Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 903

On that day, the ancient medicine county was deserted.

Countless people are sitting in teahouses, restaurants and Taoist halls. The curtain of heaven opened, showing the scene of the gambling venue. This time, the seven elders of Dan League joined hands to open up a huge cloud platform with a radius of 10 Li, and set up many arrays to prevent thunder and external interference.

The same.

Ten judges were selected by danmeng, five of whom were from danmeng, including Wei huangzhenjun, Chen Yan elder and so on. The other five invited the outstanding descendants of Beihuang family.

"Hu Xiao, the second young master of the Hu family in xuandu."

"Miss Wu Baisu of the Wu family in Zhenhai."

"The purple Moon Fairy of ethereal Tianzong..."

every one of them is a top-notch young generation. In particular, Wang Xuanfeng's appearance has shocked countless people. The more powerful the clan is, the more they dare not belittle the existence of the Wang family. As an ancient family, the influence of Wang family is far beyond the northern wilderness, and plays an important role in the whole wilderness.

"It's said that in the Danyuan hall on that day, it was Xuanfeng, who agreed with him. Then there was this gambling fight."

"Ha ha, Xiao Dan Jun will win. That's the top talent of our ancient medicine County for a hundred years, and it's even included by Dan Jun. Is it just like a king of green wood? "

"Not necessarily. Chen beixuan won such a great reputation and even defeated the master. It can be seen that Dan Shu can't be underestimated."

There was a lot of discussion.

The grey robed old man and Qiao Qiao arrived at the match.

"Grandfather, do you think brother Chen can win?"

Qiao Qiao's small hand was tense and clenched into a small fist.


the old man in the grey robe spat out three difficult words and finally shook his head deeply. Every word, let Joe face collapse a point, to the end, give tears.

Jiang Han, Yan Wuwang and other Dan Meng disciples also sat in the field, quietly waiting for the start of the gambling fight.

"I didn't see that Chen Dan was so bold and ambitious in the assessment that day." Jiang Han said with a smile.

"It's just a loss of intelligence." Wu Qingyan is cold, gritting her teeth and hating that iron is not steel.

Only Yan Wuwang is silent.

He was born in the wilderness, naturally aware of Chen Fan's terror. In just a few months, chen fan swept through the 17 wasteland areas in the north and defeated many great masters. It's not as vulnerable as many people in danmeng think.


The entrance of those who fight Dan is just the beginning of the fight.

When situ Chen flew into the cloud platform, he was cheered by countless monks. Especially many nuns, looking at the handsome, arrogant, domineering situ Chen, almost a pair of beautiful eyes are going to fly out.

Situ Chen is the most popular figure in ancient medicine County for hundreds of years. In contrast, although Chen Fan looks good, but almost no one cheers.

"Come on, brother."

Only Joe cried out.

Chen Fan waved and turned around. See, Si Tu Chen and he side by side but stand, hope all didn't see Chen Fan one eye. As the moderator, Wei huangzhenjun, holding a jade book, announced the way of contest:

"this contest is the first round of the duel. It is required to refine one of xiapinbao pills, Sanpu Huihun pill. The time limit is one day, and there is no restriction on any Dan furnace, Dan technique, auxiliary medicine, etc. "

"The winner lives, the loser dies!"

When Huang Zhenjun of Wei said this, the whole ancient medicine county was quiet. A lot of Dan masters took a breath. Many alchemists look ugly.

"It's the Sanpu Huihun pill? It's too difficult. "

"It's estimated that xiaodanjun strongly demanded it. If it wasn't for this kind of strange pill, how could it reflect xiaodanjun's strength?"

"Chen beixuan, the true king of Qingmu, is going to be worse!"

Many Danshi were not optimistic about Chen fan at first, but at this time, they were completely desperate.

Yan Wuwang and others all shook their heads. Wu Qingyan is more beautiful eyebrow tight wrinkle, almost like a tightrope.

"Grandfather, what is Sanpo Huihun Dan?" Qiao Qiao doubts.

"This is a magic pill." The grey robed old man's face was extremely embarrassed:

"the so-called magic pill is a very rare, eccentric and difficult pill to practice. It is not only difficult to find medicinal materials, but also difficult to refine Dan prescription. Although it's the second grade of Baodan, it's no worse than the middle grade in terms of refining difficulty. In general, only the top alchemist can be sure to make the three soul reviving pill. This kind of pill has amazing effect. It is said that it can reunite the broken spirits. It's the only magic pill for cultivating ghosts and immortals and reincarnation. It's extremely precious. "

Hearing what the old man said, Qiao Qiao's face turned pale.

Among the pills, the pills related to spirits are often the most precious. After the spirit was broken, even the Jindan friar had to fall. It is said that only when you reach the realm of immortality can you be fearless.

How valuable are these three soul reviving pills? How difficult is it to practice?

After explanation.

Most of the people in ancient medicine County knew that they were even less optimistic about Chen fan. In the gambling market, the ratio of this game has risen from one to one thousand to one to two thousand and three thousand, and it is still rising in a straight line."There's still time for you to quit now."

Small Dan Jun situ Chen, carrying both hands, eyes straight ahead, did not look at chen fan, light way.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you if I win."

Chen Fan grinned and showed his white teeth.


Situ Chen didn't pay attention at all. He brushed his sleeve robe and flew directly to his alchemy area. It takes a lot to refine Baodan. Especially when it leads to Dan robbery, it is more likely to bring disaster to the fish in the pond. Chen fan also went into his refining department.

With the order of Wei huangzhenjun, doudan officially began.


Xiaodanjun's technique is one finger, and void lists eight arrays. From the eight arrays, eight flames of different colors are spurted out. Then situ Chen first distinguished the medicinal materials, and then selected a variety of suitable elixirs, and began to refine different elixirs with the help of Dan Huo array.

In the Baodan stage, the medicinal materials need to be treated before they can be refined.

His technique is like flowing water, pleasing to the eye, coupled with the concentration of alchemy, immediately won the exclamation of countless nuns. But this kind of means, is sits the real Dan Road master's status.

Because only the master can refine the elixir.

"Younger sister, this situ Chen seems to have some ability. Maybe I can make a nine turn elixir for the purple Moon Fairy. " Wu Bai Su said lightly.

This woman is as white as snow, extremely beautiful, and as beautiful as an immortal. In terms of appearance, she is even better than Wu Qingyan, just like a fairy Ling Chen. She is the eldest lady of the Wu family in Zhenhai. She is the first person of the Wu family in five hundred years. It's said that the talent of Wu family directly pursues the ancestors of Wu family and lives in the triple heaven vein. It is condensed into the top grade gold elixir, which can be cultivated from early to later stage, and even can be listed in the longevity list.

"Seven elder sister, situ Chen is the blood of elder situ. He has been taught by three masters of Dan Dao since childhood. He has been concerned by Dan Jun for a long time. The previous assessment was just a passing act. He entered the master's realm for more than a few months. "

Wu Qingyan shook her head.

"So, situ Chen will win?" Wu Bai Su asked with a smile.


Wu Qingyan hesitated.

She wants to say that 90% is the winner, but in her heart, somehow, there is still a trace of extravagant hope for Chen fan.

At this time, chen fan is in a daze in the face of many equipment and cauldrons in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!