Huizhong, would go to the United States together. This is also the first time that the first and second leaders of Huizhong have left the company for business trip at the same time since its establishment. Therefore, the discussion and explanation on all aspects of the company\'s affairs are also extremely cumbersome.

For the second point, how to deal with other manufacturers in the industry, the decision after the meeting was only two words, low-key!

There is still a big gap between Huizhong and those big game manufacturers participating in the conference. The gun hits the head. Huizhong\'s fruit Games has been on the app store list for nearly two months. I believe many manufacturers are dissatisfied with this. If Huizhong is a big manufacturer at the same level as them, they will complain at most.

However, Huizhong is only a small company now, and they have been trampled under the feet of such a small R & D business. If Huizhong shows any more prominence at this symposium, it is uncertain that it will be excluded by its peers tomorrow, and there will be no residue left by the powerful capital and influence of these big manufacturers.

The third point is the purpose for apple to hold this symposium. Although Fang zhe has a memory of his previous life, he never remembers any news about this symposium. On the one hand, Fang zhe may not have noticed the relevant news, on the other hand, it may also be because this symposium belongs to a small scope. Only apple officials and some excellent developers can\'t know it.

The result of Fang Zhe and Huizhong\'s high-level discussion on this point is to strive for the best interests. I believe all participating developers should have the same idea at that time.

The matter of going to the United States was discussed properly. Next, the matter about the page tour platform was finally put on the bill.

Li Yifei opened the report in his hand and opened it first:

"President Fang, President Zheng, let me first report the general situation of our Zhongle platform since the public beta for two days.

Since we worked overtime last week and conducted the platform public test on Saturday, as of 0 a.m. today, the whole network has put in more than 50000 sites\' advertising resources.

Within two days, the whole platform imported 3.34 million users, including 2.52 million users for our exclusive game "Legend of MafA" and 780000 users for other games.

There are more than 40000 users who have registered with our platform after jumping over with the advertisement, but have not entered any game.

As of 0:00 a.m. today, the total flow revenue of the whole platform was 36.37 million, including 30.56 million from the legend of MafA and 5.81 million from other games. The Arup value of legend of MafA is 12.12 yuan, and the average Arup value of other games is 7.4 yuan.

The game with the highest Arup value in the whole platform game is the SLG game "dominate the world", which we cooperated with Yangcheng Jieyou. The Arup value is 17.5 yuan. This game has introduced more than 50000 people in two days, with a total flow of 920000.

The lowest Arup value is the leisure game flying fish legend, which we cooperated with flying fish in Shenzhen. The Arup value is only 2.4 yuan. This game has imported more than 70000 users in two days, with a total flow of 170000. "

For the flow data of the public beta of Zhongle platform in the past two days, except Fang Zhe, Zheng Siwen and Li Yifei, the person in charge of the page tour platform, other senior executives did not know before. At this moment, they were shocked to hear Li Yifei report that Zhongle, the company\'s page tour platform, created more than 30 million flow in two days.

Executives like Chen Yimei here seldom worry about the company\'s specific business. Now they hear that the company\'s page tour platform has created more than 30 million water in two days, and the tangles still reserved in her heart have completely disappeared. Even if she was a listed company before, that\'s all!

Shen Liang, who was just promoted by Fang zhe as the head of the mobile game R & D department, originally thought that he and the mobile game department were the only pillar of the company. Even if the page game platform is done, it is unlikely to surpass the mobile game. Now it seems that this is not the case.

The two-day flow of the page game platform exceeds that of the mobile game R & D department for one month. Although these data do not put aside the cost and the total flow shared with the R & D business, I\'m afraid the position of myself and the mobile game department in the boss and the company will inevitably decline. As the person in charge of the mobile game department, I have to fight back!

"The Arup value of" striving for hegemony "is so high?" Fang Zhe, who listened to Li Yifei\'s simple report, asked in surprise.