Rebirth: Super Cultivator in City

Chapter 370

The appearance of long Aotian made the ghost King frown tightly. This man can make such a powerful impact. He must not be an ordinary person. At present, this smelly boy is already very powerful. This time, there is such a powerful man again. It seems that it\'s better not to take revenge first. If the two people work together, they must be unable to escape.

At this time, Chen Yu recognized long Aotian. When he didn\'t know the situation, he had better prepare for the attack first. If this person\'s intention was to deal with himself, there would really be a hard battle.

When long Aotian\'s eyes crossed Chen Yu, he was suddenly stunned. Didn\'t this man arrive at his own expert in Tongcheng city? For a moment, long Aotian didn\'t understand the situation at this time.

"Elder martial brother, that sinister guy is the ghost king of the ghost sect. Help me kill him first..."

When we confronted each other, Liu whirlwind immediately expressed his position.

The ghost king is not good. He quickly gathered two dark forces in his palms and immediately hit Chen Yu and long Aotian at the same time

Then, as soon as the sole of the ghost King\'s foot made a force, he went straight to the dark place of the forehead parking lot and flew away.

It\'s not so easy to run

Chen Yu\'s eyes were frozen. After easily dissolving the ghost King\'s attack, he directly ran towards the ghost King\'s escape direction and made a real Qi.

At the same time, Liu whirlwind panicked when he saw the dark forces flying from the ghost king. Just now the bully was hit by this move and turned into a pair of white bones. If he was hit, he would have to die.

Just when Liu whirlwind was at a loss, long Aotian immediately hit a shock wave with internal strength and bounced the dark force away. Then, long Aotian also hit a shock wave in the direction of the ghost King\'s escape.

holy crap How close! If senior brother doesn\'t come here again, his life will be explained here


A huge explosion generated a powerful air wave in an instant. The whole underground parking lot was shaken and almost all the car windows were broken by the powerful air wave.

Liu whirlwind, who had just escaped the crisis, grabbed the second ancestor Li Liang and leaned tightly against the load-bearing wall. The powerful air wave was like a typhoon, which pasted the whole person blown by them on the wall.

At this time, Li Liang\'s heart tightened tightly. NIMA is terrible. Is this still a real society? Such a big scene is almost the same as that in martial arts movies. It\'s an unimaginable scene for an ordinary person.

Chen Yumei frowned and hurried to fly up, because the true Qi he had just hit didn\'t hit the escaping ghost king. If he ran away, he wouldn\'t know when to catch him again.

Long Aotian saw Chen Yu catch up and jumped up. When long Aotian attacked the ghost king just now, he felt that the ghost king was definitely not an ordinary person. At present, the expert who spared his life has caught up. How can he stand idly by.

"Whoosh... Whoosh..."

Just as they were flying in pursuit, two sinister dark shock waves suddenly flew out of the smoke that had not dissipated.


Chen Yu shouted loudly, and a move of eight trigrams directly bounced off the deadly attack, but long Aotian didn\'t expect such a blow. For a moment, he was not in a hurry. He saw that the dark force flew straight to long Aotian\'s chest.

No! Long Aotian frowned and quickly dodged in the air, but the dark force was close to him, and his ability was no longer able to dodge. However, long Aotian healed and condensed an internal force to resist the blow with his own body.


At this critical moment, a white light suddenly broke the dark power. Long Aotian took a deep breath and almost didn\'t fall after landing.

It was really dangerous just now. He just stood firm and looked at Chen Yu standing not far from his forehead.

Chen Yu wanted to use this Qi to continue attacking the escaping ghost king just now, but he saw that long Aotian\'s life was in danger, so he had to use this Qi to save long Aotian\'s life first.

After landing, Chen Yu frowned slightly. The ghost king was really insidious. This time he ran away. At this time, he was trying to catch up. Once the ghost King fled to the street, I\'m afraid many innocent people would be involved.

Chen Yu\'s eyes were focused and looked coldly at the direction of the ghost King\'s escape. You\'re lucky today. If you meet him in the future, you must kill him and eliminate harm for the people.

Long Aotian guessed how important the escaped ghost king was to the expert. If he hadn\'t saved himself just now, the expert would have taken it down. At this time, long Aotian was a little sorry.

Long Aotian adjusted his breath and flew to catch up with the ghost king. This time, he wanted to do something for Chen Yu to solve the sinister ghost king himself.

"Don\'t chase a poor enemy..."

Chen Yu shouted coldly. Long Aotian was stunned and took back his excitement.

Chen Yu patted the dust on his body, walked slowly to long Aotian and said faintly.

"That bastard has run away. Don\'t waste your energy..."

Long Aotian couldn\'t control his emotions at this time. He knelt down on one knee and hugged his fist with both hands. He said gratefully.

"Thank you for saving your life. I have nothing to repay long Aotian. The ghost king will give it to me..."

At first, Chen Yu thought that long Aotian was coming to deal with himself. He wanted to kill the ghost King first and clean him up. However, Chen Yu\'s heart was relieved by what he did just now. At present, Li Zicheng\'s Zombie army poses a great threat to the world. He should hurry up to practice and stop Li Zicheng\'s resurrection as soon as possible. Long Haotian is very powerful, At this time, if you have such a helper, you can concentrate on cultivation. Although the strength of the ghost king is very insidious, the Dragon Aotian can prevent him from doing bad things. This is a good way.

Chen Yu reached out to help long Aotian up and said faintly.

"It seems that you have really changed..."

Long Aotian sighed with shame, "thank you for your kindness of not killing at that time. I long Aotian has completely quit the Jianghu. In the future, as long as the expert says a word, I long Aotian will take care of the work of dogs and horses..."

Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction, but shouted one by one, which made Chen Yu very uncomfortable. In the cultivation world, Chen Yu is a powerful Sanxian. Although he is respected by thousands of people, he is used to this title, and he is not used to it.

"My name is Chen Yu. Don\'t always shout like an expert in the future. I\'m not used to hearing..."

Long Aotian smiled awkwardly, "then take me as your man, brother..."

Chen Yu smiled helplessly. The Jianghu atmosphere of long Aotian still hasn\'t subsided. However, it\'s good to have such a subordinate. At least you don\'t have to do some small things yourself, so you can concentrate on cultivation.

"My men don\'t have to. Can we make friends..."

Chen Yu\'s words made long Aotian admire him even more. If he could make friends with this expert, he would be lucky.

"Elder brother... I, long Aotian, will go through fire and water all my life..."

Chen Yu appreciated the character of long Aotian. Although long Aotian used to be a killer, many people must have died in his hands. As the saying goes, it\'s good to rein in at the precipice and turn around. It\'s also a good thing for long Aotian to have this awareness

Chen Yu smiled slightly. There must be many innocent people who died in the hands of long Aotian. It would be a meaningful thing for him to clean up the ghost king. In this way, long Aotian can atone for his mistakes made in advance.

"Well, I\'ll leave it to you to kill the ghost king, but be careful. The ghost king is very insidious. If you feel dangerous, don\'t love war..."

Chen Yu knows the strength of the ghost king very well. Although the strength of long Aotian is equal to that of the ghost king, the ghost king is insidious and cunning. You must be careful.

Long Aotian had just experienced the strength of the ghost king. The ghost king was really insidious. I\'m afraid he would have suffered a heavy internal injury if brother Chen Yu didn\'t rescue him just now.

"Don\'t worry, brother. I\'m long Aotian. I\'ll leave it to me..."

Long Aotian said confidently. After one experience, long Aotian probably knew something about the ghost king. The dark power in this person must have absorbed a lot of Yin Qi and trained into evil Kung Fu.

Long Aotian knew such evil Kung Fu very well. At that time, after leaving the ancient martial arts sect, he was defeated by the forehead Yin sect. At that time, some people practiced such evil Kung Fu. Long Aotian still had the original chivalrous spirit in his bones. At that time, he couldn\'t stand such evil Kung Fu, which could only be cultivated by sucking the vitality of girls. He was angry, At that time, he resolutely left the cult of the underworld, and then he came to Yanjing as a killer.

Chen Yu was very satisfied with long Aotian\'s self-confidence. He patted long Aotian on the shoulder and nodded for sure.

At this time, Liu whirlwind and Li Liang came slowly. When Liu whirlwind saw this scene, he was a little surprised. What\'s the matter with senior brother? How can he be so cautious in front of this smelly boy? Does senior brother know this smelly boy?

Li Liang has been scared by the huge shock just now. Chen Yu is so powerful that he is a super Saiya in the cartoon seven dragon ball

Although Li Liang was shocked, he was still so bad that he wanted to clean up Chen Yu. Now that the ghost king who risked his dark spirit has run away, isn\'t there another powerful figure at present.

Li Liang learned from Liu xuantuyere that long Aotian is uncle Liu\'s senior brother. This powerful figure appears here. It must be Liu whirlwind who came to help clean up Chen Yu\'s smelly boy. Although he doesn\'t know why, Liu whirlwind\'s senior brother and Chen Yu still want to be familiar with each other, no matter what today, Let the powerful man clean up Chen Yu.

"Uncle Liu, let your senior brother clean up that smelly boy hard..."

Li Liang shouted fiercely.

Before Liu whirlwind spoke, long Aotian\'s eyes coagulated and a murderous spirit suddenly appeared.

"Who is this smelly boy, so presumptuous..."

Long Aotian didn\'t know the relationship between Li Liang and Liu whirlwind. He dared to be so rude to his eldest brother, which was the rhythm of looking for death.

Chen Yu reluctantly shook his head. Li Liang, an asshole, even wanted to revenge himself. This is a complete fool. Even if he doesn\'t have the same knowledge with him, he\'s still so arrogant. It seems that if you don\'t give him some color to see, he\'s really endless.