Rebirth, Husband's Ceaseless Love

Chapter 834

But Lu Yishuang couldn't be as happy as Ann. He immediately said to the assistant in a panic, "let's go, Qingcang is going to die!"

The assistant nodded and said, "Miss Lu, I didn't know ANN could be rescued so smoothly. I contacted a special police team, and in the back two helicopters, they will fly by."

"Then you stay and wait for the helicopter in the back." Lu Yishuang felt that he would be exhausted at any time because of the over fright and lack of sleep in these two days, but he still insisted, "when they come, you ask the villagers to take them to the drug dealer's house. The drug dealer has been killed by me. You may have some clues if you take his body out to the police. "

The assistant was even more speechless - what happened these two days? She was so helpless that she killed the drug dealer with her own hands!

His eyes couldn't help moving to An'an's face - he knew that a mother could do many incredible things to protect her own children, but this theory has not been established yet - Lu Yishuang can do anything for others' children, while Kang Ting, as the child's own mother, is so ruthless that she can hire someone to kill her own children!

"By the way." Lu Yishuang added, "by the way, you can find a little boy named" dog egg "in the village and take him to e city to help him find his mother and settle them down."

In the evening of one week, in the top floor of Skywalk medical office of city A.

With the sound of "pa", the official seal of Tianxing Medical Co., Ltd. was stamped on the cooperation contract with Mr. germane of Africa, which means the contract came into force.

Li Tianxing looked at Mr. germane's dark face, excitedly and politely extended his hand to him: "Mr. germane, wish us a happy cooperation."

In recent months, Li Tianxing never thought that although he lost the big customer zhidewa due to the quality problem of sphygmomanometer chip, zhidewa's younger brother German didn't know what happened. He totally ignored the lessons of zhidewa and just wanted to cooperate with him. After only three days of negotiation, the two sides signed the contract happily.

The signing of this contract means that Tianxing medical will take full control of the Indian market and increase its strength greatly; Li Tianxing's value will rise as a result, and he will never be on the verge of bankruptcy due to a contract breach; after a few years, he will be able to compete with Guoren medical.

Therefore, when luck comes, it can't be stopped. Li Tianxing can't help but be satisfied.

But at this time, Germanic suddenly asked him a mysterious question: "Mr. Li, do you know why I have to sign a contract with you?"

It's a tough question, because he really can't figure out why Germanic can ignore the lessons of zhidewa and have to sign a contract with him. However, he just cared about the process and the result, and said casually, "probably because the reputation of Tianxing medical service in China is not bad; although it is worse than Guoren medical service, but its cost performance is higher?"

Germanic listened to, just a profound smile: "since Li always thought so, then even so. It's late, I'll go first. I hope Li can always keep his promise and produce the first batch of goods as soon as possible. "

With that, germane left. But for some reason, his just smile suddenly made Li Tianxing's heart ache and gradually became unbearable.

* br >

after getting out of the Skywalk medical office building, Germanic immediately called zhidewa: "brother, I have signed a contract with Li Tianxing and signed all the sales volume I want to sell in Africa to him. He will definitely make a lot of money But are you sure it's worth it for that Chinese woman Yes, it's worth it. I hope she will become my sister-in-law as soon as possible. "

On the other side of the ocean, in Mozambique, Africa, in the villa of zedeva.

After rydewa hung up the phone of Germanic, he looked at Liu yinrong, who was sitting next to him. His tone was full of contempt and Satire: "do you hear that, he has received another large order, and his price is going to rise again. It's all your credit. Are you happy?"

Liu yinrong nodded and looked at RI dewa gratefully: "thank you."

But what zdeva wants is obviously not like this, which will only make him anxious. He grabbed her slender neck and said, "Why are you happy? He will never know what you have sacrificed for him; he will only assume that all this is the result of his efforts! He won't share this achievement with you, because you are only a woman with little affection and justice in his eyes Liu yinrong, is it worth it, is it worth it! "

At the moment, looking at her old, charming and pitiful face, zedeva really wanted to strangle her so directly. Since he had the heart to keep this woman around forever, even though he was kind and patient with her, she had never been like oil and salt; she never had him and her in her eyes Just think of Li Tianxing, the man who may never know how good she is

He really has never seen a woman as stupid as she is, but to his death, her stupidity is still deeply attracting him and making him unable to extricate himselfBut at this moment, Liu yinrong was fearless and gently replied, "it's worth it."

The next second, the Furious zhidewa suddenly put his strength on his hand, strangled her neck, and became more and more tight

Now he has no responsibility for strangling this woman. Anyway, she was smuggled here by him. No one knows if she died here. No one in China will care about her and want to find her

What he can't get, he doesn't want anyone to get!

Thinking of this, RI dewa is like Satan's appendage, with more and more strength on her hands. Soon, Liu yinrong's white face will turn red, and her brow will be frowned because she can't breathe.

But from the beginning to the end, she didn't cry, let alone beg for mercy.

Even at the end of the day, there was a smile of contentment on her lips. Even though she didn't enjoy selfless affection, complete love or even be left the world in this way all her life, she was still satisfied. Only because at the age of 17, she met the melancholy teenager in the hospital of city a, which was amazing. Now she did her best to give He lives a happy life, which makes him proud

And this is the smile, suddenly pulled back the rationality of the zhidewa. As if he had touched the electricity, he suddenly took back his hand and let her fall to the floor heavily because of her lack of strength, covering her chest and coughing violently.