Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 901

"I want him."

When Hu Xiao said this, he was shocked. Many elders and the younger generation of danmeng almost jumped up. The second son of the Hu family, he didn't choose situ Chen. He wanted to choose someone else?

Countless eyes converge on Chen fan.

"Who is this man?"

Many elders are slightly confused. Have you ever heard of such a young alchemist in the danmeng? But if not the master, why did Hu Xiao choose him instead of situ Chen? Is it a genius from other places?

However, the younger generation of danmeng was stunned.

They naturally recognized chen fan. In fact, on that day, the danmeng examination was carried out. Chen Fan's nine grades have been widely spread in the danmeng. Many people have heard of Chen Fan even if they haven't seen him. But situ Chen's worship of Dan Jun was even more shocking, and Chen Fan's fame was suppressed.

Yan Wuwang, Jiang Li, Wu Qingyan, Lin mengshen and others were even more surprised.

How did Hu Xiao choose chen fan? No matter from any angle, chen fan's alchemy is far worse than situ Chen's. Wu Qingyan is even more puzzled, looking at, full of puzzled.

"Second young master, you choose him?"

Alliance leader Xu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly and his expression was inexplicable.

"Alliance leader, who can replace situ Chen? You should know that situ Chen is a tall Dan king. Although he is young, he is no worse than I am here in terms of the cultivation of Dan Dao! "

An elder with bristling hair and fireworks was the first to speak.

He was named master Chen Yan, ranked seventh among the elders, and played an important role in the Dan League. In particular, he is good at controlling the fire, and is known as the No.1 fire control in Beihuang. Chen Yan master in charge of the criminal law, has always been upright, hot temper, impatient up, even the alliance leader have to give way to three points.

"Elder Chen, this is Chen beixuan, Chen Danshi, the two star Danshi of Lianjin Jiupin's" Jianyao Academy. " Wei Huang Zhenjun said with a smile. Although he is also an elder, he is far less respected than master Chen Yan in the Presbyterian Council.

"It's just a two star Dan master. I'm afraid I haven't even touched the edge of Baodan, not to mention refining medicine for ziyue fairy. Second young master, you have chosen the wrong person. "

Chen Yan master cold hum a, direct refute.

All the other elders nodded.

The purple Moon Fairy came here, and though it was not the elixir of heaven, it had to be mainly refined with the elixir of heaven. General alchemists are afraid to take over, not to mention a two-star alchemist?

"It's just nonsense. Any elder, senior leader or even young hero here is better than Chen Dan? I'm afraid Mr. Wang didn't know. Master Chen Dan even tried to make a top-grade elixir. "

Elder situ also spoke.

Elder situ had a very high position in the Presbyterian court, ranked second, and was the ancestor of situ Chen. He and Chen flame elder successively deliver words, instantly blocked Hu Xiao's proposal.

But the small Dan Jun Si Tu Chen, in addition to the facial expression embarrassment at the beginning, quickly recover to come over, continue to calm calmly.

He is very confident of himself. Even if he loses, he is not defeated by Chen fan.

Several heavyweight elders began to speak, and alliance leader Xu Yuan's face remained unchanged, thinking that Hu Xiao was too mischievous. Even after hearing this, Wang Xuanfeng looked at Hu Xiao and blamed him for choosing a master of alchemy.

But Hu Xiao was not angry at all. Instead, he looked at Chen Fan playfully:

"master Xu, you elders, it seems that you don't know the identity of Chen Dan."

"What does that mean?"

The leader and others were stunned.

Wu Qingyan, Yan Wuwang and others are also surprised. What other identity does Chen Fan have? Only chen fan is still calm, not surprised, calmly and Hu Xiao look at each other.

"This master Chen Dan is not an ordinary alchemist. He has another name... It's called "Mr. Aoki."

Hu Xiao said softly.

As soon as he spoke, most people were puzzled, wondering what the name meant.

"Who is Mr. Aoki?"

"I haven't heard of it, but since I dare to be called the real king, I should be the friar of Jindan. Master Chen Dan is so young that he has already married Dan? "

But some well-informed people, but face a change, it seems to think of something, especially Yan Wuwang. He comes from the sky sea area, most clearly. Suddenly raised his head and looked at him suspiciously.

"Qingmu Zhenjun, the way of Dan is unparalleled, the skill is unparalleled. He is known as the great master of the northern regions and the first of Dan Dao. It should be easy for such a person to make a nine turn elixir. "

Hu Xiao was smiling, but looking at Chen Fan's eyes, he was very cold.

"In the northern regions, the way of Dan is the first!"

These eight words, almost all people take a breath.

Obviously, the northern regions also include the northern wasteland. It may even include several other northern regions, namely Dan Jun, who may not have such a strong voice.

"What a great master of the northern Dan Road."

Chen flame elder sneers, eyes unexpectedly light black and white two color flames.

"I didn't expect that there was such a great master in our Dan League. Should we be happy? Or is it cheering? " Elder situ is very strange.At this time.

No matter how stupid people are, they can still hear it.

Hu Xiao didn't help Chen fan at all, but put him on the fire. It's just like an ordinary person who suddenly claims to be the best in the world, and will naturally become the target of public criticism. How much is the number one? Can mortals bear it?

"Master Chen Dan, what do you have to say to the second young master?"

Xu Yuangao sat on the hall, with a plain face and no joy or sorrow.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes all converge on Chen fan, waiting for his answer. At this time, Chen fanruo was a wise man. Whether master Qingmu or not, he must refute immediately. He must never admit his identity, let alone the false name of "the first of Dan".

"Yes, if there is no one else, then I'm the real king of Qingmu, even though I don't like the name very much. It's too vulgar."

Chen Fan shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "as for the number one elixir in the northern regions, it's not wrong. If we calculate by elixir, the whole end of heaven should be stronger than me in alchemy."

Chen Fan tells the truth.

But he didn't know how astonishing he was.


Master Chen Yan hums directly.

Elder situ brushed his sleeve and reprimanded: "Lizi is arrogant!"

As for the other elders, they were either unhappy, disappointed, shaking their heads, or angry. Many of the younger generation of danmeng were angry and said frankly that Chen Fan didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. Even in those days, the "ancient medicine emperor" who created the ancient medicine county did not dare to be called the first in the end of heaven! This kind of name, if spread out, is enough to make the whole danmeng be doomed. Many young people, such as Lin mengshen, who are very fond of Chen fan, are also disappointed.

Situ Chen shakes his head and his eyes show contempt.

From beginning to end, he didn't regard chen fan as his opponent.

"It's very unwise."

Wu Qingyan is also pretty and her eyebrows are wrinkled.

Originally, Wu Qingyan thought that Chen Fan was the ninth grade of Lian Jin, so he was confused for a moment. Now it seems that he is not only in a coma, but also out of reason. How can such words be said casually?

"Master Xu, you disciples of Dan League seem to have a lot of personality."

Wang Xuanfeng smiles.

He stares at chen fan like a sword, but Chen Fan smiles and doesn't care.

"At this time, Xu is not strict discipline, let the guests laugh." Xu Meng master's face was also a little ugly. He turned his head and stared at chen fan, and said: "master Chen Dan, or MR Qingmu Zhenjun. I don't care what you come from and what you think. We have always been loyal to the Inner Mongolia Dan League because we accept disciples. I'm sorry that danmeng can't accept you, who are conceited, arrogant and have ulterior motives. "

Then Xu Yuan drank: "where are the law enforcement elders? Expel this son from the Dan League, abolish all ranks, and take back the passed Dan skills. And spread to the various regions of the major Dan Road sects, families, alliance. I hope many of you will never be hired. "

Xu Yuan, as the leader of the alliance, is as hard as iron, with golden rules and regulations.

Master Chen Yan, who was in charge of the criminal law, stepped out and responded to his orders.

Every time Xu Yuan uttered a word, people around him turned pale. In the end, many of his younger disciples were as quiet as cicadas. With incomparable sympathy and pity, he looked at chen fan.

Expel Dan League, take back Dan Shu, abolish the grade, and preach. This translates into earth language, that is, the industry is completely banned. In the future, chen fan didn't even have the qualification to be an alchemist. No employer dared to hire chen fan. Otherwise, he would be the enemy of countless alchemists in the whole alchemy world.

"It's terrible."

Someone shook his head.

"He deserves it. He is so arrogant and ignorant that he dares to speak in front of his allies and guests. First of all, is this what a master of alchemy can say? If you believe it, I'm afraid that the next day we will join hands to kill our ancient medicine County, which will be divided into different levels. "

The other sneered.

Only a few people sympathize with Chen fan. Most people gloat. Chen fan even Jin Jiupin, the limelight, has long been envied, at this time there are naturally many people down.

Even Wu Qingyan sighed in her heart, knowing that the order of the alliance leader was irreparable.

"Chen Dan, please."

Chen Yan elder comes forward, the complexion is like iron, on the body takes layer upon layer of prestige, like angry flame to shine. This master, who was the first to control the fire in the northern wilderness, was not only an amazing Dan Dao, but also a great real king in the later period of the golden elixir.

"It's over."

Lin mengshen shook his head.

Chen Yan elder hands in person, already can't retrieve.

In his eyes, chen fan is dead, at least in the way of alchemy, there is no future.

Hu Xiao's eyes narrowed and he was full of schadenfreude. He is always worried about Chen Fan's face-to-face refusal. This time, he directly shovels Chen Fan with the help of Dan League, which makes Hu Xiao very proud.

Only the purple Moon Fairy frowned slightly.

She has never been able to see through chen fan. In particular, she doubts Chen Fan's answer about the existence of "Jiuqu Tianshen". But under the pressure of many danmeng elders, ziyue fairy couldn't figure out what kind of resistance chen fan had.In Chen Yan elder, step into Chen Fan ten Zhang inside, chen fan suddenly of smile voice.

He looked up at Xu Yuan and said calmly:

"master Xu, I'm here to say goodbye to you and prepare to leave Dan League."

Xu Yuan has a cold face.

Elder situ sneered even more: "now it's too late to stay in Dan League and forget your arrogant words?"

"Soft?" Chen Fan shook his head with a smile: "you will be wrong. In my eyes, Dan Meng is just an ant. If I didn't want to take it, I would have beaten you all. "

Then, regardless of the angry faces of the elders and the angry drinks of many disciples, chen fan continued:

"before I left, I wanted to make a deal with leader Xu to make a fortune for Dan League. But now, I changed my mind. I don't want to let you danmeng go so easily. "

"What do you want to do?" Xu Yuan's face is as deep as water.

"I will compete with you in the battle of Dan."

"The winner lives, the loser dies!"

Chen Fan said it word by word.

If thunderbolt falls to the ground, shock the whole audience.

For a moment, the whole hall was silent, and everyone was shocked.

PS: at last, I've changed my schedule, and the outbreak begins^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!