Rebirth: Super Cultivator in City

Chapter 369

Chen Yu directly bounced the dark force hit by the ghost king with the eight trigrams space palm, and the bounced dark force just flew towards the bully.

The bully is very big. In addition, he is very focused on attacking Chen Yu at this time. He can\'t react at all. This dark force hit him firmly.

The bully has the ability to be invulnerable. If the shock wave played by ordinary warriors, it is not life-threatening to the bully, but this dark force is played by the ghost king, and this force is extremely insidious.

I saw that the dark force immediately wrapped up the bully. The bully who fell to the ground kept screaming, and his whole body was slowly swallowed up by the dark force. After a moment, I saw that the bully was only left with a pile of bloody white bones.

Li Liang was completely frightened when he saw the scene at this time. What evil Kung Fu is this? When he hits people, there are a pile of white bones left in such a short time. It\'s terrible.

Although Li Liang, a medical student, had seen a lot of corpses and white bones in the school\'s anatomy room, he had never seen such a bloody scene. He only saw his face distorted, couldn\'t hold back, and vomited on the spot.

Liu whirlwind took a breath of air-conditioning. The ghost clan people were so vicious. They clearly said that they wanted to join hands with themselves to deal with the smelly boy, but they made a move and killed one of their men. The bully was also a famous man in the underworld. He died so miserably today that he didn\'t even have a whole body, leaving only a pile of white bones.

The ghost King took a deep breath and smiled coldly.

"This thing who doesn\'t know how to live or die deserves it. This move of the ghost king is so wasted. It\'s really useless..."

Ghost king? The mysterious man of the ghost sect turned out to be the ghost king. After learning that the poisonous man was the ghost king, Liu whirlwind shivered all over

This man is the legendary ghost king. No wonder he has just used such a sinister technique. It seems that it\'s better to leave this place as soon as possible. If he were here, I\'m afraid it would be dangerous.

One is the ghost king and the other is an unfathomable smelly boy. If they go to war, their ability will not be able to protect Master Li at all. Once the dark power of the ghost king is involved here, it will be a lot of trouble. It was supposed to clean up the smelly boy today. Now, instead of cleaning up the smelly boy, they bring even experts, One fainted and the other turned into a pile of white bones. If you and master Li\'s life were here, you would really lose a lot.

Chen Yu took a firm horse step, looked at it and turned into a pile of white bones. His eyebrows wrinkled tightly. The dark internal power of the ghost king is too insidious. Such a vicious person must not stay in this world.

"You two haven\'t left yet. Do you want to be like him?"

Chen Yu shouted coldly, trying to make Liu whirlwind and Li Liang leave here as soon as possible. Although they want to clean themselves up, they won\'t die. If they stay here and stand aside with the ghost king, they will end up like this big man.

Hearing Chen Yu\'s words, Liu whirlwind slightly frowned, looked at the gloomy and terrible ghost king, turned back and said to Li Liang.

"Young master, let\'s hurry..."

Liu whirlwind is still very self-conscious. The smelly boy who advised him to destroy the ghost sect must have great strength. Even if his senior brother long Aotian came, he may not be his opponent. He\'d better go first. Besides, it\'s better to give up the idea of cleaning up the smelly boy, because we ordinary people can\'t do with the strength of this smelly boy.

At this time, Li Liang is very arrogant. He didn\'t think the ghost king was wrong when the tyrant died just now. At present, there is such a powerful person on his side. If you don\'t take this opportunity to clean up Chen Yu, you won\'t want to raise your head in school in the future.

"Uncle Liu, we have such a powerful helper. Why do you want to go? Hurry up and clean up this smelly boy today..."

When the ghost king heard Li Liang\'s words, he smiled gloomily. This boy is really cruel enough and has the potential to join our ghost sect.

The ghost King smiled coldly, and his evil eyes immediately turned to Li Liang. He secretly found that there was a vicious evil spirit in Li Liang. At this time, the ghost king immediately had an idea that Li Liang was definitely his best transfer object.

Liu whirlwind is speechless about Li Liang\'s idea. This cynical second ancestor is very dangerous here. The mysterious man in front of him, but the ghost king of the ghost sect, can\'t believe it at this time. If he stays here, he won\'t know how to die at that time.

"Young master, listen to me and hurry..."

Liu whirlwind frowned and pulled Li Liang around to leave. How could the ghost King easily let such a good body go? He waved his palm and immediately hit a dark Yin Qi at Liu whirlwind.

Liu whirlwind only felt a cold air flying towards him from his back. He looked back and quickly dodged to avoid, but his ability was limited. This dark force could not be avoided at all. In a hurry, he pushed Li Liang away first and watched this dark force flying towards him.

Chen Yu sighed helplessly. Even if this bastard was the boss of the underworld, he would not die. So Chen Yu decided to save his life, but when Chen Yu was ready to use his true Qi to offset the dark force, he saw a shock wave flying from a distance


With a huge roar, the sudden shock wave directly offset the dark power of the ghost king.

Liu whirlwind was stunned on the spot and couldn\'t speak for a moment. It was really dangerous just now. It was really a life. Who saved himself just now. At this time, Liu whirlwind thought of a person, his senior brother long Aotian.

Chen Yu frowned slightly. Who hit the shock wave just now? According to Chen Yu\'s judgment, the person who can hit such a powerful shock wave is by no means an idle person. If this person is his own enemy, it\'s still difficult to do.

After Li Liang was pushed away by Liu whirlwind, it may be that Liu Xuan was in a hurry and used a little too much strength. Li Liang didn\'t stop and fell directly to the ground. When he looked up and was about to get angry, he was tightly covered with his head by the powerful air wave generated by the two forces. The whole person was scared and curled up together, and his crotch was suddenly wet.

The ghost king looked a little nervous. He didn\'t expect that there was another expert here who could offset his strength, and his technique was the same as that of the ancient martial arts sect. It\'s not good.

Everyone looked at the direction of the shock wave, and long Aotian came out slowly from the corner of the parking lot.

"Elder martial brother, you are here..."

Liu whirlwind was immediately excited.

Elder martial brother? That\'s good. Another powerful guy is coming, and he\'s uncle Liu\'s senior brother. Chen Yu must have had enough to eat.

"Uncle Liu, let your senior brother clean up that smelly boy Chen Yu..."

This mindless Li Liang, who patronized to revenge Chen Yu, ignored what the ghost king wanted Liu whirlwind\'s life just now. He is really a complete asshole.

Liu whirlwind ignored the evil young man\'s words. At this time, he didn\'t want to go against Chen Yu. At present, the main enemy is the ghost king.

Chen Yu looked at the slowly emerging man and was a little surprised. Why did he seem to have seen him somewhere? By the way, this man is not the killer hired by Shi Krone to kill his father. At that time, I saw that he was still a little repentant, so I let him go. Today, he actually appeared here, and he is still the senior brother of the bastard Li Liang found. The situation is a little complicated at this time.

Chen Yu even the strength of long Aotian. If this person stands on the side of the ghost king, it\'s really difficult to deal with. If they want to deal with it together, it\'s a little difficult.

At this time, Chen Yu took a deep breath and directly released all his true Qi. If it was really like what he thought, he must go all out. Otherwise, it is really not easy to solve these two people with his current cultivation.

After long Aotian received a call from Liu whirlwind, he learned that his younger martial brother asked him to do something. At that time, he had no choice but to agree to it first. However, after long Aotian hung up the phone, he was very tangled in his heart and kept appearing in his mind. Chen Yu gave him a warning when he spared his life.

After thinking for a long time, long Aotian, who was loyal, decided to help younger martial brother this last time, but he still kept his principle in his heart. As long as younger martial brother\'s life was not in danger, he would never easily take action, because he had made an oath and would never hurt anyone\'s life.

After tangled thinking, long Aotian still came here, but when he first came, he felt that there were two forces confrontation, so he accelerated his pace and rushed to the scene. Just when he arrived here, the scene of the ghost King\'s attack on Liu whirlwind happened.

In a hurry, long Aotian shot directly and hit the shock wave with internal strength, saving Liu whirlwind\'s life.

Long Aotian slowly walked to Liu whirlwind\'s side, frowned and looked at the ghost king not far away, but he was stunned when his remaining light swept Chen Yu.

This... This is not the expert who spared his life in Tongcheng. How could he appear here?

Is it

Long Aotian suddenly thought of the younger martial brother telling him to help clean up a smelly boy on the phone. He suddenly clicked in his heart. Is it ridiculous that younger martial brother asked himself to help clean up the expert

But who is this guy with evil spirit? What happened just now? What kind of situation is this?

At this time, the ghost king did not dare to act rashly. At present, he had made preparations to escape. Chen Yu was no match himself. In addition, there was another expert. If the two worked together, he would have to die here.

When everyone was frozen here, Liu whirlwind said something that surprised Chen Yu.

"Elder martial brother, that sinister man is the ghost king of the ghost sect. Hurry to kill him..."

Just before Liu whirlwind\'s voice fell, the ghost King hit two dark shock waves towards long Aotian and Chen Yu at the same time

Then, the ghost king made a force on the soles of his feet and flew away

After Chen Yu solved the shock wave from the flying shot with one palm, he saw a real Qi against the ghost king. At the same time, long Ao Tianhua also played a shock wave after solving the attack of the ghost king.


The whole underground parking lot was shaken by these two forces, and the glass of the gas field was shattered by the earthquake. Liu whirlwind and Li Liang tightly grasped an iron column and couldn\'t open their eyes by the strong impact. They had the feeling of encountering a typhoon.