Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 247

This noise has just dissipated the atmosphere.

Zheng Yun's mother and daughter are very upset, but they can't say anything because of Zhong Lao.

Aunt Zheng laughed and continued: "old man, anyway, I brought Zheng Yun here today and asked her to apologize to chu'er girl. You just fight and scold and discipline her well. I'm a widow with no culture. I don't know how to discipline her."

Then she gave Zheng Yun a push.

Zheng Yun stood in front of Mr. Zhong with his head down and said, "grandfather Zhong, I'm sorry, I'm wrong."

Zhong Lao's face was heavy, and he said: "for such a long time, you should know my temper. I don't like people doing things outside under my banner.

In the past two years, I ignored the outside affairs, but I didn't expect that Zheng Yun could casually influence the decision-making of a school, and casually label an innocent person as "immoral".

Even I've never done this before. It's just nonsense

After hearing this, Wan chu'er was almost happy.

Good job, old man Zhong!

Not being fooled by Zheng Yun's mother daughter dual-purpose bitter meat plan, Wan chu'er is very happy.

The old man said this very seriously, and even used the words "mischief" and "mischief". When Aunt Zheng heard this, she was very worried.

Zheng Yun let out a "puff" and knelt down directly in front of Mr. Zhong, crying: "Mr. Zhong, I'm wrong. I'll never be like this again."

Li Shan and Wan chu'er were black.

Wan chu'er came over directly and said in a cold voice, "you are crying. If you want to cry, I will go to your house to cry. My grandfather is very good. Who do you want to cry for?"

It's really bad luck.

Zheng Yun's cry suddenly choked in his throat.

Aunt Zheng also Leng eye, they didn't expect Wan Chu son incredibly so ruthless.

In the end, aunt Zheng lived several decades longer, and she said, "Chuer girl, are you still complaining about what yun'er has done to you? To tell you the truth, this should be complained about, but aunt doesn't complain about you. If you have any requirements for yun'er, just put them forward, aunt will make yun'er apologize to you."

Wan chu'er said with a straight face: "I'm sorry, I don't like to recognize my relatives. I don't have any aunts.

As for Zheng Yun, I slapped her two times the day before yesterday. At that time, I said that I would not care about her any more, just let her not appear in front of me.

I've always been a man of my word, unlike some people. "

"I wonder, my grandfather said clearly that day, let you be a good man in the future, don't do anything, but you just don't want to do anything. What do you want to do?

Do you want Zheng Yun to continue his relationship with my grandfather as before?

How ridiculous

Wan chu'er's words are very impolite, and the irony in them makes Zheng Yun's mother and daughter look bad on their faces.

It's a pity that Mr. Zhong didn't say anything, that is to say, he didn't think Wan chu'er said anything wrong.

"The old man... You see... We and cloud son... Where have Chu son wench to say so unbearable." Aunt Zheng murmured.

Mr. Zhong frowned, patted the table with his hand, and said seriously, "well, I don't like to talk about empty head and brain. In the future, I will be upright and don't play with things that can't be on the table."

As soon as Zheng Yun stopped, she said in a low voice: "grandfather Zhong, I'll be upright. This time, I'm also impulsive in Wan chu'er's affairs. I won't be in the future.

Grandfather Zhong, can I come to see you in the future? "

"No," said Zhong

Refuse crisp, let Wan Chu son want to mend knife words useless, she toward Zheng Yun mother and daughter two smile.

Finally, Zheng Yun's mother and daughter left the old house reluctantly. This trip was fruitless.

After Zheng Yun's mother and daughter left, Wan chu'er said, "when you bring me back here, do you want me to see if your house needs renovation?"

Zhong shook his head with a smile and said, "you are so impatient. Don't worry, grandfather is not that kind of muddle headed and soft hearted person. He won't let Zheng Yun bully you any more. "

Wan chu'er snorted and whispered, "the main reason is that the two mothers and daughters are very good at acting."

"Come on, girl, go in with grandfather." Zhong Lao shouts Wan chu'er to come.

Wan Chu son then helped him to walk toward inside, calendar mountain is to stand in situ to move also not to move.

"Although this house looks old, it's actually very stable. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. If you like it in the future, you'll come back here." As Zhong walked inside, he said:

"This house is left by my mother. I'm a brave and resourceful woman, but I haven't been with her for a long time. I still listen to others about many things."

Wan chu'er thought of the legend of the woman in the history book and nodded in admiration.

Zhong continued: "when renovating the house a few years ago, I found a letter from my mother in the crevice of the wall. It was written more than 60 years ago, and many of the handwriting had been damaged and could not be seen clearly. I knew that she had a premonition before she was arrested, but in order to protect her comrades in arms, she chose to face the enemy directly.

She felt sorry for me, so she buried some things in the earth. If she hadn't seen this letter, she would have buried them all the time. " Then they entered a study. The old man opened the bookshelf and looked at it. She was interested in it, but he didn't urge her. He just waited patiently for her to see enough with a smile in his eyes. As a result, Wan chu'er has been looking for a long time, but has not found any flaws. She tooted: "you'd better come old." Mr. Zhong said with a smile, "since it's a mechanism, it's certainly not so easy for you to see." He went to the wall, raised his left hand, and pushed it in a palm wide distance from the bookshelf. In Wan chu'er's dumbfounded, the wall was pushed in“ That's unexpected. How did you come up with it? " Wan chu'er sighed. Mr. Zhong shook his head with a smile. "My grandfather used to do espionage. For the sake of information security, many spies naturally try to get some organs out. This is just a pediatrician. You should be interested in it. There are many books about this kind of organ on the bookshelf. You can have a look at them." After listening to the introduction of the special book, Wan chu'er said quickly: "to see, to see."