Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 956

Right now.

As high as 100 feet, it stands in the clouds, which is even with Xuantian peak. Originally, it was still singing and dancing, and talking to each other. Countless friars frequently exchanged ideas with each other, exchanging their own interesting stories and experiences.

But when Chen Fan spits out those three words.

There was a dead silence.

No matter how ignorant and ignorant the friars are, they can't help but stop drinking and cast down their thoughts. They are surprised to see the young man who is old, ordinary and elegant.

If there is any name that has caused a sensation in the world in the past year, it must be him.

Chen beixuan!

The northern famine war.

Chen fan not only refines ten thousand enemies, but also shakes Tianbao with one hand. It brings endless questions and puzzles to the world. How did this mysterious boy suddenly appear? What kind of Taoism did he practice and what kind of adventure did he get? No one knows. Even about Chen Fan's strength, there are different opinions.

Some people say that Chen fan is able to use the skill of no God and refine ten thousand enemies in one furnace. Such means are already like the emperor of heaven and are enough to rank first in the list of longevity. However, some people say that Chen Fan's means in his previous battles were too strange. Many of them did not seem to be his own cultivation. Would he use other people's power or some taboo magic weapons.

There is no less controversy.

The key is that Chen fan has risen too fast.

No matter Li huaixian or Jun Aocheng, they all defeated countless team-mates one by one in hundreds of years, and finally ranked first or second in the longevity list.

Many heavenly kings, once they have completed Yuanying's cultivation, should try their swords to test the world, and call on the major families, so that the world can witness his power to ascend Yuanying.

And Chen fan?

There were only a few achievements in the war. The region was limited to the northern wilderness, and the time was only a few months. Like a meteor, it appears in an instant, then disappears in an instant for a year without any news, leaving so much controversy and slander.

But anyone has to admit it.

Chen beixuan is very strong!

Far beyond the general list of longevity, Li huaixian is not necessarily an opponent. Especially other Dan skills are all over the world, and the position of King Dan really deserves to be. Even if he is equal to the emperor of heaven, the same person can speak.

And today.

When the mythical figure stood in front of the crowd, everyone was stunned.

"Is it really Chen beixuan? It's not a fake. It's a duplicate name, right? He's not like the king of Dan in the northern wilderness. According to legend, Chen beixuan practiced the magic skill of wood. "

Some monks were shocked and couldn't help questioning.

"That's him. On such occasions, who dares to pretend to be the king of Dan? Look at Wang Xuanlong and others."

A man nearby sighed.

As they turned their heads, they saw that Wang Xuanlong, Li Chen, Long Hua and other Tianjiao, who had seen chen fan, had grown up and went to the gate of Sendai with a look of respect and respect.

"It's really Chen Dan Wang."

Many monks sighed.

But Lin Xiao, Zhang Dongshan and others, already face hard to see the extreme, full of disbelief, as if to see the sow fly to heaven. In fact, not only them, even the elders on the stage, can't help turning pale.

"Xiaoman's brother is Chen beixuan, the king of Dan?"

I can't believe it.

Sitting next to him, Xiaoman covers his cherry mouth with one hand and stares at his bright eyes. His pretty face is full of surprise and joy. Xiaoman has been locked in Zhenlong Pavilion all the year round. Occasionally, he has heard of Chen beixuan's name, but he just thinks it's a duplicate name. He didn't expect it to be chen fan.

"What's this? It's just a so-called King Dan, far worse than my brother Aocheng."

Sisi still pouts her little face, and her mouth is hard and pursed.

However, when she saw that many immortal people, including Jun Aocheng, Gu Xiaoyi and Xiao Hong, stood up at the same time to welcome chen fan, she was completely speechless.

"You are so proud of the city?"

Many people were surprised.

But more people suddenly realized.

Jun Ao City at the moment, respect is not friar chen fan, but the king of Dan Chen beixuan!

As the king of Dan who can be compared with Tiandan master, there is no one in all ages. Any friar, as long as he practices alchemy in his life, should respect this great master who is unprecedented in the way of alchemy.

Even if it's the master of Guiming sect, the old Dean of Tianxuan, who has a grudge against Chen fan.

At the moment also had to get up, follow Jun Ao City, meet chen fan together.

This is the etiquette of the world of cultivating immortals.

If you don't understand, people will think you're not polite. Not only the strength is weak, but also the face is lost.

"So that's your strength. The king of the northern wasteland is really a great name. No wonder we don't look at the old man in our eyes. Young and romantic. Young and romantic. "

Elder Yuelong sat there for a long time. His face was blue and white. After a long time, he breathed out.

She glanced at the elders and saw that there was already some iron blue on the face of jueyan elder and others. Suddenly, she felt a little favor for Chen fan. Although she still dislikes chen fan, it's also a pleasure to let elder jueyan and others eat.Finally, Yuelong looks to the elder.

It's not just her.

Lin Xiao, Zhang Dongshan, elder jueyan, elder Chongxuan... Almost all the elite disciples and senior officials of reincarnation mountain are looking at the elder. Looking at the giant pillar of reincarnation mountain in the absence of the patriarch.

Jun Aocheng and others have gone to meet. It's time for reincarnation mountain to make its stand.

"Laozu, don't go. Don't go."

Lin Xiao's face was green, and he prayed desperately in his heart.

He sat cross legged with a blank face, and his whole body was in chaos. He didn't say a word, just like a sculpture. When everyone thought that he would never speak, Lin Shan finally spoke slowly:


"Open the middle gate, line up a hundred teams, build a cloud ladder, and you elders will follow me to welcome your guests."

This is a statement.

Lin Xiao's face turned pale, without a trace of blood.

Sendai is towering.

All people travel up and down the mountain through the portal, which is equivalent to a small gate.

However, when the middle gate was opened and the thousand Zhang ladder was built, neither junao city nor Guiming sect had such ceremonious etiquette. As a matter of fact, this is the gift of the emperor. It may not have happened several times in 10000 years. This, in fact, already represents the samsara sect bowing to Chen fan.

"This is the name of King Dan."

Even elder Yuelong couldn't help exclaiming.

It was Hua nongying, Zhang Shouzhuo and others who couldn't help losing their color.

The king of Dan.

King of Dandao!

Although it is not yuan baby, it is better than yuan baby!



The huge Sendai, which stands thousands of feet above, suddenly gives out a thunderous sound. People wake up from the panic and look up. I saw a cableway like a long dragon, falling from the sky, from Sendai to Chen fan.

A disciple of reincarnation mountain came down the ladder and stood on both sides, respectfully and solemnly.

At the top of the ladder, the elder Lin Shan, led by many elders, stood in the cloud and welcomed chen fan.

"A hundred immortals line up, a thousand feet of ladder, this is the gift of the emperor."

Many knowledgeable people can't help taking a breath.

At this time, even those who did not know Chen Fan knew the weight of the boy in green. It must be the ten masters of Tianzong, or the first-class figures of the emperor Shenshan Shenzi. Otherwise, how can reincarnation Zong perform this great ceremony.

Guimingzi, Wushan and others, when they see their patriarchs at the other end of the ladder, wait for Chen fan, their faces are even pale, as if they were bereaved.

"Tang Tang, the king of Dan, should have such prestige. This shows the glory of the peak of Dan Dao. "

The elder of Youyao sect nods and smiles.

"In those days, when the emperor of Dan went out, he was even more powerful, and even the emperor Yuan Ying went out thousands of miles to meet him. That was the real event." Another sighed.

Unfortunately, in the end of the world, the emperor was only one person. And Chen fan, only in the Dan Road, is the first under the Dan emperor.

"Thank you very much."

After Zhu ningmo finished writing the jade tablet, chen fan gave her a little forehead and glanced at GUI Mingzi and others. Guimingzi's head is proud of heaven. His body is directly frozen in the same place. One foot is hanging in the air. It's neither stepping on it nor not stepping on it. The whole person is about to cry.

"What do you want from me?"

Chen Fan seems to ask gently.

"No, no, No Wu Shan and others shook their heads.

"Oh? I thought a few Taoist friends wanted to avenge Chen on the Vatican tower. "

Chen Fan said, Wushan and others face more pale, repeatedly curse swear, said to the previous things, completely do not care. Lin Wuhua's sword is good, and Zhao juexian's foot is also good.


Chen Fan nodded lightly, turned around and walked up the ladder. As soon as he stepped out of the ladder, when some people in Wushan were relieved, he suddenly turned his head and said:

"if you want to find Chen's trouble, you'd better be prepared to find more half step heavenly kings and call all your elders. Otherwise, you can't even beat Chen's old servant with your golden elixirs. It's too weak. "


Chen Fan no longer ignored the stupefied Wushan and others and ascended to the sky.

Only Zhu's sisters and many young friars looked up at Chen Fan's back. Many of them could not say a word.

"A man should be like this."

Someone sighed.

And after ghost ghost ghost son one foot falls, the body is a soft, almost collapse to the ground. He lamented in his heart that he would never dare to be an enemy with Chen Fan in his life.

Chen Fan ascended the ladder and flew all the way to Sendai. He was welcomed to the top of Sendai by the elder and others.

As the king of Tang Tang Dan, he has a high status, and his strength dominates the whole court. Even the leader of Tianzong is weak. You are proud of the city and so on. At this moment, no one dares to sit higher than Chen Fan unless the emperor Yuan Ying or the emperor Dan comes here.

So Chen Fan did his duty and sat in the center.

Lin Xiao and others looked at chen fan, and his face became more and more pale.Chen Fan sat down and looked around at the leader of Guiming sect, the elder and others. Although they seemed to come to greet them, in fact, they just had a little respect on their face and no respect in their eyes. On the contrary, they were hostile. They knew that this matter was not finished and had just begun.

"Well, I also have a lot of things to settle with you."

Chen Fan chuckles.

Chen beixuan has been acting all his life. When has he been soft hearted?

PS: four o'clock is over. It's a little late. I'm so sorry. ^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!