Rebirth, Husband's Ceaseless Love

Chapter 835

After watching Liu yinrong for more than ten seconds, RI dewa spoke in a tone full of compromise: "Liu yinrong, you go - I will let my assistant send you back to China tomorrow; from then on, we have nothing to do with each other."

Liu yinrong was shocked to see that he had let himself go so easily. She suddenly looked up at him: "Mr. zhidewa, then our agreement..."

"I don't want to go on even though it's not a year ago," said zhidewa angrily. "Now the thing I regret most is that I made this agreement with you."

As soon as the voice fell, he would never want to stay here for another second and slam the door angrily.

Liu yinrong looked at his back, and her face was filled with the expression of loss. Just when he nearly strangled her, she was so calm; but now he wants to send her back to China, she can regain her freedom, but she only feels extraordinarily confused.

How can she live in China alone? What should she do if she accidentally meets Li Tianxing?

* late at night, in Kangjia apartment.

Kangting was in her bedroom, listening angrily to the shaking voice on the other end of the phone: "I'm sorry, Miss Kang, we still can't do it at last We threw the little boy into e city. We wanted the peddler to sell him into the mountain, but he couldn't come out in his whole life. But Li Qingcang and Lu Yishuang, who didn't want to die, broke into Yunlai village together and rescued him... "

"How are you two doing things!" When Kangting heard this, she finally couldn't stand it. She screamed hysterically, "you take my money, what's your right to be kind? Now, tell me what to do and what to do! "

Kangting's throat was almost hoarse, and douda's tears rolled down her throat. She could have escaped to other countries, because Lu Yishuang was unwilling to take everything away from her, so she would come back to revenge Lu Yishuang.

She had long known that Lu Yishuang loved An'an so much that she wanted to kill An'an. In this way, Lu Yishuang could also feel the bitterness of killing An'an. However, she did not expect that Lu Yishuang met these two stupid people who were not able to kill An'an, but also let Lu Yishuang go deep into the tiger's cave to save an. This land can become Zhang Chengtian, or even the whole Zhang family Benefactor.

What makes her even more bitter and hateful is that Lu Yishuang has already been clean with Li Qingcang, but when she has an accident, Li Qingcang ignores the principle and even puts everything down to accompany her and share with her Why does such a man meet Lu Yishuang? Why is no one willing to treat her like this?

"Don't worry, Miss Kang," said Dagang comfortingly, "we also know that we are wrong and want to compensate you You are now wanted all over the country. Although you can still hide in city a for the time being, you will not be able to hide for a long time or leave the country But we won't let you wait to die. We have a smuggling ship. It's relatively safe to smuggle out of Sanya tonight. Or would you like to pack up now, we will pick you up in the evening and secretly take you to the country? "

"I don't need it!" But as soon as she finished, Kangting roughly interrupted, "if I want to escape, I have already run the other day! I'm not afraid to go to jail or die now, so I want to take Lu Yishuang as a backup! Since you haven't finished my task, please return the money to me as soon as possible, and then go as far as you can! "

After roaring, Kangting mercilessly dropped the phone and smashed it on the wall like anger, letting it be smashed to pieces. In her heart, she was still reading fiercely - Lu Yishuang, don't be proud too early! Even if I am dead, I will surely lead you to die!

at this time, in Shanghai Ziyuan villa.

"Get out of here!" Just because the tea from the maid was a little hot, Qin Zhongyuan was furious and threw the tea on the maid's face, smashed the cup and let her roll.

Waiting for the maid to leave, Qin Zhongyuan was the only one left in the whole bedroom. Suddenly, she fell to the ground like a balloon, unable to get up for half a day.

Tears ran down her face, dripping on the floor, and soon a small pool of water stains formed.

Li Qingcang has not returned to Ziyuan villa for a long time. She always thought he was on a business trip. When he was rushed to Guoren hospital for rescue a week ago, she didn't know that he had gone deep into Yunlai village of e city with Lu Yishuang to save Lu Yishuang's adopted son An'an.

She was the last one to know about his fiancee, which was the biggest irony to her.

And the thought of these days, he and Lu Yishuang are together; they have experienced life and death together, the relationship will certainly be more intimate, her heart is like a knife.

In fact, she knows better that she is basically an extra person here; how far is she from the real extra? She can't even think about it.

She also wanted to go to the hospital to see Li Qingcang and drive Lu Yishuang away, but when she saw her haggard self in the mirror, she didn't even have the courage to go out.

Yes, her body has changed a lot in this period of time.

Her originally dark and thick hair began to wither like straw, and fell down one by one; her watery and clear skin was also gradually dark and yellow, with a lot of pimples on her cheek and deep blue under her eyes, which was in sharp contrast to the beautiful and charming before.Not only that, she also felt that her physical strength was getting worse and worse, and she would gasp for breath after a few steps of jogging; her heart would suddenly jump wildly for some reason, and her emotions would often be out of her control

In short, she felt like she was slowly becoming a walking corpse.

She also doubted whether she had any disease. However, she went to many hospitals and couldn't find out the reason. She just asked her to pay more attention to rest and didn't give any medicine.

No matter what kind of hair is made, the withered grass hair is not good-looking, and how many layers of powder can't cover the waxy yellow face. Li Qingcang ignored her. If he saw her again, what else could she do?

So she can't do anything now. She can only wait here quietly and don't know what she is waiting for. Such a day, every day is suffering.

"Madame." Just now, the maid might not want to be humiliated by her. She came in again and said to her bravely, "no matter what, you should go to the hospital to see your husband now. I heard that Miss Lu is taking care of Mr. Lu these days. If you don't go, Mr. Lu will take care of you! "

"I don't need you to say, get out!" The more Qin Zhongyuan listened, the more annoyed she was, and shouted.