Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 541: Mayor, what a big deal (please subscribe)

"Since joining Haotian and being my secretary, the job will definitely not be easy. You must be prepared for this."

Feng Hao was serious and stared at Shen Wenqian with sharp eyes. He had to explain it clearly in advance, lest Shen Wenqian be unclear.

Now he doesn\'t need a vase woman, he wants a capable secretary. Afterwards, the frequency of business trips at home and abroad is not low, and it is inevitable that you will be tired.

"Mr. Feng, I am prepared! I will definitely do my job well!"

Shen Wenqian\'s face was solemn, she nodded affirmatively, and responded solemnly.

But this is not the case in my heart, but I am uneasy, and even suspect that I have come to the wrong place.

Brother Hao!

Is your secretary job so hard to do?

Are there other options? !

I heard from Sister Xiaolan that your secretary position will be easy. Is there any misunderstanding?

Shen Wenqian hesitated in her heart, and couldn\'t help but secretly said, it seems that she should pay attention to the situation, so as not to be caught and scolded by Brother Hao.

Newcomers to the company, low-key, low-key!

"Next, we will go on a business trip in China, and then you will go with us."

"Brother Hao, what time is it? Where are we going?"

Shen Wenqian listened to Feng Hao\'s words, her face became more and more solemn. She had a big task just after going to work today. It seems that Sister Xiaolan\'s words are not credible!



Although she complained in her heart, she still had to do things. She immediately responded with a smile, but she didn\'t smile.

"The time is temporarily uncertain, and you will be notified in advance when the time comes. The location is the magic capital!"

"Okay, Brother Hao."

"That\'s okay, you are more familiar with the company\'s affairs in the past few days. If you have any needs, you can tell me, or tell Xiaolan."

Feng Hao did not arrange any special tasks, but just let Shen Wenqian familiarize himself with the daily affairs at work as soon as possible. It must take some time for newcomers to familiarize themselves with the relevant procedures.

Shen Wenqian\'s ability is very good, I am afraid it is not difficult to learn, I believe that she can be competent for this work.

"Brother Hao, I understand, I will learn more from Sister Xiaolan."

Shen Wenqian\'s smile grew brighter when she heard the final arrangement.


Good luck!

Brother Hao\'s secretary position seems to be really nothing, it\'s just a business trip later, the lucky one is himself!

"Brother Hao, shall I go out first?"

Shen Wenqian saw that nothing happened, so she confirmed to Feng Hao again.

"By the way, there is one more thing for you to do."

Feng Hao pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth to make arrangements. Recently, the company\'s development has changed a lot. He needs to know more about the situation, and then deal with it in a targeted manner according to the specific situation.

It is a very good task for him to arrange Shen Wenqian to familiarize himself with the report and then she should like it very much.

He felt that Shen Wenqian was new to the company and could be familiarized immediately, so he must have hoped for such a task.

He remembered that Mo Xiaolan once complained that he was too busy to panic.

She once said that she is her own salted fish, although there is a certain amount of work, but not much.

This salted fish of hers is still a salted fish, it\'s just a different side to dry!

Hearing this at that time, Feng Hao burst into laughter, this senior really knows how to play.

Now that new employees come to Haotian, they can no longer be idle, they must be arranged! arrange!

"Ah, Brother Hao! What\'s the matter?"

Shen Wenqian, who was about to turn around, froze. Brother Hao has something to do with him?

No way? !

She looked at Feng Hao again, there was indeed something.

Feng Hao frowned, is Shen Wenqian still surprised by his arrangement? But he didn\'t think much about it, and responded with certainty, "Yes, the company\'s relevant reports last month, you reorganize it and familiarize yourself with the relevant procedures."

Shen Wenqian nodded slightly and accepted it seriously, "Okay, Brother Hao!"

Sure enough, something happened!

It seems that salted fish can\'t be used, so have a good time!

Sister Xiaolan\'s words are really unbelievable. On the first day of work, she is very busy.

Feng Hao sent Shen Wenqian casually, "Then go get busy."

Of course Shen Wenqian hopes to leave Feng Hao\'s office as soon as possible, "Okay, Brother Hao."

Shen Wenqian walked out of Feng Hao\'s office with mixed feelings in her heart, I\'m afraid it won\'t be easy in the future.

"Wenqian, what\'s wrong? You look like you\'re in shock!" Mo Xiaolan asked strangely, looking at Shen Wenqian who was a little nervous.

Isn\'t your apprentice and boss a good talker? How could you scare this little girl like this!

"Sister Xiaolan, I\'m fine, I\'m just a little nervous seeing Brother Hao." Shen Wenqian came back to her senses and shook her head in response.

"It turns out that Brother Hao is very good, you will find out if you get in touch more."

"Sister Xiaolan, there is something that may trouble you again."

"whats the matter?"

"What kind of process does the company have for business trips? How should the company report?"

"Has Brother Hao arranged a new thing for you now?"

Mo Xiaolan listened to Shen Wenqian\'s words and asked in astonishment, the new secretary has a new task.

This is completely different from her previous work status and workload.

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan, Brother Hao explained two things. One is to prepare for a business trip to the Magic City. The time has not yet been determined. The other is to prepare the report of last month\'s data."

Shen Wenqian responded crisply, she had to tell Mo Xiaolan, and she had to rely on Mo Xiaolan\'s guidance!

On the first day of work at the company, Mo Xiaolan could ask for help from the people she knew, this is her senior in this position.

"On a business trip to the Magic Capital, organize the report. Brother Hao arranged it very quickly."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaolan smiled. It seemed that he wanted the new secretary to get busy and get into work quickly.

For this situation, she could only silently mourn for Shen Wenqian for a second, the new girl was probably busy.

"Sister Xiaolan, you have to help me and teach me what to do."

Shen Wenqian spoke one sister at a time, and she called her very kindly, which warmed Mo Xiaolan\'s heart.

"Okay, I\'ll take you to the hacker group first to get to know the management. When I come back in the afternoon, I\'ll tell you how to deal with things at work."

Mo Xiaolan did not hesitate, nodded slightly, and agreed.

When a new secretary arrives, he will teach him more, but it will never be good, so as not to make mistakes in his work.

"Thank you, Miss Xiaolan."

"You\'re welcome, this is what I should do."


"What\'s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?"

The next day, Hua Roumiao, who was having breakfast, asked Feng Hao in surprise.

She noticed that his smile was very bright, and she kept looking at herself with a smile, as if something was wrong.

"Hey, does my future father-in-law have anything to do with me? Why is it so mysterious?"

Feng Hao first smiled, corrected his attitude, and then asked seriously.

Last night, he received a call from Hua Hongyong and asked himself to go to the Green City government to find him today, but he didn\'t tell him anything specific.

It\'s just a matter of business!

"Don\'t laugh, how do I know what happened between you and my father?"

Hua Rou Miao glanced at Feng Hao, the future son-in-law of Weng occasionally met, and they didn\'t know what they were doing.

Although he is very concerned about the affairs between the two, but when he asks his father or boyfriend, it is as dark and dark as to reveal nothing at all.

After that, she didn\'t bother to care about the two of them, the situation was normal, as long as there was no quarrel!

"Well, thought you knew why!"

Feng Hao frowned when he heard the words, it seems that he can only know the answer when he sees Hua Hongyong.

Although he didn\'t say anything, Feng Hao still had to go to the meeting, lest his future old husband put on small shoes for him.

"You and my dad haven\'t had much interaction recently, right? Why did he plan to find you?"

Hua Roumiao was also a little surprised. Recently, she seldom heard that Hua Hongyong and Feng Hao had an intersection.

To say that there is an intersection, it is only the 80th anniversary of Guizhou University, and they appeared together at the venue again.

"So this is where I am confused. Since you don\'t know, it\'s fine. I\'ll just go to him later."

Feng Hao frowned and thought for a moment, still not knowing what Hua Hongyong was looking for.

Since you can\'t get the answer, you can only continue to wait for the meeting later, and you will naturally know.

"That\'s fine, I\'ve finished eating, then pack up the dishes and go!"

"Okay, I\'ll send it to you."

"Well, I can make a limousine!"

After breakfast was almost finished, Feng Hao and Hua Roumiao prepared to pack up the dishes and set off.

"Wu Feng, send me to the Green City Government."

After sending Hua Roumiao off, Feng Hao sat on the Maybach again and asked Wu Feng to drive him to the city hall.

It didn\'t take long for them to come to the Green City Government, where the solemn gate and the security guard standing upright caught their eyes.

Outside the city hall, Feng Hao saw Hua Hongyong\'s secretary Jiang Guosheng from a distance, the middle-aged man who had met several times.

He is prudent and modest, neither humble nor arrogant, and has no pretence at all.

This point is very similar to Hua Hongyong, who is low-key and reserved, his eyes are like torches.

At this time, Jiang Guosheng also saw Feng Hao. He walked up to meet him and said with a smile, "Mr. Feng, we meet again, welcome!"

Feng Hao nodded slightly, responded with a smile, and shook hands with him, "Secretary Jiang, long time no see."

Jiang Guosheng gave up half of his body and stretched out his hand to ask Feng Hao to go first, "Mr. Feng, Mayor Hua is already waiting for you in the office."

Feng Hao didn\'t communicate much with Jiang Guosheng and nodded, "Secretary Jiang, please lead the way."

Jiang Guosheng pointed to the distance again, "Mr. Feng, please go first."

Therefore, Feng Hao was not so polite and walked forward directly, while Jiang Guosheng was always half a step behind Feng Hao, and he did a good job.

At the same time, Jiang Guosheng was carefully observing Feng Hao.

As the secretary of the deputy mayor, Jiang Guosheng is of course also a good person.

When he first saw Feng Hao, he was still guessing Feng Hao\'s identity, and he didn\'t know why.

Just knowing Feng Hao\'s identity is definitely not easy. He treats it very sincerely, but he doesn\'t dare to be slighted.

Finally proved his choice is right!

Feng Hao!

The richest man in Gui Province, the top rich man in China, and the founder of Hacker Group and Haotian Group, the man who made China mobile phone resound all over the world.

Although he is already at the division level, Feng Hao is definitely something he cannot afford to climb. He is not comparable to the richest man in a province.

Therefore, facing Feng Hao now, he is more cautious to avoid any mistakes.

For Jiang Guosheng, Feng Hao also smiled, and he naturally gave enough seriousness and treatment to Hua Hongyong\'s secretary and cronies.

In front of the prime minister\'s door, a third-rank official!

For Jiang Guosheng, in front of Hua Hongyong, he may bow his knees humbly.

But in the eyes of many people, that is a great official!

Small people have the world and usefulness of small people, there is no need to offend. Besides, Jiang Guosheng was the secretary of the future old husband, so he had to give him some face.

Not far away, Feng Hao and Jiang Guosheng soon came to Hua Hongyong\'s office.

After Jiang Guosheng knocked on the door and asked, he got an answer, so Feng Hao was allowed in.

When he came to Hua Hongyong\'s office again, Feng Hao sighed that life is changing and different.

In early September last year, he came to visit Hua Hongyong for help! Let Greentown apply for 3G pilot cities as soon as possible!

At that time, he hadn\'t really risen yet. It was just that Genesis Computer and Hacker Group had made certain achievements. Haotian Research Institute was mostly selling drones overseas.

This time, he rose to the end of Wei Mo, and he will work hard step by step to make the Haotian HTOne mobile phone, which is an instant hit.

Today, he has become the richest man in Guangxi Province and the top three richest people in China. Feng Hao\'s net worth can now be squeezed into the top three in China.

He seems to have risen too fast, but that\'s what a capable man should be.

Feng Hao approached Hua Hongyong\'s desk, saw Hua Hongyong put down his pen, and greeted crisply, "Hello, Uncle Hua."

Hua Hongyong stood up from the desk, walked to the guest sofa, pointed to the sofa opposite, "Come, come and sit here."

Seeing this, Feng Hao naturally had no opinion. He walked over and sat down, "Thank you, Uncle Hua."

Hua Hongyong looked at Feng Hao\'s dignified expression and was extremely surprised, "Feng Hao, you are not like you now?! Wasn\'t it very casual and indifferent before?"

Feng Hao shook his head and smiled again, "Uncle Hua, stop making fun of me."

In the face of the future old husband, I have always been in this state, but I dare not be arrogant.

For Hua Hongyong\'s joke, he can only smile helplessly, and he has harmed other people\'s daughters, so he must be more patient.

Hua Hongyong made a few polite sentences and started the topic directly, "Do you know why I came to you today?"

Of course Feng Hao didn\'t know, he shook his head, "Uncle Hua, I don\'t know, what\'s the matter?"

Hua Hongyong pondered for a moment, sorted out his thoughts, and looked solemn, "mainly to confirm some things with you, and to announce one thing at the same time."

Feng Hao leaned forward slightly, Hua Hongyong was so solemn, I am afraid it was a big event, "Uncle Hua, you are straight, I am listening."

Hua Hongyong is the executive vice mayor and third-in-command of the Green City Government. It is said that he is expected to go further.

With such a character, with such a solemn face, and solemnly telling the story, is there some major event?

It is very likely that it will affect some aspects of yourself!

At this moment, all kinds of thoughts flashed through Feng Hao\'s mind, guessing what kind of big event Hua Hongyong was going to talk about!

If the opposite is not Hua Hongyong, he would have to speak directly.

Mayor, what a big deal? !