Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 105

From the open beta on December 13 at 10 a.m. to 0 a.m. on December 14, "Legend of MafA" has added 40 groups of servers, including the previous 20 groups of servers, a total of 60 groups of servers have been opened, of which 50 groups of servers are full.

Based on an average of 20000 servers full in each group, more than 1 million users were imported from the whole network on the first day of the public beta of the game, which directly refreshed the new benchmark of the number of users imported on the day when the service was opened in the current page game industry.

On December 13, the total flow of "Legend of MafA" also exceeded 10 million, reaching more than 12.24 million yuan. On average, the daily flow of each group of servers exceeded 200000 yuan, and the per capita Arup value was more than 12 yuan. If this Arup value was put in a few years, it would definitely not earn a penny. However, now, the acquisition cost of each user is only 50 or 60 cents, Putting aside various costs such as advertising operation, the net profit of a single user is about 10 yuan.

In this case, every new user of legend of MafA means that Huizhong makes 10 yuan. Of course, despite the 5:5 share with the R & D provider, Huizhong\'s actual net profit is about five yuan for a single user.

However, this is also very good. After all, this is the first day of service opening. With a large influx of players, low levels and few payment points, the Arup value is low. With the growth of players\' game time, there are more and more payment pits in the game, and the Arup value will be higher and higher.

In previous lives, a mature legendary game had an Arup value of more than 100 users. Ten years later, the acquisition cost of a single user in the page game industry was more than 30 yuan. Those with an Arup value lower than this figure were money losing games. The famous "Divine Comedy" with a monthly running water of more than 100 million had an Arup value of more than 500. The mobile game industry earned more than 10 billion yuan for Tencent a month "Glory of the king", its Arup value is also as high as more than 300 yuan.

The game data of legend of MafA is very good. Other games on the Zhongle game platform are basically not bad. Among them, the worst data is Fang zhe who won the SLG game for 50000 yuan. There are more than 10000 registered users in a single day, with a running water of more than 50000 yuan.

The whole Zhongle game platform imported more than 1.3 million users on that day, with a total flow of more than 15 million. Both users and flow of the whole platform are counted in the unique game "Legend of MafA" promoted by Huizhong However, for other intermodal games, Huizhong has also spread some advertisements, so on the whole, like other intermodal page tour platforms, it can make no loss. Moreover, because of the superstar advertising endorsement of the legend of MafA, many players who are attracted by advertisements but don\'t like legendary games such as the legend of MafA are diverted to other types of games on the platform of Zhongle.

Among them, Fang Zhe\'s first intermodal agent game "striving for hegemony" in the South has more than 20000 registered users and more than 300000 daily running water. This data directly exceeds the original contract agreement between Huizhong and Jieyou, that is, Huizhong promises to give "striving for hegemony" every month This game has no less than 20000 users, and the Arup value of this game is really good, about 15 yuan per capita, even exceeding the game "Legend of MafA" promoted by Huizhong.

Of course, in the long run, it\'s hard to say which of the two games has higher or lower Arup value, and the total revenue of the game is not only determined by the Arup value. Games with low Arup value and many game users can win in total revenue. Leisure games basically belong to games with low Arup value and a very large total user base.

Compared with heavy games, casual games have a wider audience and more potential users, such as happy farm, which will be promoted by Huizhong overseas, fruit Xiaole, which will be launched in the future, happy Xiaole and defending radish in previous generations, all belong to this kind of games.

The first day of the public beta of the legend of MafA achieved such brilliant results, and the first battle of the Zhongle page tour platform also achieved fruitful results.

From the whole network to the whole page tour industry, there has been a storm.

The first is Baidu search hot spot on December 14, Hong Kong star endorsement game, online game No. 1 Shenhao, funeral love family, and three hot words related to Huizhong, ranking third, seventh and twelfth among Baidu search hot spots respectively.

When netizens click these hot words, they will jump to Baidu\'s search results page, including Sina, Netease, Sohu, Tencent and other news websites, gossip websites, entertainment websites and game websites, which basically include the news related to these hot words.

And the headlines of these news are how to attract the eyes.

"What is the face of Hong Kong stars when they go to the sea to speak for the game?"

"Shock! A Hong Kong star is earning millions a day. The reason is"

"Spring of the game industry? Superstars speak for games, with more than one million registered users in a single day!"

All kinds of news on the Internet bombard netizens who get up early to watch the news. From news comments to Baidu Post Bar, netizens talk about these news one after another.

Netease netizen sad wind hurt the month: "Gu Tianle actually speaks for game advertising. He is no longer my male god!"

Netease netizen one flower one world: "Ma De makes a million in advertising all morning, and I will be a star in the future!"

Sina netizen LV tianshrimp 20134: "100000 yuan is also called the first God hao? Xiaobian, have you ever heard of chasing the wind in the wind?"

UC netizen No. 23 old hooligan: "shocked! The buried love family turned to a new game!"

Baidu Post Bar netizen summer sunshine: "landlord, you are the child care of this game!"

Sina Weibo netizens, no, Sina Weibo hasn\'t come out yet!

The news and hot topics on the network injected a stronger flow into the legend of MafA and the Zhongle game platform, and cooperated with the game advertisements put by Huizhong on the whole network. On December 14, the legend of MafA added 80 groups of servers, with more than 1.5 million new registered users. The whole Zhongle game platform imported nearly 2 million users, and the total flow of the whole platform on that day, It also climbed a new peak, reaching more than 20 million yuan.

The whole page tour industry was shocked!

On Monday morning, at the headquarters of 51wan company, a giant of page game platform, CEO Liu Na convened all high-level meetings. As one of the few female CEOs in the game industry, Liu Na has always been known as the iron lady in the industry, and her wrist has always been vigorous and resolute.

Now, Zhongle, an unknown page tour platform, suddenly emerged from under the eyes of people in the whole industry, and refreshed the industry record every minute, just like a sudden rise, approaching the posture of the first platform in the page tour industry.

"Tell me! How much do you know about this music?" Liu Na leaned back on the boss\'s chair, knocked on the conference table with her pen and made a speech.