Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 106

All the participants were experienced players in the game industry for many years. Although 51wan was founded with Liu Na in the past two years to move to the page tour industry, 51wan has already ascended the throne of the first page tour platform in China in just two years because of its accumulation in the end tour industry in the past.

The people here are also extremely sensitive to the industry. Many of them have paid attention to this as early as Huizhong announced the launch of its page game platform Zhongle.

However, in this era, seven or eight page tour platforms are online every month. They have long been accustomed to this. After learning that Huizhong is just a company that has just been established for a few months and the founder is only in his early 20s, they have relaxed their vigilance towards Zhongle.

In his early 20s, he doesn\'t have any experience in the game industry. Don\'t be afraid to be a rich second generation to play!

When the Zhongle platform was announced to the public, only a few simple news were posted on several websites with little reputation in the game industry. In addition to explaining the origin and platform concept of the Zhongle platform, the important thing is that the unique generation + intermodal operation mode of Zhongle, which is different from that of the whole industry, was not disclosed at all. Therefore, everyone in the industry, including 51wan, They all thought that this was just a company that, as in the past, looked at the outbreak of the page tour industry and took the opportunity to make money on the platform.

In these days, those who work on platforms do not lose money. Those who work on R & D may lose money if the game is not good. Those who work on platforms and other platforms are popular. You buy a combined transport quota with others and always earn money. Therefore, many bosses who used to engage in SP have transformed into a page tour platform whenever they have channels to find traffic from the Internet.

Although we are all competitive, after all, the pool is still large, and everyone\'s resource channels are different. Many platforms also transport the same game. Therefore, although everyone is competing for the market and traffic in private, it is harmonious on the surface.

Now, Zhongle, such an uneasy and common sense licensing page tour platform, has suddenly sprung up, but it looks like a drop of water dripping into the oil pan, causing chaos in the whole industry. The so-called uneasy and common sense licensing refers to an intermodal page tour industry, which is a unique company.

"Sister Na, I worked overtime last night to investigate this platform and the company behind it, and I have a general understanding of it." the speaker is a young woman in the second place on Liu Na\'s right hand, dressed in black and capable professional clothes and black round frame glasses, which is also a unique scenery for the game company with daily work clothes.

Her name is Li Juan. She is the person in charge of the operation Department of 51wan platform. She is also under Liu Na, a female CEO. She is one of the few female cadres. Because she is also a woman, she is highly appreciated by Liu Na. Of course, her own working ability and attitude are also quite excellent.

"Talk!" Liu Na said two words simply. It seems no surprise that she was the first to speak.

After being affirmed by her boss, Li Juan glanced around her colleagues, then turned over her notebook on the table and said:

"The game platform named Zhongle has only been established for more than half a month, that is, at the end of November. The company behind it is called Huizhong. The establishment time of this company is also very short. According to the information I queried on the website of the Administration for Industry and commerce, this company was established in September this year, only three months from now. His legal representative is Fang Zhe, Another important shareholder is Zheng Siwen.

In addition, I also learned an interesting thing on the Internet, that is, the founder named Fang Zhe is actually a senior student. He is only 21 years old and is now leaving school to start a business. Zheng Siwen, another shareholder, has a lot of information about him on the Internet. He is an American turtle who graduated from Yanda and used to be engaged in the financial investment industry. "

When Li Juan said that the founder of this platform and company was a senior student and only 21 years old, everyone in the conference room focused on Li Juan. At the same time, they wondered whether Li Juan was wrong, or did she hear it wrong, or was it really what she heard?

A somewhat unbelievable senior asked directly, "sorry, you just said that the founder of this company was a senior student, only 21 years old?"

Li Juan turned to look at him and said definitely, "yes, President Wang, only 21 years old."

Let alone president Wang, who just heard this, is Li Juan herself. When she found out this information last night, she didn\'t believe it at all.

Because Li Juan first checked Huizhong\'s enterprise information, she knew that the registered capital of the company was 10 million. Then she found the information about Fang zhe on the Internet. When the Zhongle platform was announced at the end of November, Li Juan briefly mentioned Fang Zhe\'s identity, age and other information in the news. At that time, Li Juan thought it was the company that made such a gimmick for speculation, I don\'t want her to call her friends who have channels. After checking, she turned out to be so.

"This Fang Zhe is a rich second generation?" asked Li Juan on her right, a tall man with some fat body and hair close to balding.

"It shouldn\'t be. I don\'t know much about the details!" Li Juan answered ambiguously. After she confirmed Fang Zhe\'s age last night, she had the same questions as her colleagues in front of her. However, after all, these information involved personal privacy. The friend only said that Fang zhe was a rural registered permanent residence, and it was inconvenient to disclose the details to her.

Liu Na, sitting in the chair, knocked on the table with her pen and said, "we don\'t care whether he is rich or not. It doesn\'t have much to do with us. What we want to discuss now is the current operation method of this platform. What do you think?"

After Liu Na finished, the middle-aged man in position 1 on her right spoke: "President Liu, from the current situation, their platform adopts a very different operation mode from that of our industry, that is, exclusive agency.

According to my understanding, the MafA legend, which is currently promoted by their platform, is a game of a research and development company in Yangcheng, and only signed an exclusive agency agreement with their platform. No other platform can obtain the operation qualification of the game. In fact, we tried this operation mode at the beginning, but the effect is not very ideal, and the number of users is difficult to do. "

Liu Na looked at him and nodded definitely. Compared with the information Li Juan knew, what the middle-aged man said in front of her is what she really wanted to hear. This is also the reason why the middle-aged man sat in the first seat on her right hand, and Li Juan can only rank second. In the workplace, efforts alone are not enough!

Seeing Liu Na nodding, the middle-aged man continued to speak: "However, this platform called Zhongle has given us a good start. From their publicity means and operation strategy, we can effectively solve the problem of traffic users that we had a headache before. They are willing to advertise in the whole network, and we don\'t need money. They have many advertising patterns, and we can learn from them. As for please explain Star endorsement, I think our 51wan contacts and resources should be better than them! "