Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 245

When she got to the place where she had made an appointment with Maggie, the car stopped steadily. She got out of the car and waved goodbye to Lishan.

As soon as Lishan's car left, Maggie rushed out, grabbed her arm and yelled excitedly:

"Wan Chuer, you are Grandfather Zhong's granddaughter, the only relative! I didn't expect you to have such a big background. You will cover me in the future... "

Wan Chu son sees her this crazy appearance, can't help but take out to take out ear.

"You didn't tell me, Wan chu'er, you don't think I'm a good sister!" The next second, Maggie angrily denounces Wan chu'er's unfairness.

Wan chu'er put his arm around her shoulder and went to the coffee shop next to her. "Calm, calm. In fact, I just know it for a few days. Although I have an extra grandfather in my blood, I'm still me. I won't suddenly become a young lady, and I won't do anything to make people angry."

Maggie looked at her carefully and saw that she was still as light as ever. She could not help but resent

"Wan chu'er, do you know who you are now? You can be so calm, ah, do you know that you don't deserve beating."

Wan chu'er put out his hand: "what should I do, Miss Mai."

This guy is really, it seems that he is really envious.

Maggie clenched her fist and stretched out her fingers one by one: "if I were you, first of all, I would like all the people to announce this out loud, so that all the little people who looked down on me would drop their eyes. Second, I would... I would..."

As a result, she thought for a long time, but she didn't think out what to dare in the future. The practice of villain's ambition is really not what she can do, and usually she is not short of food and clothing. She grew up rich.

Wan Chuer couldn't help laughing, "OK, miss, what to drink today, it's my treat, within 50 yuan."

As for the 1888 set meal, that's impossible.

Maggie white her one eye, but also take her have no way, two people found a corner to mutter.

"I heard that you made a big splash at the Su's banquet yesterday, and actually repaired Zheng Yun. Do you know what everyone says about you now?"

"What did you say?" Wan chu'er asked.

Maggie tut tut two voice way: "now everybody says, in the future anyone can't offend you, even offend Yama can't offend you."

Wan Chu son picked to pick eyebrow, is very don't matter, if can less trouble later, that is again good no matter.

Maggie suddenly said, "if the Jiang family knew that you were grandfather Zhong's granddaughter, what would their reaction be? When are you going to see the Jiang family?"

"Just this time."

In fact, she also considered this aspect when she made up her mind. The parents of the Jiang family are sincere and good people, but other relatives of the Jiang family love to study and have small ideas.

I'll see you earlier. I'll make up my mind earlier in case of any more twists and turns.

Maggie said in a low voice, "I'll tell you something about the Jiang family. You don't know anything. You'll be blind at that time.

The Jiang family grew up in Uncle Jiang's generation. Uncle Jiang was a peasant's son who joined the army and then rose up slowly.

Grandfather Jiang is one of the traditional rural elders. He is the most patriarchal and male chauvinist. Although the Jiang family and grandfather Jiang do not live together, grandfather Jiang also loves to be the master of brother Jiang's family.

Granny Jiang has heard that she is not clear about it. It seems that she has Alzheimer's disease.

In fact, uncle Jiang and aunt Jiang are very good people, but some of the other relatives of the Jiang family are not so understanding.

Specifically, ask brother Jiang more, and I won't say much. "

Wan chu'er tightly holds a glass of water in his hand. On the surface, the water is not flowing. He listens to Maggie talking about the Jiang family, but his heart is not calm at all.

In fact, she knows more than Maggie, the second uncle of the Jiang family, the third uncle of the Jiang family, and the aunt of the Jiang family. She knows all the people and things related to the Jiang family.

Even Jiang Kechu's last blind date may have been arranged by her aunt Jiang family. Her appearance once failed many of her plans.

This time, her identity has changed. I don't know if those people's attitude towards her will also change.

The past disdain and look down upon, and even openly and secretly suppress and frame up, this time will not become flattery.

Wan chu'er sipped a mouthful of water, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

After separated from Maggie, she was not in a hurry to go home by car. Instead, she was alone on the road, slowly blowing the wind and thinking about the past.

After walking for a long time, she took out the phone and dialed Jiang Kechu.

"Uncle Jiang, I promise to go home with you to see my uncle and aunt, but my grandfather said you have to come to see him first."

Jiang Kechu on the other side of the phone was very excited and agreed without saying a word. He asked, "did the old man say when I would come?"

"No, you can fix a time. Let me know when you're sure."

"OK, no problem."

After talking to Jiang Kechu on the phone, she called Lishan at home and said that she would go back to dinner. Then she took a taxi and went to a big supermarket. She occasionally learned that there was Bai's pickles in the supermarket. Boss Hu of Wanzhou was very powerful and made the pickles business in Beijing. My grandmother taught my mother the craft of pickles. Although it may be much worse than the craft made by my grandmother, it should be the closest one. Back home, the food was not on the table, and Yan Hui was there. Since Yan's mother was borrowed from her home, Yan Hui always came here for dinner, which is beyond reproach“ I'm back, grandfather. Look what I've bought you. " Wan chu'er pretended to take out Bai's pickles with ease. While recalling the sound of "grandfather" that Wan chu'er called him just now, Zhong picked up a bottle of pickles to check carefully“ Bai's pickles, oh, is it the pickle business that you and your mother did and then sold to others? " He remembered that there was this information in the previous investigation data. Wan Chuer said with a smile, "the method and formula of this pickle are all from my mother. It's said that my mother learned it from my grandmother. This pickle with rice is the most delicious. Lishan and Mr. Yan also try it today. " Lishan and Yanhui answered quickly. Mr. Zhong rubbed the pickles for half a sound and didn't speak. He seemed to be remembering something. Then he suddenly said, "yes, this pickled food is the most delicious." At the dinner table, several people were full of praise for pickles. Lishan said, "it's really delicious."“ Boss Hu is very powerful. He has already spread pickles to the capital. We can eat them if we want to Mr. Zhong had a big appetite today. He had two bowls of rice before he put down his chopsticks. After dinner, Yan Hui said with a smile: "I and Lishan were brought back from the orphanage by grandfather Zhong. Now grandfather Zhong has found you, and you will be my sister and Lishan. Lishan and I have discussed and prepared a gift for you." Lishan took out a brand-new car key and said, "my gift to you is a car. After you have got your driver's license, you can drive out by yourself. The car is in the garage below." On the back of the black car key is the "Jeep" sign, which seems to be a jeep car. Then Yan Hui pushed her a bank card and said with a smile: "originally, I also gave you a car. Lishan took the lead. For a moment, I didn't know what to give. Finally, I came up with a vulgar one. The card has two million yuan. If you want anything, you can buy it yourself. You should be lazy and don't think your brother is too vulgar." Wan Chu son is hit by these two big pen for a moment some dizzy, she looks at the old clock beside.