Rebirth: Super Cultivator in City

Chapter 368

The underground parking lot was shrouded in a gloomy and terrible state. The ghost king came out slowly, and the light bulb passing by kept flashing. Liu whirlwind looked very nervous. He was covered with a strong evil spirit, which made people feel a chill.

Li Liang, a guy who doesn\'t know the depth, saw the appearance of the ghost king, but he thought it was Liu whirlwind who was hiding to deal with Chen Yu. For a while, he made a big deal.

"Uncle Liu, this gloomy and terrible guy, why didn\'t you call it out earlier, or the two wastes wouldn\'t come to such an end..."

Liu whirlwind was frightened by Li Liang\'s words, and suddenly burst into a cold sweat. The open-ended young master, although the mysterious man came for the smelly boy, he didn\'t know whether he was an enemy or a friend. If Li Liang\'s words attracted the mysterious man with evil spirit and became angry, it would be extremely dangerous at this time.

Liu whirlwind can feel that the mysterious man in front of him is braved with a cold and evil force. He is definitely not an ordinary person. At this time, the smelly boy is confronting the mysterious man. In this way, the mysterious man must have a deep hatred with the mysterious man. Now it\'s time for him to wait and see how he becomes better, As long as you wait until your senior brother long Aotian comes, you can be at ease.

"Young master, hide behind me and don\'t talk..."

Huh? What is this? Looking at Liu whirlwind\'s nervous expression, Li Liang was a little nervous. At this time, the ghost king who heard Li Liang\'s words suddenly burst out an evil look in his eyes and stared at Li Liang.

This look made Li Liang tremble all over. He just felt a cold all over, which scared him to hide behind Liu whirlwind.

The ghost King took a slight breath. At first, he thought that these guys who fought with Chen Yu could have any skills. He could take this opportunity to give a fatal blow to the smelly boy who killed the ghost sect he had carefully created. However, he didn\'t expect that the smelly boy was even more powerful than he thought. It seemed that he had deliberately revealed a flaw just now, Just trying to lock in your goal.

At this time, Liu whirlwind and Li Liang dare not act rashly. Although Liu whirlwind is a big brother in the underworld, he is just a mole ant in front of Chen Yu and the ghost king. In order to keep his name, it\'s better not to do much at present.

"Unexpectedly, your life is still very big. Since you take the initiative to come here, I will let you disappear completely this time..."

Chen Yu\'s eyes coagulated and shouted coldly.

"Ha ha... Smelly boy, it\'s time for you to kill my ghost sect..."

The ghost king was defeated by Guo Chen Yu. I\'m afraid he would have become a ghost if he didn\'t prepare early. Fortunately, one of his disciples was lucky not to be killed by the smelly boy at that time, which gave the ghost king a chance to give up. At this time, if so many living bodies were destroyed by Chen Yu, the yuan God would have reincarnated living bodies, So the ghost king was arrogant at this time.

Ghost sect? Hearing this, Liu whirlwind widened his eyes and looked incredible. He seemed to be afraid of the word ghost sect.

What mysterious man is he from the ghost sect? Liu whirlwind took a breath of cold air, and his whole body was a little hairy.

Liu whirlwind has heard of the ghost sect for a long time. Although he is a big brother in the underworld, he has never dared to challenge the people of the ghost sect over the years. Everyone knows who the ghost sect is, and no one dares to provoke these unbearable and expensive evil people.

Li Liang didn\'t know what the ghost sect was, but he looked at Liu whirlwind and his face was a little different. He probably guessed the power of the ghost sect. In addition to the chilling evil spirit of the mysterious man, Li Liang guessed that the ghost sect must not be an ordinary sect.

Liu whirlwind was stunned for a moment and looked directly at Chen Yu. Just now, the mysterious ghost sect man said that the smelly boy killed the ghost sect. This is a bit outrageous. The ghost sect is very terrible. Almost no one dares to provoke them. Let alone how powerful the ghost king of the ghost sect is, he is the four elders of the ghost sect, It\'s all one person\'s power that can destroy the people of a gangster. Who is this smelly boy who can destroy the ghost sect? It\'s terrible.

In fact, Chen Yu only made a little effort to destroy the ghost sect. In fact, it was the credit of the army that really destroyed the ghost sect. Now Chen Yu is only a cultivation of fetal interest. It would be a little difficult to destroy the ghost sect with the power of one person.

Seeing that the ghost king was so confident, Chen Yu took a deep breath and calmed down a little. The ghost king knows that he is not his opponent, but he is so confident at this time. This confidence is definitely not for no reason. There must be some reason

Suddenly, Chen Yu\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if he thought of some important clue. Chen Yu shouted coldly to Liu whirlwind.

"If you two don\'t want to die, get out of here..."

holy crap What is this? Looking at Chen Yu\'s serious expression, Liu whirlwind and Li Liang are a little hoodwinked

What the hell is this smelly boy doing? What does this sentence mean?

The ghost king suddenly showed a sinister expression. The smelly boy was really not simple. It seems that he guessed his evil skill. If two people left, it would be really difficult for him to do.

"Ha ha... Smelly boy, these two people must have come to you for revenge..."

The ghost King smiled coldly and said to Liu whirlwind.

"This smelly boy is our common enemy. You must have seen his power. If we work together, this smelly boy will be defeated by us..."

jointly? That\'s a good idea. In this way, the people of the ghost sect are on their own side. It seems that they can clean up the smelly boy without waiting for the senior brother. It\'s a good thing

Liu whirlwind confirmed that the mysterious man of the ghost sect was on his side, and his nervous heart immediately relieved

"OK, let\'s work together to deal with this smelly boy..."

At this time, Li Liang showed his arrogant face. This time, there was another mysterious expert. This time, Chen Yu, the smelly boy, could not escape.

"Chen Yu, I don\'t think you can force me today. Today, I want you to kneel in front of me and lick my toes..."

Chen Yu took a deep breath and got up speechless. Since they want to die, it\'s no wonder that I

At this time, the bully who was shocked out by Chen Yu\'s true anger slowly stood up. The bully really had some strength. The strong shock wave just didn\'t kill him. It seems that his invulnerable Kung Fu is really not simple.

Xiongba slowly stood up. Although the move he had just received did not hurt his five internal organs, his left arm was broken by strong force when he was shocked to fly.

He shook his dizzy head, grabbed the broken arm in his right hand and made a sudden force. He only heard a quack and his arm was connected.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The cold sweat on xiongba\'s forehead slowly flowed down. He endured the pain, slowly looked up and looked at Chen Yu. Who is this smelly boy? He is so strong. I\'ve been on the road for so many years, and I was hurt so badly for the first time. At this time, he was still unconvinced. He took a deep breath and continued to attack Chen Yu

Seeing this great opportunity, the ghost King gathered a dark force in his palm and stormed up at the same time.

Chen Yu\'s eyes coagulated. It seems that he can\'t be merciful. He must completely destroy the ghost king today. As for the big man who doesn\'t know his life and death, let\'s clean up together. If he continues to let the ghost King escape, he doesn\'t know how many innocent girls will suffer.

"Ghost undercurrent..."

The ghost King\'s eyes were evil. He directly hit the dark power in his palm towards Chen Yu\'s key

At the same time, the bully, swinging his fist the size of a sandbag, used all his strength, aimed at Chen Yu\'s head and hit him hard

Hahaha... It depends on how you hide this time

Li Liang, looking at this scene from a distance, smiled proudly. At this time, Chen Yu fell to the ground in his mind.

Liu whirlwind doesn\'t think so. When he sees the mysterious man of the ghost sect, his hand is so vicious. Now the bully is waving his fist and attacking the smelly boy\'s head. If the dark power played by the man of the ghost sect is avoided by the smelly boy, wouldn\'t it hit the bully directly, The mysterious man of the ghost sect is not cooperating with himself at all, but using his side to attract the smelly boy\'s attention. He doesn\'t care about the life and death of our people

At this time, Chen Yu didn\'t dodge. He immediately turned his hands into palms and condensed his true Qi on his palms. When they attacked themselves at the same time, Chen Yu shouted.

"Eight trigrams palm in the air..."

The dark force that the sinister ghost King hit out was immediately bounced out by Chen Yu. The ghost king saw Chen Yu\'s move. When he saw that his attack was bounced away by Chen Yu, the soles of his feet made a force and quickly withdrew back, but the bully who didn\'t know whether to live or die swung his fist and didn\'t mean to avoid.

But he never thought that the dark force that Chen Yu bounced away was flying towards him. He moved very slowly. How could he avoid the dark force

No! The tyrant is coming to an end

Liu whirlwind just wanted to remind him loudly, but it was too late. He saw the dark power of the ghost King beating firmly on the bully\'s chest.


Xiongba screamed and fell to the ground directly. The dark force wrapped xiongba directly. Xiongba cried bitterly

"It hurts me. Help me... Ah..."

The bully\'s cry weakened a little. After a moment, the bully didn\'t respond any more.

The black fog gradually subsided, and the skin and flesh of the tyrant turned into thick water, leaving only a bloody white bone

Looking at this scene, Li Liang went back several steps and vomited on the spot.

Liu whirlwind frowned tightly. Xiongba, xiongba, I didn\'t expect you to die so badly. The mysterious man of the ghost sect is really insidious and terrible.

Liu whirlwind suddenly remembered what Chen Yu said just now. The people of the ghost sect were so vicious that they didn\'t take us as a group at all. In this case, you must be careful. You\'d better watch him fight with the smelly boy first. At present, you\'d better wait for the senior brother to come and make plans.