Rebirth, Husband's Ceaseless Love

Chapter 833

The village aunt who was boiling water turned to look at Lu Yishuang, who said this when her husband was in danger. This woman was indeed suffering from intermittent mental illness.

This man is also pitiful. Only when he married such a woman would he be here waiting for death. Otherwise, he would have been carried to e city hospital by villagers.

"Mom." Behind her, Ann mumbled, "Mom, will uncle die?"

"Ann, don't talk nonsense." Lu Yishuang stopped him slightly. "How could he die so easily when he was so strong?"

"But if you don't send him out again, he will die!" Outside, the rough male voice came, and then the door was suddenly opened. The village head broke in with three or five young and strong people and told them, "you carry him down the mountain!"

"No!" Lu yishuangma pounced on Li Qingcang's body to stop these people, "believe me, there will be a helicopter tomorrow! If you carry him now, the mountain road is so bumpy, he will be knocked to death! "

The village head was silent for a moment - the woman was not completely mad.

He admitted that the mountain road was bumpy and dangerous, but there was at least a glimmer of hope. But if you wait here, there is absolutely no hope.

"You did it to your husband!" After yelling at her, the village head turned to the three or five boys and said, "she has an intermittent mental illness. Don't listen to her. Move me now!"

The boys immediately gathered around and forced Lu Yishuang aside, lifting the bed board and going out.

"Stop for me, don't touch him!" But Lu Yishuang didn't plan to give up. There was a decisive light in her eyes. She picked up Ann and chased her up.

In the evening, the mountain is always dark. At this moment, the night is like being stained with ink. Those young men are walking in a hurry. The strong engine on the bed board is unconscious. They are wrapped in white quilts, sending out an invisible sadness and terror.

"I beg you not to take my husband!" Lu Yishuang ran up to them and opened his arms to stop them. "Believe me, there will definitely be a helicopter to pick him up tomorrow!"

Ann also opened her small hand behind her and began to learn in a typical way.

The boys looked at each other for a while - what is a helicopter? Is it a kind of airplane? They can't imagine it at all.

"Girl, although he is your husband and a benefactor of our village, we can't watch him die like this." One of the boys said, "as for what you said, we can't believe it. There won't be one person in the whole village."

Lu Yishuang can understand him. After all, with the environment they live in, she said that they can't believe it. Now it's impossible for her to stop them with a weak woman and a child. Can she just let Li Qingcang die?

"I believe in her." Behind him, a young voice suddenly came.

Lu Yishuang looked back and saw that the little figure standing behind was the little boy who gave them two steamed buns that day. But for her now desperate, his presence is like a savior.

"Dog egg, don't mix with adult's affairs, go back quickly!" Said the young man.

"I didn't mix!" The little boy came running, "I heard him say helicopter outside yesterday! There will be helicopters to pick them up! "

"You mean it? Did you hear me right? " The lad still can't believe it.

"I heard you right!" The little boy insisted.

The boys looked at each other for a moment, and finally turned around to prepare to carry back the strong man: "well, then wait another day."

Lu Yishuang breathed a long breath, and finally the big stone hanging in his heart was put down.

Li Qingcang was taken care of by Lu Yishuang for a whole night. Until the fish belly became white in the East, she couldn't bear it, and fell asleep on him.

But after a while, the sound of the village head kicking at the door suddenly woke her up.

She sat up, her head was still in a chaos, bleary eyes watched a group of people come in, directly pushed her to the ground, shouldered her and left, saying something like "if you're a child, you'll believe it" or "it's too late.".

Although he is really tired now, Lu Yishuang is still fighting hard to catch up with him. What he says is feeble: "no, don't take him..."

Just then, a loud noise came from the other side of the mountain, and it was getting bigger and closer.

The villagers stopped and looked up at the sky one by one: "what's the sound?"

"It won't be an earthquake!" One of the villagers said.

"It's not like that!" Another villager said, "you remember the last time a plane passed by our village It's like the sound of an airplane! "

"The plane? Is it really a plane? " The villagers who had never seen the plane raised their heads and looked up curiously.

A moment later, Lu Yishuang saw a black spot coming from afar, growing larger and larger.The helicopter finally came, and Li Qingcang was finally saved, and they were finally able to leave the ghost place.

Full of hope finally filled Lu Yishuang's heart, let her fall to the ground, eyes tightly staring at the helicopter, waiting for rescue.

The helicopter is getting lower and closer, and people gradually see it clearly, and they give up an open space to let it land.

After it landed, it took up a lot of space. The huge propeller blew a dazzling wind on the ground, and it took a long time to stop. It was very spectacular. This immediately aroused the villagers' onlooking, all eyes were focused on it for a moment.

The most surprising thing is the village head: "Wow, I didn't expect that the helicopter was so big. What I saw on TV was just a little bit!"

"It seems that she is right. There will be a helicopter!" Many villagers' eyes fell back on Lu Yi's body, "but who are they? How can they be so fierce!"

"Big boss?"

"Is it cadres?"


When the helicopter stopped completely, Li Qingcang's assistant immediately opened the door, walked to Lu Yishuang's front, and said respectfully, "Miss Lu, I have come to pick you up!"

When he saw Li Qingcang, who was unconscious, he was shocked and nervous: "God, how can president Li become like this!"

After that, the special police immediately picked him up from the bedside and sent him to the helicopter.

"Mom, the plane, the plane finally comes! We can go! " Ann heard the voice coming out of the room and clapped her hands and cried happily.