Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 902


The hall was quiet at first, and then someone screamed out quickly.

Just like fighting method, fighting Dan is the simplest and straightforward way to solve the gratitude and resentment and understand the hatred among the alchemy circle, the major Dan sects and many Dan masters. Those who cultivate immortals respect those who are strong. Alchemist, also to Dan Road for the male.

There is no other explanation for who is the winner.

However, people are surprised that Chen Fan's challenge is not a certain person, but the whole danmeng. This representative, including situ Chen, the major elders, the alliance leader, and even the legendary Dan Jun, are qualified to fight. And it's a life and death bet, once danmeng wins. Chen Fan's life and death are in the hands of Dan Meng.

"Are you crazy?"

Wu Qingyan almost blurted out.

She looked at Chen Fan's eyes, such as looking at the patient who lost his heart.

Elder situ shook his head and sneered: "master Chen Dan, I underestimate your courage. For thousands of years, you are the first person who dares to challenge our danmeng in your personal capacity. With this bearing, I also want to respect you. "

"I don't know how to live or die!"

Master Chen Yan angrily denounced him and stretched out his hand. The black-and-white red fire twined on his hand, and he was about to capture the arrogant man with one hand. Other young people shake their heads one after another, thinking that Chen fan has made a big mistake and is already talking nonsense.

At this time, Wang Xuanfeng suddenly said:

"good courage. I haven't met such a brave monk for a long time. I think you might as well promise him. Just take this opportunity to show the strength of danmeng. My family can be witnesses. "

As soon as Wang Xuanfeng said this, Chen Yan elder's hand was stiff in the air. Xu Yuan also frowned slightly.

If other people say this, Xu Yuan doesn't pay any attention at all, including Hu Xiao, ziyuexian and others, who are not in Xu Yuan's eyes. But Wang Xuanfeng was different. The royal family of Beihuang, which is a real family of eternal generations, has Yuanying Tianjun.

Unless Dan Jun really becomes the Tiandan master, the Dan League will not be able to withstand a single blow in front of the Wang family. Wang Xuanfeng, as one of the most outstanding children of the young generation of the Wang family, is likely to succeed as the head of the Wang family in the future.

When Xu Yuan hesitated.

Hu Xiao also said: "yes, master Xu. It's just time for Qingmu Zhenjun to compete with master situ Dan. If master situ Dan really shows a very high level, the nine turn Shengling pill can also be safely handed over to master situ Dan. "

Purple Moon Fairy also nodded slightly.

"Alliance leader, promise. How can our Dan alliance be afraid of a little boy?" Cried elder situ.

"I'm willing to fight." Situ Chen stepped forward and raised his head.

With the support of these people, Xu Yuan finally made up his mind. He gently touched the armrest and looked like a sword: "master Chen Dan, since you put forward the agreement to fight against Dan, it's inconvenient for our Dan League to refuse, so master situ Dan will take the place of Dan League in this gambling fight..."

"I haven't finished my words yet." Chen Fanhu interrupted:

"I can give you five chances. The questions of gambling are all decided by you. As long as you can win a game, I will lose. And even if I win, I don't need you to die, as long as you agree to one thing. "

"Good, good!"

Even Xu Yuan, the leader of the great elixir League and the top alchemist, is the top elixir in the longevity list. After listening to Chen Fan's words, he almost broke up. All the other Dan masters were full of fire in their eyes.

"Since master Chen Dan asked, our Dan League naturally accepted. The first round of fighting Dan will be three days later."


As soon as Xu Yuan brushed his sleeve, he went away in anger.

And Chen fan, under the gaze of all the monks, also leisurely, went to the door. Only one figure is left for many elders and disciples of Dan League.


the danmeng is going to fight with Qingmu Zhenjun in the northern cold region.

The news spread to the whole danmeng in an instant, and then spread to the medicine city. But half a day, the whole ancient medicine county all know, for a time, the crowd in an uproar.

"Who is the real king of Aoki? Never heard of it at all? "

"It is said that he was a new great master in the wasteland. He was known as the first in the northern regions. He once defeated master Qihuang in Lanshan, medicine king Mushan in Fengyuan, and Jiudan Zhenjun in Xuanhe, but no one knows whether it is true or false. "

"It's not surprising that there's something wrong with it. However, no matter how strong he is, how can he be the opponent of situ Chen. It's said that situ Chen has been promoted to master recently. "

In recent days.

The whole drug city, streets and alleys, tens of millions of people, are talking about this fight.

Chen Fan's background was soon revealed. He took the pseudonym of Qingmu Zhenjun and traveled all the way to the wasteland, gambling with many masters of Dan Dao. Although the wasteland is far away from the northern wasteland, many people have heard of it.

All of a sudden, everyone's sense of expectation for the fight rose sharply.

Chen Fan's words at the top of the stone pagoda also spread.

"It's a big tone. At a young age, I dare to be the first in the world. Even if the emperor Dan went out of the pass and the ancient medicine emperor Tianjun was born again, he did not dare to be so arrogant. ""Indeed, it's just a young man who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth."

"Kill yourself."

After learning that, the person who had a good impression on Chen Fan immediately lost his image. The more powerful people are, the more modest they should be. Such arrogance is not like a great master.


In the eyes of many ancient medicine counties, chen fan is doomed to be a laughing stock.

A lot of big and small dish mouth, it is to open astounding proportion even more. Chen Fan wins one game, one to one thousand. A stone can be turned a thousand times. However, those who won all the five games were one to one hundred thousand times. Unfortunately, there was still no one to beat them.

In these three days.

Chen fan is sitting in the hut of Jianyao hospital, not going anywhere. The people of danmeng are not afraid of his escape. After all, the whole stone pagoda has laid the array of ancient medicine Tianjun. Unless chen fan is the emperor, he can never escape.

That night, Joe came to the door with red and swollen eyes.

"Brother Chen, you really agreed to gamble with xiaodanjun."

"Of course."

Chen Fan replied with a smile: "why, Qiao Qiao, who made you unhappy? Are they your companions


Little girl Qiao Qiao lowered her head, pinched the corner of her clothes, tears in her eyes: "they all said that my brother must be defeated, not Xiao danjun's opponent. He also said that his brother was going to die, and danmeng would not let him go... "

" don't worry, just wait to see how my brother hanged the little danjun. "

Chen Fan comforted me.

The little girl finally nodded her head, wiped away her tears and said that she would go to Cheer Chen Fan in three days. Unfortunately, the next day, the gray robed old man who came from Dongyang City in a hurry took Qiao Qiao away from Chen fan.

Chen fan doesn't mind.

After all, at this time, no one is optimistic about him. They all think chen fan will lose. As Qiao Qiao's grandfather, how dare the old man in grey robe keep Qiao Qiao beside him and accompany him, the public enemy of danmeng?

Before Qiao Qiao left, he cried and struggled. In the end, chen fan promised to go to her after winning, so that Qiao could calm down a little.

"Little brother, you do it yourself."

Before the old man left, he looked at Chen Fan deeply and sighed.

Three days later, no one came to the door. Chen Fan's various elixir families and chambers of Commerce, which had come to recruit him from time to time, were not even seen. Chen fan only received a letter. I don't know who. It recorded all kinds of Dan skills that situ Chen was proficient in, as well as all the detailed information. After Chen fan had a look, it was destroyed automatically.

Looking at the beautiful handwriting on it, Wu Qingyan suddenly appeared in Chen Fan's mind.

But it's just a flash.

Three days later, the first round of gambling is finally about to start! , the fastest update of the webnovel!