Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 954

Reincarnation back mountain.

There is a place called "Xuantian peak", which is as high as 100000 feet. The vigorous wind that can tear the spirit treasure is densely spread. It is the holy land for the cultivation of the whole reincarnation sect. The heavenly kings of all dynasties have realized the Tao here, which is the place for Shenxi's cultivation.

This place was originally shrouded in chaotic air flow all the year round and wrapped by countless spirit fog.

But at this time, it is full of light. From it, a series of strange lights burst out and directed directly at the bullfight. Even the mountain protection array of reincarnation sect could not be stopped. It turned into a pillar of light, which could be seen in Tianyuan City dozens of miles away.

Shenxi tiannv is out of the pass.

At this moment, ordinary people also know the news.

Shenxi is out of the gate. After four years of painstaking cultivation, she finally refined the tonic pill completely. Her whole body was shrouded in a chaotic airflow, and her whole body was full of golden light. She stepped out of the Xuantian peak step by step, just like a nine day Xuannv.

"Shenxi, thank you for coming."

The reincarnation of the heavenly daughter, compared with four years ago, is more gorgeous. Long black hair shawl, crystal clear skin, like a crystal diamond, gooseneck long white, waist long legs, a smile full of Goddess fan. Shenxi is also much better than four years ago. However, those with higher accomplishments can clearly see that Shenxi has not yet become a golden elixir. At this time, she is just in the state of coagulating elixir.

When Shenxi leaves the pass, he first calls on Tianjiao and the elders.

It is said that she will go through the golden elixir and thunder robbery on the top of Xuantian peak in seven days. Please watch the ceremony with Tianjiao.

The golden elixir is hard to achieve.

The magic golden elixir is not only hard to coagulate, but also has thunder to pass. That's the focus of many monks' attention. Most of the time, the pride of heaven fell in the stage of thunder robbery.

"We'll wait for ourselves."

They all said together.

Shenxi comes out in a hurry, and then returns to Xuantian peak in a hurry.

Her state is not stable, in the most critical moment of Ning Dan, dare not expose for a long time. But this time, Shenxi's powerful performance still shocked people. It greatly increased the confidence of the reincarnation disciples. All the elders, too, are happy and decide to hold a banquet, just to celebrate that Shenxi has become the first goddess since reincarnation!

"Something's wrong."

Chen Fan frowned.

"What's the matter, brother?"

I'm curious.

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

Although Shenxi just showed one side, even Xiaoman just left in a hurry. Chen Fan didn't have time to say hello. But Chen Fan felt wrong from that side.

His vision of cultivation is so profound that he can see the problem at a glance.

"Shen Xi is too anxious. With her talent and accomplishments, if she wants to solidify the elixir, she has to work hard for 50 years. Even so, it's only one in ten. After four years of going through the customs, the chance of success is almost zero. "

Chen Fan's way of thinking.

The difficulty of the elixir is far beyond the imagination of these friars.

They think that by inheriting the divine chapter, the heavenly king's Dharma array, and the heavenly medicine, they can create a divine golden elixir. It's just a dream. You know, deep in the universe, in the world of immortals. The person who cultivates the divine gold elixir, or the divine body is great, or the person who lives in the divine vein is honored as the divine Son.

Even if it is an immortal Dynasty, there may not be several gods.

Only by looking at the god mountain for tens of thousands of years, only a few gods have appeared, we can see that it is difficult to achieve the golden elixir.

Unfortunately, samsara did not know all this.

They are still arranging grand banquets and inviting the proud and respected people from all over the world to watch the ceremony. Witness reincarnation Tianzong this unprecedented glorious moment.

One day, two days, three days...

finally, the seventh day is coming.

Xuantian peak has been completely covered by the chaotic airflow cage, and can no longer be seen. As long as countless people look out of the air, they can feel that there is a god fetus in the peak, which is about to be born!

And down the mountain.

A grand banquet of the immortal family is opening, and countless elites from various fields are ready to appear.

"Come on, it's our turn."

Chen Fan patted his sleeves, and Zhao juexian, Lin Wuhua and others, who were carrying a long knife, walked slowly down the mountain.

It's time to end this.


"against the heaven of Buddha, the elder of black Buddha sect came to observe the ceremony with his disciples."

"In the heaven where the dragon was buried, Longhua, the daughter of the dragon family, came to watch the ceremony on behalf of the master of the family and presented 100000 pieces of rare stone."

"In Haotian sword sect, the deputy leader brought the elder and the sword to the ceremony and presented a top-grade Lingbao sword..."

at the foot of Xuantian peak, a huge space was opened up by the supreme power and a Sendai was set up. The elders stood on top of them, and many proud disciples stood by them, looking at a big man who stamped his feet and shook the sky, all of them were very pleased.

"Fast, I have lived in reincarnation for thousands of years. How could I ever have such a beautiful scene? I'm afraid that the last time such a grand scene happened, it must be traced back to the time when the Hongyang ancestor testified to the emperor of heaven. "

Elder Chongxuan stroked his beard with a long smile.

"Yes, the golden elixir of Shenxi is beyond our expectation. In addition, Zhenlong tiannv Xiaoman, in the next thousand years, my reincarnation of Tianzong may be one breath, two Yuanying Tianjun. It's changshengzong, the first of the ten tianzongs. It's not as good as us. "Elder Tiangong nodded.

"In the generation of changshengzong, there is only one Luo Changsheng, ranking only 21 in the list of changshengzong. It's time to give up the position of the top ten Tianzong."

The elders laughed.

Only elder Yuelong looks unhappy.

"Yuelong, I heard that your disciple's brother hurt many people. Master Fu of Guiming sect, but it's all up to me." Elder Lin Shan opens his mouth.

The great elder's cultivation is extremely terrifying.

He sat there, and the space around him collapsed like a black hole. Lin Shan was very dignified. When he spoke, everyone was silent.

Hua nongying stands behind elder Yuelong, and his pretty face changes slightly when he hears the words.

"This son is a bit arrogant, but it's just a minor dispute. It's harmless." Elder Yuelong frowned and said slowly.

"No harm? I've heard that guimingzong, gongsunjia, tianxuanyuan, chiyantianyu, and even Xiao Hong of zhenmengtianzong all want to trouble that boy. But he aroused the public's anger and aroused the discontent of all the sects. He even accused my reincarnation sect of shielding the thugs. "

Elder jueyan sneered.

Zhang Dongshan stood behind him and nodded.

"Yes, I heard that, too."

"Yuelong, although he is Xiaoman's elder brother, he doesn't know how to advance or retreat."

"Does this guy think he is Li huaixian, Jun Aocheng, or Chen beixuan of Beihuang?"

Several elders spoke one after another.

These elders are all great figures in the sect. Their every word represents the resolution of the whole reincarnation Tianzong, and they can't repent. As soon as they spoke, they almost sentenced chen fan to death.

Flower Shadow listen, heart can only sigh.


Yue long still wants to explain.

At this time, the eldest elder said: "so far, my reincarnation sect will not interfere in the hatred caused by this man. The best way to save his life is to rely on his own ability. "

In the absence of the patriarch, the elder is the leader of all the people.

When he spoke, all the elders nodded in agreement. Even elder Yuelong could only shake his head. She just looks at small pretty face, keep chen fan can not die, other, month long elder don't care.

Hua nongying looks at the elders. With a word from you and a word from me, he decides Chen Fan's life and death. I can't help sighing in my heart:

"Chen Daoyou, in the final analysis, your accomplishments are too low and your background is too small. If you are the emperor of Yuanying, or the leader of longevity such as Li huaixian and Jun Aocheng, or the king of Dan Chen beixuan, who dares to neglect these elders? "

She closed her eyes slightly.

I know that Chen fan has paid a fatal price for his arrogance.


and in the banquet, the elites of various fields have already taken their seats.

And those who can sit on the stage are either the elders of Tianzong, or the eternal pride. Each of them is shining in the world, or with a real dragon, or with a flaming Phoenix, or with a golden eye. Each mana is extremely powerful.

Ordinary friars can only sit under the stage.

"Guimingzi, Liyang Daojun, Gongsun Kui, Longhua tiannv, Wang Xuanlong... They are so brilliant. I'm afraid half of the elites of longevity are gathered here."

Xuankong Jianzi looked at the stage with emotion.

"It's a pity that Xiao Hong, the seventh in the list of longevity, and Gu Xiaoyi, the fifth. The strongest Li huaixian and Jun Aocheng have not arrived. A year ago, Chen beixuan, the king of Dan, was famous in the northern wilderness. Without them, this grand gathering will lose some color after all. "

Mu Yanping sighed.

"Hum, my elder martial brother is here. The boy surnamed Chen, just wait to die."

Wu Shan ignored, just staring at the entrance, said hard.

One after another, a heavenly pride of great fame came. The climax of the banquet was junao city. Even the elder of reincarnation sect was shocked and came down to meet him personally. Countless people rushed up to witness this peerless pride.

Junaocheng is worthy of being ranked second in the list of immortality, second only to Li huaixian. He is handsome and just like a God. When you look at him, he moves like a tiger. A strong breath, such as mountains and sea, is not under many old monsters.

"It's worthy of being the top of the longevity list. If there is a king in the next thousand years, there will be one of them."

The elders sighed.

Even the elder had to compete with junao city.

Xiaoman, sitting on the throne, can't help looking at Jun Aocheng more. As for Zhu's sisters, Sisi and others, they have long been transformed into little fans.

"Ah. This is the real pride of heaven. Your brother is not worthy of worship. From now on, junao city is my lifelong goal. I must marry junao city. "

Think of excited several want to scream.

Xiaoman smiles and pats her several times. Even if he doesn't want to, he has to admit that junaocheng's style is really overwhelming. It is estimated that only chen fan, who rushed to the ancient demons alone at that time and was at the peak of his cultivation, could be comparable. Chen fan, who is now in a state of decline, is a little worse after all."Brother... Where are you?"

The girl could not help sighing in her heart.


Wang Xuanlong, Gu Fen and Long Hua of the Northern Wilderness Wang family sat on the edge of the stage and looked around with emotion.

A year ago, they were defeated by Chen fan, which was an unprecedented blow to these arrogance. Fortunately, they were tempered by this, and their accomplishments did not retreat but advance. I think their ranking in the longevity list will also rise.

Gu Fen, holding his wine cup, looked at the most dazzling King Ao City in the middle, Xiao Hong and others, and suddenly said:

"you say, if King Chen Dan comes here, what seat should he take?"

Both Longhua and Tianxuan were stunned.

Wang Xuanlong drank the whole cup with a trace of bitterness, but said with great reverence:

"if Chen beixuan is here, the pride of heaven... You must bow your eyebrows!"

Several people were shocked First, then all nodded solemnly.

And now.

Xuantianfeng, outside the Xianjia banquet.

Chen fan has arrived.

PS: I feel like I can make it four o'clock today. I'm looking for monthly ticket support. I still have it in the evening^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!