Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6042: : For the alliance of the two countries, drink together

Chapter 6064 For the alliance between the two countries, drink together

Guo Jia laughed: "The reason why the Anxi people are dissatisfied is because of their interests. If Ardaban sees the benefits, it is possible to attack the Xiangtai Pass. This is unacceptable for Aldaban, and even more unacceptable for the high-level rest in peace, so Aldaban is eager to express himself."

"Capturing more cities belonging to Guishuang and making the dispatch of the Anxi Empire have meaning is exactly what Ardaban thought, but our army has the advantage and initiative on the battlefield of Guishuang. If you say Ardaban In the event of a conflict with our army, the one who suffers is likely to rest in peace. At this point, Ardaban must understand."

"If the sage Xu Zhiyi used his advantage to let Aldaban see that if we break through Xiangtai Pass, our army will share Guishuang with Anxi, then Aldaban will definitely be excited, and it will be possible to attack Xiangtai Pass at that time. "

"Xiangtai Pass, at this time it is Guishuang\'s reliance. If Xiangtai Pass is broken, Guishuang will lose the last reliance. Ardaban must be clear about this, but just want to clarify the division of interests."

Lu Bu said: “It’s probably not a simple matter to convince Aldaban.”

"This requires our army to make a trade-off. Wangze City is an important city in the west of Guishuang, and the people of the Anxi Empire have a lot of coveting for it. If the Holy Lord is willing to let Wangze City out, Ardaban will definitely If you know how to attack the Xiangtai Pass, then you won’t have to worry about it.” Guo Jia said confidently.

Dianwei questioned: "If we abandon Wangze City, in the future, if our army turns against the other side and wants to take Wangze City, wouldn\'t it be a small price?"

"Our army now occupies Wangze City, and it is relatively simple to deploy some means secretly in the city. As long as our army is attacking Wangze City, these secret means are used to capture Wangze City. It is not easy. "Guo Jiadao.

Dianwei laughed and said, "Fengxiao is really resourceful."

Lu Bu nodded and said, "Okay, just in the words of Feng Xiao."

"Holy, there is news from the scouts that Ardaban will lead the rest of the army and will come in the evening." Zhang Liao said.

Lü Bu smiled and said, "It seems that the benefits are touching. The speed of the rest of the army is not slow at all."

"Wen Yuan, how do you judge the strength of Rest?"

There was no conflict between the Jin army and the Anxi army. There was a lack of judgment on the strength of the Anxi Empire. It was only from the fact that the Anxi army failed to break through the Xiangtai Pass to judge the strength of the Anxi Empire. Obviously Inappropriate.

Jin’s army has always been more cautious when facing wars, especially before the start of a major war, to have more understanding of the enemy, so that its actions can be more smooth.

Zhang Liao said: "The rest cavalry is well-trained and has a strong momentum."

"Cavalry resting in peace? Waiting for my old Dian to teach them on the battlefield, there will be no momentum." Dianwei said grimly.

Guo Jiadao: "Holy Lord, only after Sima Yi returns to the army, you can learn more about rest."

Lü Bu nodded, agreeing with Guo Jia\'s statement. Sima Yi has been in the Parthian army for a long time, and he must have a certain understanding of the strength of the Parthian army. The two sides are in an alliance. Sima Yi was prepared, and with Sima Yi\'s cleverness, he could still understand the strength of the Anxi Army.

In the evening, the rest of the army arrived, and the fifty thousand army opened its battle outside Wangze City, which was quite astonishing.

At this time, the defenders on the city were the Jin army. The soldiers of the Jin army showed their guard when they saw the rushing army of rest. In their expressions, they did not see any worry. Wars are often encountered by the soldiers of the Jin army. Yes, and on the battlefield, the Jin soldiers are best at using their advantages to give the enemy the biggest blow, so that the enemy can suffer more losses from the war.

If the Anxi army dared to attack the city, the generals of the Jin army would let the Anxi army realize the fierceness of the Jin army.

Occupies Wangze City. At this time, the Jin army’s heavyweights are still in transit, but the Jin army’s soldiers have the confidence to win. This is the elite of the Jin army that has experienced many battles.

Being able to follow the emperor of the Jin Kingdom to fight at Wangze City and Xiangtai Pass is a great honor for the lieutenant soldiers. Following the emperor’s side to fight, this is what many Jin soldiers want.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom once led the Jin army to sweep the battlefield, and won war victories again and again. It also made the development of Jin more rapid and made the lives of Jin people stable and prosperous. All of these are worthy of the Jin army. The soldiers went to redouble their efforts to defend their monarch.

The Anxi army set up a position outside the city, but it made the Jin generals angry. Looking at the situation of the opponent, it is clear that they have the idea of ​​attacking Wangze City. The emperor of Jin is currently in the city. The Anxi army has such a posture. Put the emperor of Jin to heart.

The dignity of the Jin emperor cannot be challenged.

"Be prepared, if the enemy dared to approach the city wall, attack immediately." The generals of the Jin army ordered.

The rest of the army is coming in aggressively, so what can they do? The soldiers of the Jin army will let these people understand in the confrontation that when fighting, it is not enough to have the momentum, but also need to have tenacious fighting spirit, and also need to have strong strength.

The battlefield is a place to test the strength of the soldiers. If there is a problem with the strength and means displayed by the lieutenant soldiers in the war, they will suffer more difficulties in the war.

And why the offensive from the generals of the Jin army can have so many effects on the battlefield? This is because the Jin army displayed high morale in the face of war, which is a war that can bring more damage to the enemy. means.

The Jin army is a formidable presence on the battlefield. Under the influence of their operations, the enemy army will suffer more threats.

On the current battlefield, what can be seen is the fierceness of the Jin army.

The city gate opened, and Zhang Liao led the wolf cavalry out of the city first, followed by the Jin army infantry.

A full 30,000 Jin troops, quickly set up a battle outside the city.

The banners and armor are bright, and the momentum of the Jin army seems to be heavier than the rest of the army.

Both armies kept quiet, but the lieutenants and soldiers did not dare to be slack in the slightest. Who can be sure that war will not break out in the next moment.

Under such a situation, what kind of things can happen, and as elites on the battlefield, no matter what the situation will be, they must better deal with it, no matter what the enemy has on the battlefield. Such means can be overcome.

Zhang Liaoce immediately came forward and shouted: "Dare to ask what your intention is?"

Gao Lantuo stepped forward and said: "General Zhang Liao, the prince learned that the Emperor of Jin had arrived, and came personally."

"The Holy Admiral is in the army, please come out to see Ardaban." Zhang Liao said.

In his attitude towards Aldaban, Zhang Liao is not too polite. He is a general of the Jin army and he has experienced many wars. He has the capital to be proud of. Not to mention the prince of rest, even the king of rest. Here, Zhang Liao will not be more polite.

Politeness is based on mutual respect. Ardaban led the army to come violently. Obviously, he did not take the Jin emperor to his heart. It is impossible for the other party to act like this to win the respect of the soldiers of the Jin army. .

The Jin army is a proud presence on the battlefield. Their battle can bring many threats to the enemy.

When the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can always do a lot of damage to the enemy through powerful combat methods.

In this war, the fierce attack from the Jin army brought a heavy blow to Guishuang. If the Anxi people behaved arrogantly, the soldiers of the Jin army would let them see the fierceness of the Jin army.

The generals of the Jin army have always believed that in order to get more respect on the battlefield, it is necessary to show the corresponding strength. If the strength is insufficient, the so-called respect of the opponent is nothing but hypocrisy.

The rise of the generals of the Jin army can be described as a lot of difficult battles. It was the victory of these confrontations that allowed the Jin country to develop rapidly. Now if the Jin country’s interests in Guishuang are violated, the Jin army I don\'t mind letting the soldiers who rest on the battlefield understand why the offensive from the Jin army is always so fierce.

The two sides are at war, and there is a situation of confrontation when there is a big disagreement.

However, there is no command from their respective commanders at this time, and they cannot be acted rashly. After all, the two sides are in an alliance.

Xuan Qi immediately, Lu Bu in a uniform, has a shocking aura.

Holding power, Lu Bu at this time has an aura that makes people dare not look directly at it.

Ardabance immediately saw the emperor of the Jin country again, and he was dressed like the emperor of the Jin country, which really shocked Aldaban’s heart. This is the emperor of the Jin country and the legendary figure of the Jin country. .

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom can have a high prestige among the people and military officers, but it is obtained by strength.

When the Jin Dynasty emperor led the Jin army to appear on the battlefield, it could stimulate the fighting spirit of the lieutenant soldiers to a large extent. Ardaban had heard of such things before.

The first time I saw the emperor of Jin in such a costume, Aldaban was shocked and leaned slightly and said: "Aldaban has seen the emperor of Jin."

"Aldaban, you led the army to come, do you want to attack me?" Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Aldaban hurriedly said: "The Emperor of Jin was joking. I came with a large army. I heard that the Emperor of Jin had arrived and wanted to come to greet him. I had no other thoughts."

Lu Bu said: "The prince can have this heart, I am very satisfied, but the two sides have set up their battles in this way, and the impact on each other\'s relationship is not very good."

Seeing Lu Bu’s change in his name, Ardaban\'s mood became a little lighter inexplicably.

"What the emperor said." Ardaban immediately ordered the soldiers to gather the formation.

The heavy atmosphere immediately eased a lot.

"Come here, put the table on the table, I have a drink with Prince Anxi." Lu Bu said.

Inviting Aldaban into the city at this time, Aldaban will definitely not agree, but it will cause Aldaban’s suspicion. Although the current relationship is a cooperative relationship, the Jin army has gained too many benefits on the battlefield. To the point where the rest are jealous.

Aldaban smiled and said, “I haven’t drunk Jin’s fine wine for a long time. Thank you, Emperor Jin.”

After a while, in the open space in front of the two armies outside the city, a table and wine were placed.

Behind Lü Bu, Dianwei stood, and behind Ardaban was Gao Lanto.

Dianwei and Gao Lanto looked at each other, and from the eyes of each other, they saw a provocative taste.

Dian Wei, as a fierce general in the Jin army, has experienced many wars. On the battlefield, it can bring nightmares to the enemy. How many enemy fierce generals is the hand of Dian Wei, facing the provocation of Gao Lanto. , Dian Wei is not at all polite.

There is no action confrontation, but there is eye contact. Dian Wei and Gao Lanto are both glaring at each other.

Lu Bu turned his gaze to Gao Lanto behind Ardaban and said, "Who is behind Prince Anxi?"

Aldaban proudly said: "This is the strong general of the Parthian Army, Gao Lanto, Gao Lanto, come and meet the Emperor of Jin."

Gao Lanto heard the words and stepped forward to salute.

Lü Bu nodded slightly and said, "In the Anxi Army, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"The Jin army has a lot of talents, and this battle in Guishuang has made the people of Guishuang panic." Aldaban said.

Touted that such things are mutual, the Emperor Jin expressed his kindness, and Ardaban would naturally not show his face.

When the status reaches a certain level, when discussing things, you will be more kind, and will not say that it gives people a vicious feeling. Even if it is important to communicate, if you are not enough in your xinxing, you will fall behind. Lower level.

Lu Bu, as the emperor of the Jin, has experienced so many things.

"I originally planned to invite Prince Anxi to come. I don\'t want Prince Anxi to come so quickly. Jin and Anxi form an alliance in order to achieve greater success on the battlefield of Guishuang." Lu Bu held up the drink and said. .

Aldaban hurriedly picked up the drink and said: "For the alliance between the two countries, drink together."

Lü Bu picked up the drink, drank it, and put it down, saying, "Now that the rest of the army is just breaking through the Kaihe Pass, I am afraid it is not enough? Our soldiers have suffered heavy losses on the battlefield of Guishuang. , Anguanya, but it is known as Guishuang\'s first male gate. Our army suffered a great loss when attacking Anguanya. Prince Anxi, he must understand what I mean, right?"

Aldaban nodded and said: "In order to attack Guishuang, the Jin army did indeed suffer heavy losses. They rested the army and attacked Xiangtai Pass. They also paid a lot of money. They paid a lot for the alliance."

"According to the agreement, the east of Peshawar, together with Peshawar, belong to the Jin country, and the west of Peshawar belongs to the rest of peace." Lu Bu said slowly.

Aldaban\'s heart moved, and his face was happy. If there is a promise from the Emperor of Jin, not only will there be no conflict between the two sides, but it will be able to take advantage of the trend to occupy more of the city of Guishuang, which is a good thing.

(End of this chapter)