Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6041: : It's really weird


With the gradual development of the confrontation, the damage caused by the Jin Emperor\'s war style to the enemy will be more obvious, and what can make the enemy feel the urgency of the situation in such a war.

The combat capability of the Jin army’s soldiers has been well demonstrated in such a confrontation, and the Jin army’s offensive will not simply stop, because the emperor of the Jin Kingdom needs to be on the battlefield of Guishuang. A greater victory requires a greater improvement in the strength of the Jin country in this war.

The generals of the Jin army supported the decision of the Emperor of Jin, especially when the Emperor of Jin gave an order, they would show terrifying combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

In a confrontation, if there is a problem with the means and cannot achieve greater success during the war, you will suffer more losses in the subsequent war.

With the strong strength of the Jin army, when they captured more cities belonging to Guishuang, the Anxi Empire wanted to obtain control of these cities from the hands of the Jin army, but it was not as simple as imagined.

There is no reason why the city captured by the soldiers of the Jin army should be given to the rest.

There are many unwillingness to retreat the rest cavalry. They have already captured Kaihe Pass. No matter how the offensive process is, they have been able to enter the hinterland of Guishuang at this time. However, the achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang are real. It was too big, and now Guishuang’s wealthy city almost fell into the hands of the Jin army.

In the war, the Jin army occupied enough benefits, but now the Jin army is dispatched again, taking advantage of the trend to occupy Wangze City, this situation can be said to make the resting soldiers angry.

Even if the Jin army had strong strength, the rest of the army in Guishuang still had a crowd of 90,000. Wangze City was occupied by the Jin army in this way, indicating that the Jin army did not intend to do things according to the previous discussions.

Only before the Jin army had made a clear attitude, even if the generals in Anxi had anger in their hearts, they could only suppress them.

If the situation is unknown, a direct attack on the city of the Jin army will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The Jin army was able to make successive breakthroughs on the battlefield, and had such dazzling achievements during the war. This shows that the offensive from the Jin army is not simple. More conflicts with the Jin army are making you expensive. Frost is watching the joke.

To form an alliance with the Jin army requires a certain degree of confidence in the allies. Although the Jin army did show some greed on the battlefield of Guishuang, it was precisely because of the breakthrough made by the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang that the army rested in peace. To be able to enter the territory of Guishuang, this is the dream of many resters.

Guishuang is rich and wealthy, no less than the Anxi Empire, and the Guishuang Empire is guarded by a strong guard. If the Guishuang Empire can be obtained, the strength of the Anxi Empire will be able to compete with the Roman Empire.

At this time, Guishuang was in the chaos, and it was time for the resting army to flex its muscles in Guishuang\'s territory.

Obtaining more cities, so that the strength of the Parthian Empire can be further improved after the end of this war. This is Aldaban\'s dream.

From the actual situation, it can be seen that the dream of the rest of the army entering Guishuang and occupying more cities will soon be realized.

The Anxi army captured Kaihe Pass. This is a major event for the Anxi Empire. At this time, there are many Jin troops in Guishuang. The Anxi Empire will certainly mobilize more soldiers and horses to enter Guishuang for its own benefit. So as to stabilize one\'s own interests.

The weaker party has no more right to speak on the battlefield. The reasoning behind this is clear to Ardaban.

The strong strength of the Jin army has been tested in the war. When the emperor of Jin has more ambitions, the strong strength of the Jin army will become an important support for the Jin emperor.

And when the number of troops of the Parthian Empire is not inferior to that of the Jin army, only when Aldaban is in the alliance can he have more voice.

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is to get it from the city that the Jin army will agree on. If the Jin army does not agree on this matter, the conflict between the two sides may break out.

The armies of the Anxi Empire came from afar to attack Guishuang, isn\'t it just to get more benefits from Guishuang? The Jin army occupied many of the cities of Guishuang, and moreover, took the wealth of Guishuang as their own. According to the agreement, many of the cities in it belonged to the Parthian Empire.

After listening to Gao Lanto\'s narration, Aldaban\'s face was not very good, and Jin army suddenly appeared, is there other reasons?

It is reasonable for Abaotu to abandon Wangze City. After all, the current Kaihe Pass has been occupied by the rest of the army. In Wangze City, Abaotu\'s influence will gradually decline. At this time, the most wise approach is , Is to give up Wangze City.

Ardaban knew that Abautu had a plan on Wangze City and the opening of Heguan, but for the benefit of the Anxi Empire, even if Abatu had a plan, he still had to step forward, if the Anxi army conquered Guishuang. , If there is not the slightest gain in the end, this is the greatest shame.

The benefits that the Jin army has received in Guishuang nowadays are great. Such benefits have given the Jin army\'s actions in war a greater influence.

However, the Anthion Empire has strong strength. In this process, they have no reason to give up their interests in Guishuang. Even if there are many difficulties in this confrontation, the soldiers of the Anthion Empire will be well overcome. Yes, everything is for the benefit of Guishuang.

The war is to get more benefits, and the benefits that belong to the Parthian Empire are now in front of you. If you don\'t take it, wouldn\'t it be cheaper for the people of Jin.

"Zhang Liao, the vanguard of the Jin army, occupied Wangze City, but it’s okay. When the emperor of Jin leads his troops and horses to arrive, this king will go to see him in person to see what the attitude of the emperor of Jin is. Information about the deployment of troops will be sent back in time." Aldaban exhorted.

Gao Lanto nodded and said yes.

Fifty thousand Jin troops entered Wangze City logically, and the news spread to Kaihe Pass and Xiangtai Pass at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Wangze City, the people who opened Heguan and Xiangtaiguan were extremely concerned.

Wangze City is rich and magnificent. Occupying such a city can strengthen the control over the western part of Guishuang. Naturally, Ardaban understands the significance of Wangze City.

The Jin army moved into Wangze City, and they took down Wangze City without blood. This situation made the generals in Anxi very depressed, and only a little bit worse, Wangze City could be taken into the bag.

Suddenly, the generals who rested had many requests for Aldaban. According to the previous covenant, the Jin army needed to surrender Wangze City, and even some cities in the hinterland of Guishuang. These cities are Belongs to the Parthian Empire.

Seeing the performance of the people, Ardaban agreed and took back what originally belonged to the Anxi Empire. It was normal in itself. Besides, even if the Jin army was strong, could it be said that the Anxi Empire did not have the ability to compete with the Jin army on the battlefield? The strength is not enough?

The armies of the Anxi Empire have also experienced many wars, and they have shown a strong side in the confrontations. No matter how difficult it is on the battlefield of Guishuang, the resting warriors will not be on the battlefield. On concession.

The strength of the Jin Kingdom\'s army has brought many benefits to the Jin Kingdom, but the soldiers of the Anxi Empire also have to do a lot in Guishuang.

Not only because there is an enmity between Guishuang and Anxi, but also because of the pride of Anxi soldiers.

If the lieutenant soldiers fight on the battlefield and cannot have greater gains, then this is the shame of the soldiers in peace.

Ardaban led an army of fifty thousand and rushed to Wangze City.

Kaihe Pass is not very far from Wangze City, and the cavalry can reach it in only half a day.

Lü Bu led the army into Wangze City. After learning about the situation in Wangze City, his brows were slightly frowned, "Wangze City is an important city in the west of Guishuang, but now there are only more than 20,000 people in the city?"

Guo Jiadao: "Holy Lord, in the opinion of Yichen, this may be the intention of the Guishuang people."

"All this is indeed too weird, Feng Xiao, you can talk about it in detail." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jiadao: "The situation of Guishuang is worrisome. Guishuang\'s army is difficult to fight against our army and the rest of the army, and the arrival of the army led by the Holy Admiral is a great disaster for the Guishuang army at Xiangtai Pass."

"The minister guessed that it must be Guishuang who took the initiative to abandon the opening of Heguan and Wangze City, so that our army can enter Wangze City smoothly. If this is the case, our army and Anxi will inevitably have many contradictions. Once such contradictions are triggered, war will break out. It is also possible that the Guishuang people will be able to profit from it."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "I don\'t want Guishuang people, they have so many plans."

"Hmph, it is impossible for the Guishuang people to succeed in such a strategy, and the rest of the people, do not want to get the city from our army." Zhang Liao said.

Dianwei immediately stepped up and expressed his approval, "General Zhang\'s words are very serious, but it is only a mere rest and Guishuang. If you dare to be presumptuous in front of the Holy Master, I will definitely kill him."

Dianwei is a militant in the Jin army. The most important thing is Dianwei\'s high martial arts and the commander-in-chief of the Jin emperor\'s personal guard. His position in the Jin army is quite special, even if he is an important general in the army. , I was more polite when I saw Dian Wei.

Lu Bu said: "Let\'s listen to what Feng Xiao said."

Guo Jia pondered for a moment and said: "After learning the news, the minister was already thinking about the countermeasures. In Yichen\'s opinion, perhaps with this method, the Guishuang people can pay his wife and break the army."

"Feng Xiao quickly said, don\'t hide and tuck at this time." Dian Wei said eagerly.

In terms of strategy, Dian Wei is not good at it, but in terms of warfare, Dian Wei has always been more active. In war, even if there are a lot of dangers, Dian Wei will not have the slightest fear.

As a strong general in the Jin army, Dian Wei himself has experienced many wars and showed extraordinary bravery on the battlefield. This is also the characteristic of a strong general in the Jin army.

In the war, not only the commanding ability of the generals is tested, but at the critical moment, they can lead their soldiers to attack the battlefield. If such an attack is successful, it will greatly change the situation on the battlefield. Of help.

The fierce performance of the Jin army in combat has a lot to do with the performance of the generals in the army.

In the current war, the Jin Army soldiers have achieved proud achievements. Such achievements have made the Jin Army soldiers expect, not fear, of the coming of the war.

It is normal to have danger on the battlefield. The key is in the dangerous war situation, what kind of role the strategy adopted can play, how the fighting method adopted can affect the situation afterwards.

The fierceness of the soldiers of the Jin army is well known. When the battle of the soldiers of the Jin army can bring more damage to the enemy, it will surely cause more changes in the situation afterwards.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom had an extremely strong performance when facing the war.

On the battlefield of Guishuang, the Emperor of Jin made great breakthroughs in the face of war, and such a breakthrough could bring many shocks to Guishuang and the rest of the people, allowing them to see the strength of the Jin army and the Jin army. The role of planning on the battlefield.

If an army is only fierce and lacks battlefield planning, it is difficult for such an army to gain more benefits in war. After all, the situation on the battlefield is more complicated. If it is correct Without a good grasp of the situation on the battlefield, it will be difficult to have a better plan in the face of war.

It can be said that in this war, the strong strength displayed by the Jin army can leave an extremely deep impression on Guishuang and Anxi.

The rest of the army indeed has something to be proud They have shown a strong side in previous wars. This attack on Guishuang did not achieve the expected effect, which is considered by the rest of the army. Their luck is not good, and if they are given good luck, their achievements in Guishuang are certainly not low.

With such thoughts, the soldiers who rested had no good impression of the Jin army.

Although the two sides are in an alliance relationship, it can be seen from the performance of the Jin army that for the benefit of its own side, the Jin army did not intend to give more benefits to Rest, and now it is occupying Wangze City.

The rest of the army is mobilized not to discuss the next move with the Jin army, but to protect its own benefits.

Once the conditions given by the Jin country cannot satisfy the resting soldiers, conflicts between the two sides are entirely possible.

Guo Jiadao: "At this time, if you want to resolve Guishuang\'s plan, the most important thing is to break through Xiangtai Pass, and to attack Xiangtai Pass with the help of Anxi\'s troops."

Dianwei said in astonishment: "The Anxi people must be dissatisfied with our army. How can they attack Xiangtai Pass at this time?"

(End of this chapter)