Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6043: : Settled in Wangze City

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If possible, Ardaban naturally did not want the Anxi army and the Jin army to have a conflict. The Jin army, but the existence of extremely elite, the Anxi army came to the battlefield of Guishuang to be able to obtain more benefits, not Said that he was fighting against the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang.

The interests on the battlefield are more important than arrogance.

This also made Ardaban\'s heart a little ashamed. The Emperor of Jin was able to mention such things, which means that the Emperor of Jin has no plans to turn his face, but he led a 50,000 army to come in aggressively, and the Emperor of Jin could do this. The polite treatment is already quite polite.

"The emperor of Jin can remember this, and he must be grateful for the rest." Aldaban said.

"I always believe that Jin and Anxi are very good allies." Lu Bu said: "But as an ally, I also want to remind Prince Anxi that the west of Peshawar belongs to Guishuang, but at Xiangtai Pass, there are still Guishuang soldiers. Horse guards."

Aldaban said, "Emperor Jin, don\'t worry, the Guishuang Army at Xiangtai Pass is nothing to worry about."

"If this is the case, I will feel relieved. In fact, I led the army to help Prince Anxi break through Xiangtai Pass. I feel uncomfortable to learn that Prince Anxi will not be able to break through Xiangtai Pass for a long time." Lu Bu road.

Aldaban said: "The Emperor of Jin has a heart. You don\'t need to worry about the Emperor of Jin when attacking Xiangtai Pass. My resting warrior will be able to break Xiangtai Pass."

"Well, if Prince Anxi can have such confidence, I will feel relieved. Wangze City is an important city in the west of Guishuang. Our army has entered the city, but only two days. Since Prince Anxi is here today, I will take Wangze City. Give it to the prince." Lu Bu said.

Ardaban was overjoyed when he heard this, Wangze City, that was a rich city. Although the Jin army occupied Wangze City first, as long as Wangze City could be taken down, it would be of great help to the Anxi army\'s actions afterwards. , I originally thought it would be more difficult for Wangzecheng to come over from the hands of the Jin army, but I didn\'t expect the Emperor of Jin to be so talkative.

And the sincerity of the Jin emperor made Ardaban feel guilty.

However, Ardaban is obviously happier to be able to obtain more benefits for rest. In this war, the price paid for rest is not small. Other than that, it is just the food and grass consumed by the army. , Is a huge number.

In a war, it is normal to have consumption. The key is what kind of benefits can be obtained in the war is the most important thing. If there is no gain in the war, on the contrary, the loss on the battlefield is great. This is the situation. , Certainly can not satisfy the high-level middle school.

The senior leaders of the Parthian Empire have many expectations for this war.

Can not get more benefits from the confrontation, which has a great impact on Aldaban\'s status in the Sabbath.

Ardaban raised his drink and said, "Thank you, Emperor Jin, for the friendship between the two countries, drink together."

Lu Bu nodded slightly, picked up the wine and drank it.

"Then I wish Prince Anxi, on the battlefield of Guishuang, will be able to win the battle, and I will lead the army to leave tomorrow. When the princes and horses arrive, the Jin army will definitely leave." Lu Bu stood up and said.

Aldaban solemnly said: "The friendship between Jin and Rest will always exist."

With the words of the Emperor of Jin, Aldaban was very excited. What he felt was the sincerity of the Emperor of Jin. With these words of the Emperor of Jin, it would definitely enable the Anxi army to have more on the battlefield of Guishuang. Great achievement.

The conquest of the army itself is to get more benefits. If the Anxi army only has losses on the battlefield of Guishuang and has no gain, such a situation will definitely not be tolerated.

The Jin army has gained so many benefits in the territory of Guishuang, and the arrival of the Anxi army, if the Jin country does not back down, it will definitely attract the dissatisfaction of the Anxi soldiers.

From the words of the Emperor of Jin, we can see that the Emperor of Jin attached great importance to the exchanges between the two countries.

Back in the army, Ardaban immediately summoned the lieutenant generals and said solemnly: "You can\'t speak ill of the Jin army in the future. Jin is a friend in peace and a friend forever."

"Lieutenant General of the Chuanling Army, wait for the Jin Army to leave and settle in Wangze City."

Compared with the previous words, the words behind Aldaban excited the rest of the generals. The Jin army will withdraw from Wangze City, and the rest of the army will occupy Wangze City. This is definitely a big surprise. No wonder Aldaban will have What about the previous words.

Putting these things on anyone, you will be grateful. I thought that there would be a conflict between the two armies, and even many soldiers who were resting in peace were prepared for war. Now, it seems that Jin is clearly. With sincerity, after they captured the important city of Guishuang, they did not forget the previous agreement. Such a country is definitely worth contacting.

Guishuang has a vast territory, and the division of Guishuang will greatly help the strength of the Anxi Empire.

The rest of the army was dispatched to gain more benefits on the battlefield of Guishuang, and in this confrontation, the combination of the rest of the army and the Jin army must have achieved more benefits for the rest of the empire.

The price paid by the peace army in this war is indeed not small, but if so many benefits can be obtained, it will be worth the effort.

If in this war of attack on Guishuang, the gains and contributions of Rest cannot be proportional, Ardaban\'s prestige in the Rest of the Empire will plummet.

Aldaban has a very high status in the Parthian Empire, but in the Parthian Empire, there are many nobles. Sometimes these nobles don’t depend on how common you are, but what they can bring to the Parthian Empire at a critical time is What kind of benefits.

The Jin army quickly withdrew, and the Anxi army could not wait to enter Wangze City.

After entering Wangze City, the rest of the army showed a crazy side, they looted the people in the city.

Before the Jin army entered the city, it did nothing against the people Qiu in the city, but it is different when such a thing is placed on the Anxi soldiers. There are many enmities between the two themselves, and now they occupy the city belonging to Guishuang. It\'s time for a carnival.

What the Jin army didn\'t do when they entered the city was realized in the Anxi soldiers.

Before attacking Xiangtai Pass, I have not been able to win the battle. After capturing Kaihe Pass or the Guishuang Army surrendering Kaihe Pass, there is no place to vent the anger in the hearts of the resting soldiers, and now they have occupied Wangze. Cheng, it is the opportunity to give vent to it.

Ardaban did not stop the behavior of the lieutenant generals. This was also the one who had promised the lieutenant generals before, and captured the city of Guishuang, which required looting to celebrate.

Even if the Anxi soldiers had more extraordinary actions in Guishuang\'s city, the generals in the army would not stop them.

This is the important reason why the people of Guishuang have a lot of hatred towards the Parthians, and the hatred between the two cannot be resolved.

The arrival of the Jin army can bring a stable life to the people of Guishuang, and can prevent the people of Guishuang from suffering death in the war, but the rest of the army will not have such a move.

The withdrawal of the Jin army made the resting soldiers cheer, and they had a lot of trust in the Jin army. At this time, the Jin army seemed to them to be the best ally. If it were not the best ally, how could it be Wangze City is such an important city to the rest of the army.

The previous bad rumors about the Jin army disappeared in the Parthian army, and there is nothing more direct than this benefit.

The Jin army has now withdrawn from Wangze City and will leave soon. When the rest of the army arrives and belongs to the rest of the city, the Jin army will withdraw. Such news has made the morale of the rest of the army soar. They fought in Guishuang. In order to get benefits?

Just a vent from Wangze City cannot be satisfied by the resting soldiers. They need to have more raging in the territory of Guishuang.

This is also the difference between the resting army and the Jin army. The Jin army captured the enemy\'s city, thinking about the future stability and thinking about the future rapid development. If more killings are made in the city, it will be affirmative for the future rule. It is unfavorable. Such a situation is even more unacceptable for the Jin army.

To make the territory of the Jin country wider, the most basic thing is to stabilize the rule and kill. Sometimes it will not bring stability, but will bring more resistance.

From the fact that the Jin army captured the many cities of Guishuang without much resistance, it can be seen that the people of Guishuang did not reject the Jin army more at this time. If they were replaced by the Anxi army, the situation would be certain. Will change.

The enmity between the Anxi Empire and the Guishuang Empire has already reached its bones, and it is impossible to resolve it.

Now that the resting army enters Guishuang, it must be looted.

The Jin army withdrew and the Anxi army was excited, and Ardaban had to consider the army\'s next move.

According to Ardaban\'s plan, the city that belonged to the rest must have been captured, but the words of the Emperor of Jin made Ardaban had to consider the Guishuang army at Xiangtai Pass.

Xiangtai Pass has an army of 40,000 Guishuang. If Guishuang’s army takes the opportunity to attack when the rest of the army moves, it may cause heavy losses to the rest.

Especially when the guard at Xiangtai Pass learned about the situation in Wangze City, how could he sit idly by?

Abautu may have planned before, but after the Jin army took the initiative to surrender Wangze City, the rested army must definitely attack Xiangtaiguan. There is such a hidden danger behind him, and Aldaban cannot be relieved.

Previously, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom even mentioned that he would help the Anxi army to attack Xiangtai Pass, but he refused because of Ardaban.

The Anxi army needs to prove its strength on the battlefield of Guishuang, can\'t rely on the help of the Jin army, right? This is also detrimental to the morale of the rest of the army.

Xiangtai Pass has 40,000 defenders. It is very difficult to break through. However, attacking Xiangtai Pass from the outside is completely different from attacking from the inside. Attacking Xiangtai Pass from the outside has a steep terrain. It is not conducive to the formation of the army.

But if you launch an offensive from the inside, you will be very friendly to the offensive side, and this is where Ardaban\'s confidence lies.

The war at Xiangtai Pass proved that the Anxi Army was strong and prosperous, and only when it cooperated with the Shanxi Army could it take more initiative.

If the peace army did not have much success on the battlefield, and simply gained more control of the city from the hands of the Jin army, it would inevitably be despised by the people of the Jin country.

The soldiers of the Parthian Empire also have their pride. They will shine brightly on the battlefield of Guishuang.

At the same time, Ardaban quickly spread the news to the Shah, and even asked for reinforcements.

Although there are 90,000 rest troops in Guishuang territory, the rest of the rest army is about to occupy half of the territory of Guishuang. If there is not enough troops to guard and an accident occurs, it is unforgivable.

The Jin country is showing friendly, but the peace army does not have enough strength, which may cause some unnecessary troubles.

Ardaban has experienced many wars. Naturally, he was prepared for the dangerous situations that may appear on the battlefield. At this time, the Jin army gave up control of the city. If the Jin army can see the strength of the resting army If it doesn\'t work, what kind of behavior will they have?

In the war, for the benefit, what kind of things are possible to happen, Ardaban must take a more comprehensive situation into consideration.

Of course, the Guishuang Army at Xiangtai Pass must be unlucky, and it must reflect the powerful strength and high morale of the Anxi Army.

At this time, the most uncomfortable thing was the defender Abaotu of Xiangtai Pass. What he didn\'t expect was that the Emperor of Jin would directly hand over the control of Wangze City when the rest of the army arrived. UU Reading

The Jin army showed a strong side in Guishuang, and the soldiers of the Jin army had the pride of their own. It is said that the Jin army had obtained Wangze City at this time, and it should not be allowed to go out. It is the Jin country. The behavior surprised Abautu.

Abautu knew even more that when the Jin army gave up Wangze City, the war at Xiangtai Pass might follow.

In any case, the relationship between Jin and Anxi is an alliance. There is still no conflict of interest between the two. The Jin army has voluntarily surrendered Wangze City and has shown its sincerity. At this time, it is most worrying. The troops defending at Xiangtai Pass are the rest in peace.

What Aldaban said before may be very good, but it was based on the fact that the rest of the army did not enter the territory of Guishuang. When the rest of the army appeared in the territory of Guishuang, some of the previous promises may be useless.

The three parties are all planning this war, and the key is to see which side\'s planning has a greater effect.

From this matter, it can be seen that the Jin army must have taken precautions against this incident. After occupying Wangze City, the army directly let it out, which made the situation of the Guishuang army more passive.

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