Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 543: Best friend, lover killer (please subscribe)

The benchmark of Huaxia Internet!

A representative of outstanding figures in the field of Huaxia science and technology!

Just after coming out of the Green City Government, Feng Hao had a faint smile on his face, and couldn\'t help but sigh in his heart.

These titles are undoubtedly a kind of whipping for him, and they are also a chapter of protection.

Minister Zhang, the boss of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, really looks down on himself. In the future, I am afraid that my father-in-law will contribute a lot and actively promote this matter.

Without Minister Zhang and his future father-in-law, it would be difficult for him to do this step with his current energy, no matter how rich he is!

These are all problems left over from history, and the human society is extremely complicated.

He himself is a native of Gui Province, a native of Gui Province, and of course he is oriented towards Gui Province.

Haotian Group and Hacker Group were founded in Greentown, and their base is in Greentown, so staying in Greentown is almost inevitable.

He looked up at the window and saw the scenery of the green city whizzing past. There were many flowers and trees, and the roadside was full of green.

With the advent of the Internet era, Haotian Group launched smart phones and officially entered a new era.

The rise of Haotian and Hacker has driven the economic development of the entire Greentown, taking the lead in recruiting group employees and attracting more high-tech talents.

Secondly, the relevant factories of Haotian Group recruit many ordinary workers, provide many jobs, and drive surrounding employment and subsidiary industries.

As we all know, there are many job opportunities around large factories, and various small societies are gradually formed.

Some people, with job opportunities, will drive relevant economic development.

Whether it is the group and the factory itself, to promote economic development, or to expand the related industrial chain, so that more people have employment opportunities, all of them are driving the development of Guangxi Province.

Many places have given preferential policies to build factories in order to solve more employment problems and enhance local economic development.

huh, huh,

Various thoughts flashed through Feng Hao\'s mind, leaving Hacker and Haotian\'s headquarters in Greentown, not for Hua Hongyong, but for his own development.

For the development of Hacker and Haotian, he had already made a plan in his mind, how to expand and develop.

bell bell~

At the same time, Hua Hongyong\'s cell phone rang, which was particularly harsh.

Looking at the mobile phone next to the desktop, he stared at the phone name on it with a doting smile.

Jiang Guosheng, the secretary, has never seen such a kind smile before. Hua Hongyong might have something to do with it!

Jiang Guosheng was very sensible, looked at each other and suggested in a low voice, "Mayor Hua, then I\'ll go out first."

Hua Hongyong slightly put away the smile on his face, and after Jiang Guosheng went out and closed the door, some smiles appeared again.

He answered the phone, and there was a cute and crisp voice in his ear, "Hey, Dad, are you busy with work?"

Hearing this, the smile on Hua Hongyong\'s face became more and more abundant.

He knew how to care about his father as soon as he opened his mouth, and he said that his daughter was his father\'s little padded jacket, and he was right!

Hua Roumiao is his treasure, and now that he has his attention, he is naturally overjoyed.

He responded with a smile, "Yo, my little Rou still cares about me today."

Hua Roumiao responded bluntly, "Dad, I didn\'t care about you that time."

"Xiaorou, what do you have to do with me?"

"Dad, is Feng Hao still with you?"

"I said why did you call me at this time, it turned out to be a lover!"

Hua Hongyong listened to Hua Roumiao\'s words, his face suddenly became gloomy, and his tone was a bit cold.

Also Dad\'s little padded jacket? !

I\'m afraid this will be someone else\'s family, and the whole person\'s heart is attached to others. As the saying goes, a daughter who is married will pour out water, but her own daughter will bend her arms before she is married! This situation immediately made Hua Hongyong secretly unhappy.

"Haha, Dad, I\'m concerned about you, by the way, I want to ask about Feng Hao\'s situation."

"Che, you thought I would believe it, your lover is very good, he just left."

"Ah, Dad, you didn\'t embarrass him, did you?"

"What are you thinking, why am I embarrassing him, he is the God of Wealth of Greentown, he can\'t afford to offend him!"

Hua Hongyong responded irritably, apparently Hua Roumiao\'s inquiry made him secretly unhappy.

Now the daughter only cares about her lover and doesn\'t care about her father. Now your father is the weaker person.

Hua Roumiao walked to the window and stared at the sunlight outside, which was extraordinarily brilliant. She smiled and responded, "Dad, how could it be? Feng Hao has to listen, he doesn\'t dare to mess around!"

She immediately defended Feng Hao, claiming that it was all towards Hua Hongyong, and Feng Hao did not dare to be presumptuous.

Both my father and mother had met Feng Hao before, and they were very satisfied. At that time, Feng Hao was not so dazzling and brilliant.

However, he was still praised by Hua Hongyong and Yin Lili, and he did not object to his daughter falling in love with him. He was very open-minded.

Now Hua Roumiao naturally doesn\'t want Feng Hao to have any gap with her parents, so that she is not good at being a human being, and it is not good for her to help either side.

Hua Hongyong shook his head reluctantly, and the daughter couldn\'t help his father, "Daughter, your boyfriend is the richest man in Gui Province, and the richest man in China. I can\'t control your father."

Hua Roumiao\'s face froze, and she quickly explained, "Dad, how is it possible, even if Feng Hao grows into the richest man in the world, he still has to listen to you."

I\'m afraid this old man is not eating dry vinegar, right?

Don\'t you just think about your boyfriend a few more words, you need to be so sarcastic!

However, she still had to be comforted, lest the old man couldn\'t bear to see him, and she felt depressed.

Hua Hongyong said a few words, looked at his daughter\'s meaning, and was too lazy to talk about it, "Okay, you said it. Go home more when you have time, and you don\'t have to adjust all day. Your mother is like this, and so are you!"

Hua Roumiao stuck out her tongue, pondered for a moment, and responded crisply, "Hao Le, I\'ll go back this weekend. You have to cook and make my favorite dishes."

A smile appeared on Hua Hongyong\'s face, "You\'re squeezing Dad, okay, I\'ll make it for you, and make your favorite dishes."

When his daughter is coming back, of course he has to do a good job.

After hesitating for a moment, he said again, "Take your boyfriend with you and come back for dinner."

When Hua Roumiao heard this, her face was startled, and then she showed joy, and immediately responded, "Okay, Dad, I will definitely take him back."

Hua Hongyong personally invited Feng Hao to come to the house. There are not many such opportunities, of course she has to agree.

It seems that apart from the first meeting, Hua Hongyong has never invited Feng Hao to his home again, and now he is inviting him again.

Of course, she also understands that Hua Hongyong is busy and rarely has his own private time.

Even on weekends, there is still not much rest, and Feng Hao is almost the same. They are very busy people.

Feng Hao and Hua Hongyong have similar temperaments, they are conscientious, diligent, and full of energy, making them the most attractive.

Hua Hongyong nodded slightly and responded calmly, "That\'s okay, that\'s it."

Of course Hua Roumiao has no objection, "Okay, Dad, see you then."

After she hung up the phone, she was overjoyed. It was very rare for her man to be recognized by her father.

As an executive of Greentown, Hua Hongyong has high requirements for her, and even higher requirements for her contacts.

She was so lucky to know Feng Hao, and it happened that Feng Hao could satisfy Hua Hongyong, which was very rare.

"Yo, what are you thinking about, so fascinated?"

She was in a daze, and suddenly someone else called out behind her, which shocked her.

Turning around, she saw Ningxin and gave her a blank look, "What\'s wrong, you startle me."

She stared at Hua Roumiao with astonishment, this girlfriend might have a happy event, right?

Look at this look, the smile on his face, although he was startled, he still smiled, and he couldn\'t hide it no matter what.

So, she stared at Hua Roumiao and scrutinized, "Tell me, what is so happy about it?"

Hua Roumiao didn\'t answer immediately, walked back to her seat, relieved her mind for a moment, and stared at her best friend, "What\'s the matter, can\'t I be happy?"

Then, she picked up the cup on the table, sipped slowly, and tasted the tea in the cup.

That Ningxin couldn\'t help guessing, "I\'m afraid it has something to do with your little boyfriend?"

Hua Roumiao was speechless, this best friend is like a roundworm in her stomach, she knows everything, "..."

Ning Xin secretly said, sure enough, she guessed correctly, her best friend is all about her boyfriend, so it\'s easy to guess.

Looking at Hua Roumiao\'s silence, she continued to guess, "It\'s really related to Feng Hao, what is it that makes you so happy?"

A lot of thoughts flashed through her mind. Could it be that Feng Hao was hit by a cannonball and wanted to get on the bus before buying a ticket!

So, her eyes narrowed, and she asked in surprise, "Did you get pregnant before marriage and hurt Feng Hao\'s child?"


Hua Roumiao suddenly took a sip, her image of a lady was instantly lost, and she couldn\'t help coughing.

What kind of brain does this girlfriend have, she can come up with such an idea!

Pregnant before marriage, you really dare to think about it.

Looking at Hua Roumiao who was constantly coughing, she already knew that her guess was wrong, "Could it be that you are getting married? That\'s not possible!"

Hua Roumiao looked at Ningxin who was still guessing, and hurriedly stopped, "Ningxin, stop, stop! What are you guessing, it\'s not like this at all."

That Ningxin smiled, "It turns out that it wasn\'t an unmarried pregnancy, I thought your good things were coming, look, you look like a spring."

Hua Roumiao touched her cheek, but didn\'t notice anything unusual. She turned her head to look at Ningxin, and instantly understood that she was being molested, and it wasn\'t what Ningxin said at all.

Na Ningxin watched Hua Roumiao\'s series of operations, and suddenly laughed, "Rou Miao, sure enough, women in love have zero IQ."

Hua Rou Miao glanced at her best friend, "While I went, she actually made fun of me."

That Ningxin didn\'t laugh any more this time, and asked seriously, "What did you think just now, so ecstatic."

Hua Roumiao pondered for a moment and shared with her best friend, "Feng Hao went to see my dad today, and the result was good."

"Are you happy for this?"

"Of course not. They should be talking about business today. If it\'s just that, I certainly won\'t be so happy."

"What exactly is that for?"

Now it was Ningxin\'s turn to be curious, and asked in a condensed voice, his eyes eager.

"I\'ll invite Feng Hao to our house on the weekend, and I\'m going to cook by myself."

"Just for this?"

Na Ningxin patted her forehead and responded speechlessly, she was so disappointed.

Just because of this, my goddess-like best friend can actually be so happy.

If she was really pregnant, wouldn\'t she want to celebrate with the whole world, which really made her very helpless.

"Yes, that\'s something to be happy about. This is the second time my dad has invited Feng Hao to his house."

"...Okay, as long as you\'re satisfied!"

"In other words, there are so many men who pursue you, why don\'t you pick one to fall in love."

"There is no one who looks good, it\'s too bad, it\'s better to live alone."

When Ning Xin mentioned the matter of falling in love, he lacked interest and had no intention of falling in love for the time being.

Even though the men chasing her had already lined up on the edge of the Yong River, she still couldn\'t be attracted by her.

"You\'re just too eye-catching, or children can play soy sauce."

"Okay, don\'t talk about me. Tell me about Feng Hao, you guys were so good back then, you were taken down for a birthday party."

"Go, what does it mean to win, we are in normal communication."

"Envy, why is your boyfriend so glowing and purple, he has become the richest man in Gui Province, the top rich man in China, and now he sells Haotian HTOne mobile phone to the world."

Na Ningxin is very gossipy about the relationship between Hua Roumiao and Feng Hao, and her best friend is really lucky.

It is so casual to talk about love, but the old cow eats the tender grass and finds a boyfriend who is younger than himself.

It\'s so easy, the boyfriend he met easily achieved such a high achievement, and now the female classmates in the same class, who doesn\'t envy Hua Roumiao?

I\'m too envious, find a super good boyfriend, step into the pinnacle of life, and step into a wealthy family.

The girlfriend of the richest man in Gui Province!

The girlfriend of the national husband, Brother Hao, is naturally the envy of countless people.

The more brilliant Feng Hao achieved, the more others envied Hua Roumiao and wanted to replace Hua Roumiao and become the goddess of luck.

"Okay, the results Feng Hao achieved are the results of his hard work. You have not seen the momentum of his hard work."

"That\'s right, he did put in a lot of effort and time, and your girlfriend was left out in the cold."

"He\'s not busy, why do I have time to go shopping with you, right?"

"Hey, you\'re right. He is busy in the company and works to make money. You are responsible for spending money and looking beautiful."

Of course, Ningxin and Hua Roumiao were more aware of Feng Hao\'s efforts, which was definitely difficult for ordinary people to persevere.

A successful person must have something special.

Feng Hao has risen so fast, leading Genesis Computer, Hacker Technology, and Haotian Research Institute, from start-ups, step by step, down-to-earth.

Absolutely put in an unimaginable amount of effort and countless hours, and Hua Roumiao and that Ning Xin looked at them and kept them in their hearts.

Even if he becomes the richest man in Gui Province, he still does not forget to persevere and work hard, which is the most rare.

After many ordinary people achieve success, it is easy to lose themselves and end up in a terrible end.

Just like ordinary people who win hundreds of millions of lottery tickets, they often become unrestrained, constantly squander their family wealth, and eventually return to poverty.

"You, I don\'t want this, there should be a career."

Facing her best friend\'s proposal, Hua Roumiao shook her head, she has her job, Feng Hao has Feng Hao\'s occupation. Two people who love each other should be more tolerant of each other.

"Perhaps, you are right."

"bless all of you!"

"Thank you, Ningxin."

The two of course were very happy to discuss the major events in life, discussing life and work.

Na Ningxin asked curiously again, "Tell me, when are you going to get married?"

Hua Roumiao heard the words and paused slightly, "There is no such idea for the time being, and we have never mentioned it."

Ningxin frowned and asked in surprise, "No way? Have you really never talked?"

"Of course, Feng Hao hasn\'t reached his age yet!"

"It seems to be right. I heard that he bought you a villa? No marriage, no happy event, no courtesies, no problem, right?"

Ning Xin frowned, unable to help but guess.

So Feng Hao is here, I am afraid he will fall to the ground, girlfriends are really the biggest enemy between lovers!

Theory and practice are often closely linked!

"Feng Hao won\'t do anything wrong to me. We need to move, so we bought a villa."

Hearing this, Hua Roumiao shook her head decisively, trusting her man very much.

But in his heart, the words of condensed heart emerged again, is there a problem?