Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 542: Benchmark, representative (for subscription)

Feng Hao was full of thoughts, his eyes were eager, his eyes fell on Hua Hongyong, and he wanted to get the answer from his mouth.

What Hua Hongyong said must be a major event, what is it!

"Feng Hao, I really didn\'t expect you and your company to grow so fast. In less than a year, both Haotian Group and Hacker Group have grown into one of the top group companies in Greentown."

Hua Hongyong spoke slowly, his tone was full of surprise, his eyes were like torches, staring at the young man in front of him.

The father of Huaxia smartphone!

Chinese netizens have given Feng Hao another title, which is self-evident.

Why have such young college students achieved such brilliant achievements?

What\'s so special about being able to do this at just twenty years old!

Hua Hongyong\'s fiery gaze fell on Feng Hao, causing him to feel slightly uncomfortable, and he couldn\'t help but secretly said in his heart.

Future old husband, what are you trying to do? You can\'t tear yourself apart, right?

I\'m your future son-in-law, don\'t be impulsive.

On second thought, he must live a high profile in his life.

The running water does not compete for the first, the contention is the continuous flow.

The universe is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses.

With the advent of the general trend of the mobile Internet, he needs to speed up the layout of his own industry and make the industrial chain of the group company more perfect.

Complete the domestic layout as soon as possible, and then carry out the overseas expedition.

However, do things in a high-profile, low-key manner!

At this moment, his tone was very modest, with a smile on his face, "Uncle Hua, it\'s just that we were lucky. We happened to meet this cusp and took advantage of the situation."

Hua Hongyong stared at Feng Hao again, with a hint of fun, he was not an idiot.

Do you really think pigs can take off by taking advantage of the wind?

That\'s cheating stupid pigs!

If that person has no ability and does not understand hard work, even if the opportunity comes, I am afraid that he will not be able to grasp it. I only feel sorry for patting my thigh, knowing that I should prepare well.

Many people are like this. Only when they miss, can they know how to regret and regret.

When I missed it, I regretted it and said that I would work hard in the future.

But the next day, still going its own way, there is no sign of hard work at all, still basking in salted fish.

But even if the salted fish is turned over, it is still salted fish, but it\'s just on the other side for drying!

Today\'s Feng Hao has achieved such a brilliant achievement, surpassing 99.99% of the people, definitely not the salted fish.

At this time, Hua Hongyong had to admire his daughter and gave him a big thumbs up, his vision was really good. The man she chose was really good, similar to her mother, and she chose herself.

The corners of Hua Hongyong\'s mouth rose slightly, and he joked indifferently, "Feng Hao, you are humble now, not like the style of young people."

Feng Hao couldn\'t help but scolded inwardly, as expected of an old fox, he was extremely shrewd, and his words were always flawless.

This future father-in-law has been in the officialdom for many years, and his art of speaking is quite perfect.

Now facing Hua Hongyong, he has to be cautious, "Uncle Hua, now Huaxia is in the stage of rapid development, officially entering the era of mobile Internet, and Haotian Group and Hacker Group happened to meet."

Hearing this, Hua Hongyong still showed a faint smile, unmoved, "Your group company\'s development speed is definitely one of the best, and now the company has become one of the top enterprises in Greentown, which has brought a huge economic boost to Greentown and Gui Province. "

He didn\'t make a courtesy with Feng Hao, and directly began to enter the theme of this time, which is still the economic problem of Gui Province.

Hacker Group and Haotian Group have grown very fast, and now they have become well-known enterprises in Guangxi Province and even famous in China.

Let Hacker Group and Haotian Group stay, this is what Gui Province wants to do!

A must do!

These two high-tech enterprises are very important to the current Gui Province, and they are one of the few Internet companies.

It can be used as a banner to lead more Internet companies to settle in Greentown and introduce more high-tech talents.

Feng Hao pouted, it really is an old fox, and he came up to praise him, he was definitely not at ease!

But Hua Hongyong, as the mayor of Greentown, and also Hua Roumiao\'s father, had to face it, "Uncle Hua, thank you for your praise, just tell me if you have anything to say?"

Hua Hongyong smiled softly, "Feng Hao, it\'s refreshing this time, have the Hacker Group and Haotian Group received any invitations recently?"

Hearing this, Feng Hao pondered for a moment, what does this future father-in-law mean?

Invitation card?

He, Hacker Group, and Haotian Group often receive invitations, but they are basically handled by Peng Qian and Liang Chao, not through his hands at all.

Feng Hao shook his head and responded, "I haven\'t been notified, so there shouldn\'t be a special invitation. Uncle Hua, is there something wrong?"

Before Feng Hao finished speaking, a smile appeared on Hua Hongyong\'s face, secretly delighted, "Feng Hao, you shouldn\'t have any ideas about the whereabouts of Hacker Group and Haotian Group, right?"

Feng Hao immediately understood Hua Hongyong\'s temptation, because he was afraid that the Hacker Group and Haotian Group would be poached by other cities!

However, he has no intention of moving the headquarters for the time being. Greentown is fine. "Uncle Hua, Hacker Group and Haotian Group don\'t have this idea. The cost of moving the headquarters is too high."

Hacker Group and Haotian Group both developed on the basis of Greentown, and naturally they would not leave their bases easily.

Headquartered in Greentown, in Gui Province, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Most of the employees of Hacker Group and Haotian Group are from Gui Province or neighboring provinces, not far from home, and some employees even settled in Greentown. At the same time, these two companies, as one of the few high-tech industries in Greentown, naturally receive full policy support from Guangxi Province, and of course there are many related benefits.

In terms of tax policy, it is given the highest preferential treatment; in terms of land policy, it provides cheap land for Haotian Group to build factories and buildings.

Besides, Feng Hao, as a native of Gui Province, set up his company in Gui Province, of course, it is not a big problem.

Therefore, Feng Hao has no idea in this regard at all, and directly let Peng Qian ignore the information.

Hua Hongyong responded with pleasure, "That\'s great. Gui Province will definitely support the development of Hacker Group and Haotian Group, and jointly promote the economic take-off of Gui Province."

As a parent of Greentown, of course he cares about Greentown\'s economic development, how to ensure people\'s livelihood, and make people live happier and healthier.

Haotian and Hacker Group are not ready to leave Greentown, which is undoubtedly the biggest good news for Greentown. Greentown can better develop Internet companies and increase the introduction of high-tech talents. The Internet industry is extremely beneficial for promoting Greentown\'s high-tech industries.

Recently, he has received a lot of rumors. First-tier cities such as Modu, Shenzhen, Huadu, etc. have all reached out to Gui Province, trying to poach Hacker Group and Haotian Group.

Isn\'t this to dig the lifeblood of Gui Province?

He was immediately appointed by his superiors to negotiate with Hacker and Haotian, and he was bound to leave Hacker and Haotian behind.

Now that he has received the exact answer from Feng Hao, he is much more relaxed.

Feng Hao nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, "Uncle Hua, this is natural and we will develop together."

Haotian and Hackers took root in Gui Province, which is almost a foregone conclusion.

If there are no major changes, Hacker and Haotian\'s headquarters will remain in Gui Province and will not be transferred.

Hua Hongyong spoke again with a solemn expression, "There is one more thing that I mentioned on the phone with you before, and it will be implemented soon."

Feng Hao was slightly surprised. What was the matter that he had heard before?

So he frowned, with doubtful eyes, his eyes fell on Hua Hongyong, "Uncle Hua, what did you mention?"

I skipped many scenarios in my mind, but I couldn\'t guess what Hua Hongyong was going to tell?

Hua Hongyong looked at Feng Hao\'s attitude and was afraid that he had forgotten the matter. He reminded again, "Feng Hao, Minister Zhang must have mentioned it to you? That\'s it!"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, thinking of Minister Zhang\'s phone call before, his eyes were condensed and gleamed.

The benchmark of Huaxia Internet!

A representative of outstanding figures in the field of Huaxia science and technology!

So he raised his head and stared at Hua Hongyong with fiery eyes, "Uncle Hua, are those titles that Minister Zhang said? Are they now available?"

Although Feng Hao doesn\'t care about fame and fortune, these titles are of great significance to him.

This is the recognition of him in China, and the official recognition can be said to be a great vanity, and it can also be used as a guarantee.

It can make those young people dare not approach, ordinary enterprises, and even some places dare not provoke them easily.

Officially produced, who dares to provoke it!

Hua Hongyong seemed indifferent, picked up the teacup from the table, and slowly pecked it.

Taking a sip, his eyes narrowed, his face slightly revealed with a smile, as if he had tasted all the flavors of life.

After taking another sip, he slowly put down the teacup, stretched out his palm, pointed to the teacup in front of Feng Hao, raised his palm slightly, and motioned to Feng Hao.

Looking at Hua Hongyong\'s posture, Feng Hao shook his head helplessly, and many scenes floated through his mind.

Time to hit the road!

Bah, that\'s a hint that it\'s time for tea!

They come, the security.

Now that Hua Hongyong let himself drink tea, then he would have a good taste of the tea of ​​the future Lao-in-law.

Slightly bitter, sweet aftertaste.

Not to mention, this future old man\'s tea is quite good, especially meaningful.

After Feng Hao finished drinking, he turned his attention to Hua Hongyong again, seeking his answer and explanation.

After watching Feng Hao finish his tea, Hua Hongyong said slowly, "Nothing is just these titles, the benchmark of the Internet! An outstanding representative in the field of science and technology!"

These titles are particularly loud and meaningful, and they are particularly great blessings to Feng Hao.

If Feng Hao can get it smoothly, it will undoubtedly make his name even louder and can be used as a guide.

Huaxia\'s technology field started half a century later than that of Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, and many technologies were one generation or even two generations behind.

Now thanks to Haotian Group and Hacker Group, especially Haotian\'s comprehensive sales of smartphones, the era of mobile Internet has officially arrived.

It is a great opportunity to officially catch up with Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. If you don’t chase it now, when will it be!

As the boss of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Minister Zhang has a sharp eye. He sees an opportunity and cooperates immediately, so that Haotian Group can grow smoothly.

The development and promotion of 3G networks, the convening of Internet conferences, the reduction of operators\' tariffs, and the speeding up of networks have greatly promoted the development of the mobile Internet.

Regarding the establishment of benchmarks and outstanding representatives, it is naturally the work of Minister Zhang.

Minister Zhang recommended and lost to other departments. The results are about to come out recently, and there will be an official announcement soon.

Hua Hongyong, as Minister Zhang\'s confidant and a former old subordinate, naturally acts as a messenger again and again.

"Uncle Hua, is this true?"

"Of course it\'s true, I can still lie to you!"

"This is really a happy event, but do I have this qualification now?"

After Feng Hao was pleasantly surprised, he calmed down and thought about the meaning of these two titles again.

Can he afford it?

Despite his small achievements, he still has many shortcomings, and the pressure is too great!

Hua Hongyong understood Feng Hao\'s cowardice, because he was afraid of ruining these two titles, so he discouraged, "Feng Hao, who can compete with you in the younger generation of Huaxia, if you are not worthy, others are even more unworthy."

Under the leadership of Feng Hao, Haotian Group has sold over 10 million smartphones and officially launched the mobile Internet.

It is also exported to overseas, which greatly promotes the power of Huaxia\'s black technology. Huaxia also has technology companies that can be used.

Who dares to disapprove of Feng Hao\'s achievements?

Among the peers, or even the older generation, I am afraid that no one has more say in the field of science and technology than Feng Hao? !

Feng Hao sneered, "Uncle Hua, I don\'t dare to say this. Huaxia has outstanding talents, and there are many powerful people. For example, my readers\' fathers, who are handsome and rich, are the most generous and generous."

Hua Hongyong rolled his eyes and was speechless, so you can start stammering, "Anyway, this is a title for you, it will be implemented soon, you just wait and take it away."

"Let\'s talk about it when the time comes, and don\'t care about it for the time being."

"I\'m looking for you this time, mainly because of these two things. After everything is finished, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Uncle Hua, you also know the development of Haotian Group. According to the group\'s internal development plan, we plan to build Haotian Group. The location is still Greentown, so..."

Feng Hao pondered for a moment, and mentioned the matter of Haotian Group, which was briefly mentioned in advance. The specific communication was Peng Qian\'s matter.

"Ah, Haotian Group is preparing to build a building. This is a good thing. Of course, Gui Province will support it."

"That\'s even better. When the time comes, I will let the CEO of Haotian Group negotiate with the city government in person, and she will decide the details."

"No problem, doesn\'t Haotian Group have a Genesis Building? Why are they planning to build a new building?"

Hua Hongyong pondered for a moment and asked.

He can remember that Genesis started the Genesis Building at the beginning of the year, and then Genesis merged into the Haotian Group, which is equivalent to Haotian having its own building.

Now he is planning to build a new Haotian Building, which naturally surprises him. The expansion and development are too fast.

Feng Hao smiled indifferently and explained, "The Genesis Building belongs to Genesis, and Haotian Group naturally has its own building, a better and more brilliant building."

Hua Hongyong thought about it, thinking of the previous decision of everyone, "No problem, we will discuss the details later."

Their city government team held a meeting before and decided to keep the Haotian Group and the Hacker Group. Now that the Haotian Group is preparing the building, of course they have to support it.

After talking about the matter, Hua Hongyong and Feng Hao chatted about the daily life of Hua Roumiao.