Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 955

On the Sendai, you are proud.

Although they are all proud of longevity, they are also divided into three, six and nine grades. At the core of the table must be Jun Aocheng, Xiao Hong and Gu Xiaoyi. All the other heavenly pride gave up their position slightly and sat around the three people like the stars and the moon to show respect.

It is universally acknowledged that there is a huge difference between the top ten and the bottom ten. In the top ten, there is a hope to spy on longevity and advance to the position of emperor. Even if it's just a little hope, it's better than all the people below. Even in the eyes of many old monsters, the top ten on the longevity list is the real longevity list, and the rest are just making up.

"Brother Aocheng, I didn't expect you to come here. In the past, it has been 30 years since we left Beihai. The cultivation of Taoists has become more and more advanced, and their long life can be expected. It's a pity that brother huaixian didn't arrive. Chen beixuan, who made a big name in Beihuang, also has a vague trace. Only three of us can sit together and talk about the Tao. "

Gu Xiaoyi sighed.

He comes from one of the top ten realms of heaven. He is famous for his elegant style. He is dressed in white and has black hair like a waterfall, just like a good young man in the painting. The "Lishang sword" on his back is also known as the No. 1 sword under Tianbao. He has a great record in the war and is honored as the "Lishang sword king" in the world.

In Gu Xiaoyi's eyes, other immortals are not worthy to sit with them.

"Brother huaixian has always been mysterious. I'm afraid he won't take part in this kind of banquet. As for Chen beixuan, the king of Dan, his whereabouts are strange and mysterious, that is, I can't see the roots... "

when Xiao Hong said this, he frowned slightly.

"Li huaixian closed the door and attacked Yuanying. I have traced Chen beixuan. He comes from a small family in the northern cold region. His identity is really weird, but he is powerful. He shakes Tianbao with his bare hands and kills one family by one. It's me. I'm not as good as him. "

You are proud of the city and cherish words like gold.


Xiao Hong and others were moved.

How arrogant junaocheng is! He comes from Tata Tianzong, who ranks second in the top ten Heaven regions. He has been fighting for hundreds of years. He has never been defeated, only slightly lost to Li huaixian. Did not think today, he actually claimed to be inferior?

"Brother Aocheng is too modest. There are many vague exaggerations about Chen beixuan's achievements. It's estimated that he will be between him and Bo Zhongxuan. Otherwise, he won't be so secretive this year, and no one will trace him. But with this, he can stand up in the world and make friends with my peers. "

Gu Xiaoyi said with a smile.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Jun Ao City shut up, no longer speak, just eyes, fighting.


"brother Zhang, do you think that Chen will come. I made a deal with my elder martial brother. You reincarnation will never interfere in this time. " Xuankong sword way.

"Yes, yes, the eldest martial brother of Guiming sect has already arrived, and even the master Fu has been there. No matter how hard the boy surnamed Chen is, no matter how strong his servant is, is he the opponent of our master?"

The disciples of the ghost sect said angrily.

Zhao juexian's foot on Yang Gangfeng can be described as stepping on the bottom of his feet for the long-standing reputation of guimingzong. Even the master of ghost and hell sect was shocked. He went to reincarnation mountain and was ready to find this justice.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother Lin and I have a message. The elder has already opened his mouth and won't protect the boy any more. Let's just spare his life. I don't care about anything else. "

Zhang Dongshan was shaking a folding fan in his hand and smiling gently.

"That's good."

Mu Yanping, Xuankong Jianzi and others all sneer, ready to wait for Chen fan to arrive.

At this grand meeting, I humiliated the boy. Wu Shan even wanted to ask elder martial brother to take down the swordsman in black, take her back to the clan, imprison her for a hundred years, and then make her into a corpse to avenge her fall.

It's not just Wushan and others.

Chen Fan once humiliated, broke his legs and threw them down the mountain. They all sat there with their eyes full of hate, rubbing their hands, waiting for Chen fan. Chen Fan repeatedly threw the visitors to the foot of the mountain. Although he was not seriously injured, it was an unprecedented humiliation for these elites.

"If he dares to come, I'll ask the elder to do something about him. I'll put him in the snake Valley and suffer from the pain of ten thousand insects biting the heart and ten thousand poisons biting the soul."

Li Danni's face was swollen and she was smiling. Her eyes were full of bitterness.

When everyone, full of anger, waited for Chen fan to come.

"Eh, you see, is that boy at the door?"

Suddenly someone called.

They immediately turned their heads and looked at the entrance.


at this time, the entrance of Sendai is closed.

Chen fan, with both hands on his back and dressed in green clothes, comes leisurely. Zhao juekong's sword is behind him, and his hands are moving forward. Lin Wuhua's three girls are gorgeous and solemn.

All the way to the door.

Some people who know chen fan are surprised to see him. I didn't expect chen fan to come. You know, half of all the arrogant people are against Chen fan. They are ready to teach him a lesson.

Some of them even couldn't bear it. They got up with a grim smile and came to Chen Fan with bad intentions. They were ready to beat Chen Fan hard first to dispel their anger.

"Sister, look, isn't that Xiaoman's brother?"Zhu Ningxue cried suddenly.

Zhu ningmo looked up and saw chen fan and his party coming.

"How dare he come? Elder martial brother Lin has already sent a message. The Presbyterian Council has made a resolution that he will never be sheltered. He's here to die. Don't he know how many people in the room want to kill him? "

Zhu ningmo was stunned.

The two sisters, as the female disciples of reincarnation, greet the guests at the door. When they meet the distinguished guests, they also sing their names and leave a jade tablet to inform the audience. They knew a lot of news in advance.

GUI Mingzi, Gong sunkui, Liyang Daojun, Xiao Hong...

which one is weaker than Zhao juexian in terms of strength, especially Xiao Hong, who is in the top ten of the longevity list. In addition, there are several Tianzong, even the patriarch. No matter how strong Zhao juexian is, how many can one fight?

Zhu didn't understand.

It's not just that he can't figure it out. Many ziyuefeng disciples who know chen fan also can't figure it out. They watched chen fan, step by step, step by step away from the crowd, as if separated from the river, came to the front.

"Please let me know."

Chen Fan smiles and nods.

"You... You..."

ZHU ningmo raised her pretty face and looked at chen fan, who was smiling all over her face. She couldn't speak for a moment.

There is only one thought in my heart.

How dare he come?

How dare you?


"it's him."

Wu Shan and others had lower accomplishments and sat on the edge near the door. At the sight of Chen fan, most people recognize that those who have a hot temper will jump up. If they don't worry about the face of reincarnation Tianzong, they may have cut Chen Fan with a sword.

"I'm so brave. I dare to come. I don't care about you at all. Well, boy, since you are here, don't leave. I will make it impossible for you to survive or die. "

Wu Shan sneered, and his eyes almost burst out, his whole body shrouded in the cold.

Mu Yanping, Xuankong Jianzi, Chifa Dahan and others all got up and followed Wushan to the entrance. Although their accomplishments were not as good as Zhao juexian's, someone had already informed the elders and Tianjiao.


Most of the Tianjiao on the stage know that Chen fan is coming.

"Hum, if you dare to humiliate my ghost heaven sect, you will get revenge."

Ghost ghost son sneers to get up.

"Yes, I should show him some color." Li Yang Dao Jun also nodded.

Although Tianxuan Jianzi, Gongsun Kui, Xiao Hong and others are still sitting high, their eyes are not happy. They all know that the resolution of reincarnation sect has completely ignored chen fan. Without the support of reincarnation sect, what kind of waves can an old servant make?

"Well, you really don't know what to do."

The flower makes the shadow to see, in the heart tiny sigh.

Lin Xiao was beside him, shaking his head and toasting.

Chen Fan's life and death had been decided as early as the moment the Elder spoke.

The audience is waiting for Chen fan to come. For a while, no one will speak. Although it seems that everyone drinks tea and drinks wine, his divine sense has been out of the court for a long time. Chen Fan's every move, every word and every act outside the court are all under everyone's eyes, including the elders. They all put down their glasses and watched with great interest.

Only Xiaoman, when his face pale, no blood.


"Chen Daoyou, do you really want to go in?"

Zhu ningmo looks at chen fan as if he is crazy.

If you don't enter that door, many Tianjiao may not be willing to fight. But as soon as he steps into the fairyland and enters the grand gathering, a certain conceit can say that he is just as good as he wants under the pretext of fighting in public. He can even kill Chen Fan with a slip of his hand and a sword. At most, he apologizes afterwards. Who will investigate him?

"Please inform me that this is Chen's gift for Shenxi tiannv."

Chen Fan took a long jade box from Zhao juexian and handed it to Zhu ningmo.

Zhu ningmo took it out of his wits. He only realized that he had never seen such a person in his life. Zhu Ningxue even saw that Gui Mingzi, Wushan, Zhou Kun and others were close to the gate, with ferocious and laughing faces close at hand.

"Please leave your name."

Zhu said mechanically, holding a pen to write on the jade tablet.

Everyone was watching, and countless pairs of hostile or gloating eyes came.

At this time, guimingzi half foot, has stepped out of the door, the pupil light, killing battle.

"Chen beixuan, a Chinese, took three maids with him, and Zhao juexian, an old servant, congratulated Shenxi tiannv and presented three top grade Tiandan." Chen Fan did not seem to see the eyes around, casually said.

His voice was very soft, but it spread all over the reincarnation mountain in an instant and fell to everyone's ears like thunder.


As soon as Zhu ningmo was about to start writing, when he wrote about Chen Zi, he was stunned, and then stopped.

"What did you say? Chen... Chen beixuan

Zhu ningmo stuttered and suddenly looked up.It's not just her.

Zhu Ningxue, Wushan, Zhou Kun and others were all stiff and frightened. As for guimingzi, half of his foot stopped in the air, and he suddenly raised his head and looked at him in horror.

"Three top grade Tiandan?"

"Chen beixuan, the king of Beihuang Dan?"

At that moment.

The air condenses.

Inside and outside, everyone lost their voice.

Even Xiao Hong, Gu Xiaoyi and others suddenly changed their faces. As for Lin Xiao, Si Si and Zhang Dongshan, their wine cups fell to the ground and they didn't feel anything.

Only Wang Xuanlong laughed and drank.

"Have a good time. It's finally up to you. "

"Chen Dan Wang!"

PS: Fourth, it is estimated that it is a bit late. I'll try my best. , the fastest update of the webnovel!