Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 246

Mr. Zhong frowned slightly. He seemed to be thinking about something and didn't speak.

Wan chu'er giggled and said: "that... This gift is really heavy. It makes me feel dizzy. No wonder other people envy me. The original advantage is here.

Well, I'm an ordinary student. I have a little money in my hand, which is enough for my study and life. You give me such a heavy gift. That... It's not easy for me to return my gift. "

She didn't know what she was talking about. She just felt that the car key and the bank card in front of her were really hot.

Lishan: "no return."

Yan Hui also micro smile: "in fact, I want to send you more, after we get along for a long time, see what you lack to make up."

"No, no..." Wan chu'er waved his hand quickly, ignoring the meaning of Yan's reply.

Mr. Zhong said: "take it. I'll go to the old house with my grandfather tomorrow."

Under the three people's insistence, Wan chu'er didn't refuse any more. She was not good at pushing things back. She was too hypocritical.

Finally, she said with a smile, "then I won't be polite to the two brothers. If you have anything to do in the future, just greet me. You're welcome."

After dinner the next morning, the old man asked Lishan to take their grandparents and grandchildren to the old house.

As a result, outside the old house, they met Zheng Yun's mother and daughter.

Since that day was Wan Chu son in front of so many people's face, Zheng Yun hiding at home for a day, do not answer anyone's phone, also do not see anyone.

She thought a lot and deeply.

Finally, she came up with a conclusion: it can't be like this. Evasion is not her style.

So the next day, she took her mother to the old house to look for the old man. Unfortunately, the door of the old house was locked. They didn't know where the old man was, and they had to wait here for a while, wondering if they could wait for him.

I didn't expect to let them wait. Today, the old man is going to bring Wan chu'er back to the old house to get things.

As soon as I saw the old man's car stop, aunt Zheng rushed over.

"Where have you been, old man?"

Then she saw Wan Chuer in the back seat through the window. After a moment, she said with a smile, "is this the granddaughter that the old man has found?"


Wan chu'er was disgusted by her words and didn't speak with a wooden face.

Mr. Zhong sighed slightly. After getting off the bus, he looked at Aunt Zheng, who was obviously flattering, and Zheng Yun, who had a stubborn face.

Zheng Yun saw old Zhong and whispered, "grandfather Zhong." he didn't have any other words. He just looked down at his toes.

Mr. Zhong said in a deep voice, "go in and talk."

"Well, well, good." Aunt Zheng hurried to the yard with Mr. Zhong. Looking back, she saw that her daughter hadn't moved. She reached for her.

After a few steps, Zheng Yun raised his head and looked at Wan chu'er with a straight back in front of him. His eyes showed a touch of resentment.

But she soon lowered her head again, and no one saw her face.

After entering the courtyard, Lishan quickly looked for a rag to wipe the desks and chairs in the courtyard, which made the old man sit down.

After seeing Lishan's action, Zheng Yun was stunned. It seems that the old man has not lived here for a long time. Where has he gone? Did you move to live with Wan chu'er?

Wan chu'er looked around and couldn't help toothache. There was no sign of repair in the yard.

Forget it, the old man is also in order to get close to her. I won't care about him this time.

Like seeing Wan chu'er look around here, aunt Zheng said with a smile: "girl chu'er, this yard is a place where the old man has lived all his life. It looks old, but it's warm in winter and cool in summer. It's a good place."

Then she turned her head and said to Mr. Zhong with a low attitude: "old man, after the death of Yuner's father, I wanted to go with him. You gave us a place to live.

I've been here for 25 years. Yun'er and I have taken you as our family. You are yun'er's grandfather. "

At this time, Zheng Yun wiped a tear, turned his head to one side, a pair of endure injustice and strong appearance, if ordinary people see, will only feel sorry.

Wan chu'er picks his eyebrows and finds a small bench under the locust tree far away from them. He takes out his mobile phone and sends a short message with Jiang Ke Chu.

Lishan was stunned. She was so hearty.

Zhong Lao looked at Wan chu'er, who was sitting upright under the tree, and a trace of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

"Zheng Yun has grown up, and I'm old. I don't need to mention the past. It's time for you to live your own life." Zhong old to Zheng aunt light way.

Aunt Zheng was red eyed and said sadly, "yes, I'll listen to you. The day before yesterday, yun'er suddenly came back crying. Yesterday, she locked herself in the room for another day. I don't want to eat, drink or open the door. I'm yun'er's daughter. If she has a good or bad, I can..."

"This morning, I was really worried, so I asked someone to pry the lock, and then I entered yun'er's room. But one day, yun'er lost a lap."

"Poof Pooh." Low laughter came from under the tree. Laughter washes away the tragic atmosphere of Zheng Yun's mother and daughter. Several people look at it at the same time and see Wan chu'er holding his mobile phone. It seems that he sees something funny and laughs brightly. Aunt Zheng's face was a little stiff. Zheng Yun bit his lip. Seems to feel the four people's line of sight, Wan Chu son raised his head, see they all look at themselves, blinked, said: "you continue, you continue to talk, I play mobile phone is good, don't take care of me." Lishan: "aunt Zheng grinned bitterly and said to Mr. Zhong again:" I asked for a long time, but Zheng Yuncai told me that she had done something wrong and sorry for chu'er, which made you unhappy. I immediately taught yun'er that you are the great benefactor of our mother and daughter. You finally have a granddaughter, but yun'er has done something wrong, so I brought her to accompany you and chu'er girl in the early morning. Don't follow yun'er. "“ Old man, you've grown up with yun'er. You can't know her temperament any more. She's not a bad child. " Aunt Zheng almost burst into tears. As soon as she pulled over Zheng Yun, she was about to speak. At this time, a burst of laughter came from under the tree“ Ha ha ha... "Zheng Yun's mother and daughter couldn't help looking in the past. Wan chu'er covered her cell phone and laughed. Wan chu'er seems to know that she is disturbing others again. She tries to control her smile and says to them, "excuse me, am I disturbing you? Or... I'll look at my cell phone in another place? " Aunt Zheng immediately felt that her heart was blocked, she said with a forced smile: "it's OK, it's not in the way." Her voice just falls, Wan Chu son has already bowed to continue to look at the mobile phone. Lishan finally responded: Wan chu'er was intentional, but he didn't like aunt Zheng to talk about the past.