Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 248

After the wall pushed away, Zhong didn't rush in either. Instead, he turned to the bookshelf to find books for WAN chu'er.

"Here, this book is the introduction of some agencies commonly used by spies all over the world. Take it and read it." He turned out a yellow book from the shelf.

Wan chu'er glanced at the black hole that pushed away the wall, and hurriedly took the book. He was surprised and said, "I like it."

"I'm almost going through the library of our school. How come I've never seen a similar book before?"

Old Zhong snorted softly, "where can I find this thing outside? If you are not my granddaughter, you will never see it in your life."

Wan chu'er blinked. It turned out that it was private.

Mr. Zhong said, "well, let's go in and have a look."

He went to the opening of the wall, turned on a flashlight, poked his head in, pressed it on the wall, and it lit up.

It turned out that there was a small light bulb inside.

Wan chu'er opened his eyes wide. "I thought I had to use a flashlight or a torch."

"Now it's a modern society," he said

After two people go in, it's clear at a glance, a very small space, Wan chu'er estimates that it's about ten square meters.

There's a cabinet in it that looks very old.

"This is a cabinet made of camphor wood. It's moisture-proof and insect proof, but if you put it in a confined space for a long time, you should let it out first, and then go in." Mr. Zhong said. He reached out to open the cupboard, and the contents were clear at a glance.

Inside are five small boxes.

Mr. Zhong said: "these boxes are all made of jade. When they were dug out, there were also some cultural relics and gold bars. I donated the cultural relics to the country. Some gold bars were used to support the work, and some were given to Yan Hui to start his own business.

Only the jade pieces in the box are left. I kept them and almost forgot them. If you can see them, you can take them away. If you can't see them, you can sell them for two dollars. "

Wan Chu son blinked an eye, some don't calm a way: "I see first is what thing."

She opened the first box. Inside was a pair of bracelets full of spring and green. They were bright and pleasant, clear and ice like.

Wan chu'er reaches out his hand and takes out one carefully. His tentacles are smooth, delicate, cool and comfortable.

She put the bracelet into the box again, and continued to open the next box. Inside was a string of jade necklaces. The beads on the necklaces were magnificent and the colors were almost the same. They were all bright and green.

Wan chu'er breathes out a breath, reaches out his hand and touches it carefully, then covers the box.

She opened the remaining three boxes in turn. One was a jade Buddha Pendant with a big belly, the other was jade cabbage with fist size, and the last box was a pile of jade Bi with dragon and phoenix patterns.

These Jadeites are very beautiful, let Wan Chuer see straight swallow saliva, although she does not understand jadeite, but so transparent crystal, a look is not any product, just afraid to take out a random, can sell a good price.

"Grandfather, these things are so beautiful."

Zhong Lao laughed, "you like it. Take it. Besides you, I don't know who else I can give it to."

Wan chu'er was in a complicated mood for a moment. "These things are too expensive."

Old Zhong shook his head. "No matter how valuable it is, it's just a dead thing. You deserve anything good."

At last, Wan chu'er took the box containing the bracelet and went out. She thought it was better to put the rest here.

It's so secret here, and the place belongs to the old man. Anyone who dares to steal from the door can't find a place even if they steal.

There's no such secret mechanism in her villa.

Zhong Lao also by her, anyway this old house is also ten thousand Chu son after.

After everything was restored, Wan chu'er took the book and the box containing the jade bracelet and went out to the yard with the old man.

When Lishan saw them, he came to help him.

Zhong Laodao: "go back, find time to enter Chu er's information into the security system here."

Although this old house looks ordinary, it is actually equipped with the latest and most advanced intelligent security system, so people who break in at will will not get good results.

So without the permission of the old man, Zheng Yun's mother and daughter and Yan Hui did not dare to rush back.

On the way back, Wan Chuer said with a smile, "Jiang Kechu said that he would visit us tomorrow morning."

She happens to have no class in the morning and only in the afternoon.

The old man nodded and closed his eyes. Wan chu'er didn't disturb him. He took out his mobile phone and sent a short message to Jiang Kechu.

Back home, Wan chu'er ran to the study upstairs, hugged the book of world espionage and read it.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Jiang Kechu arrived at the villa.

He was wearing a clean army green casual clothes, looking very clean.

As soon as he heard the car outside, Wan chu'er ignored Xiao Bai's jumping feet. The old man shook his head and rushed to the outside happily.

"Uncle Jiang."

Jiang Kechu took off his sunglasses, showed a doting smile and said, "call my name." Wan chu'er smiles, "Jiang Ke Chu." As a result, two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, came down from the car the next second. Wan chu'er was shocked when he saw that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother had come? Jiang Kechu didn't tell her. In the face of Jiang's father and mother, Wan chu'er quickly received the laughter on his face and politely said, "Hello, uncle and aunt." Jiang's father and mother just saw Wan Chuer's performance in the car, and they all muttered that the girl was younger than his family's Ke Chu, and she was even younger than Xiaoxiao. Just now, she looked like a lovely little girl. Are these two suitable? However, considering his son's firm attitude and Wan chu'er's family, there must be elders at home. The girl is so polite. It's hard for Jiang's father and mother to say anything. Jiang Fu nodded with a smile. Jiang's mother warmly took Wan chu'er's hand: "she's really a good girl. No wonder Ke Chu hid you so deeply. She told us yesterday." The first time we met, we knew that they were Jiang Kechu's parents, which was not bad. Wan chu'er said slightly: "I don't know that my uncle and aunt are coming, and my family is not very prepared." If she had known that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were coming, she would have told the three men in the family. Now it's too late. She can only pray for a while, Xiaobai don't make two, the old man's posture don't carry too high, Lishan don't always have a face. Jiang's mother said with a smile, "you're welcome." Jiang Kechu turned back and took a lot of things from the car. "Let's go, let's go in." Wan chu'er nodded with a smile and wanted to help him carry something, but Jiang Ke Chu flashed by, "I'll take it." Really, people want to show in front of your parents, do not give the opportunity. Wan chu'er squinted at Jiang Ke Chu. This account will be calculated with you in the future! She walked ahead with a smile and showed her father and mother the way. In the living room on the first floor, Mr. Zhong, Xiaobai and Lishan were all there. When they saw so many people coming in, they were all stunned. Everyone thought that only Jiang Kechu was coming, but all the parents came. A trace of satisfaction flashed on the old man's face, which also showed that the Jiang family valued chu'er.