Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 855

How strong is Jianjun? Maybe no one knows except the king of Beihan. The six masters of the cave and the ancestors of the Ling family, who once had a hand with him, are very close to each other.

Today, witnessing the sword across the sea of clouds, people really understand the horror of the sword king.

"Haotianjianzong, it's a legendary great sect that stands at the peak of the end of heaven. It spans several fields and has been handed down for hundreds of thousands of years. It's extremely ancient and has the most powerful skills. It has powerful skills that I can never imagine in the northern cold region. " The elder of Tianji cave sighed.

Everyone else is silent.

Compared with the legendary daotong Haotian sword sect, it is such a big northern cold region, but also small. Among other things, the sword of Jianjun is enough to subdue the whole northern cold region and flatten the six caves.

"Brother, be careful."

Xiao man's pretty face turned pale and cried out in a hurry.

This sword, like the Milky way of nine days falling, is vast and mighty, without head and tail. People can't imagine that it's the Kendo split by people. It's the immortal's finger that cuts the mountains and rivers!

"Come on."

Chen Fan's eyes are full of wonder.

The three chains outside his body were broken at the same time.

Kunpeng, Leize, Zhenwu!

Yuan Dan, the size of three pigeon eggs, jumps lightly, and then fills Chen Fan's body with three forces like a torrent. He never used three yuan Dan at the same time. I feel that like three little suns, chen fan's whole body almost burst. The power is so burst, so bright, almost burst the sky.


Chen fan a burst drink, black hair flying.

Behind him, black, yellow and gold lights suddenly appeared. This light turns into three fields, overlapping layer upon layer, which firmly protects chen fan. When the spirit of the sword came, it hit the tricolor field and made a crackling sound.

First of all, black holes appeared out of thin air, swallowing countless sword Qi like giant mouths.

Then, in the field, there is a god man who respects the body of the dragon head. Thunder and lightning god man holding purple knife, a knife cut out, each is very verve, just like thunder prison God knife. At the end of the day, it was the golden divine light, which broke up the sword Qi like a heavy hammer.

Under the strangulation of the three powers, the sword Qi tearing the sky gradually disappeared and finally became invisible.

"What area is this?"

Many observers glared.

Every elixir has his own domain of golden elixir because of his different cultivation methods. As soon as the domain of law is opened, it becomes a whole and can perform similar powers. But like Chen fan, it's unheard of to use three different powers at the same time.

"The power of swallowing, the power of thunder and lightning, and the last strange golden light. Three different forces, water and milk, are mixed together. They do not conflict at all, but merge with each other. Is Chen beixuan practicing three kinds of skills at the same time? "

Qi Feng frowned slightly.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are many practitioners who try to practice different skills. But once it becomes a golden elixir, it requires that your core skills must be pure or can echo each other. Such as Yin and Yang, five elements, wind and thunder, light and dark, etc. The forces are totally different. Obviously, they don't come together at all.

They didn't understand, but after a sword failed, Jianjun was not surprised at all.

"It's interesting."

Jian Jun said lightly. He bent his fingers, like waving a lute, and flicked lightly on the edge of the sword.


Every time he flicked his finger, the sword split into a small sword. At last, nine times in a row, it turned into nine flying swords. The nine flying swords, under the control of the sword king, swish in the void, pull out nine long sword rainbow, like Tianhe across the sky, toward Chen fan.


Ten thousand Zhang distance, in front of the nine flying swords, does not exist at all. Almost in the blink of an eye, these nine sharp swords were already in front of Chen Fan's eyes.

The sword King's "Changliu sword" is actually made up of nine spiritual treasures. No wonder it is so powerful.


Chen Fan stands still.

Nine sword lights hit the tricolor field one after another. All of a sudden let three fields, violent vibration. Every flying sword is like a meteor, as heavy as Mount Tai. In the end, the tricolor field began to crack.

"Break it for me!"

At this time, chen fan could not sit still.

He first offered the sacrifice of "dinghaizhu" and pushed Xiaoman far away. Then, chen fan made a fist with his hand, and a blow came out. Suddenly, Kunpeng, Leize and Guanglun appeared behind him at the same time.

Chen Fan hit a sword with three kinds of magic power at the same time.

"Come again!"

Chen Fan roars up to the sky.

Every time he punches, his strength is boiling like the ocean, filling the world.

And Jianjun is just like a piano master, playing and performing. Each finger, skillfully manipulated a flying sword, attacked and killed from a tricky angle. Able to control nine swords at the same time, and like waving fingers. The king of the sword is worthy of being the king of the sword.

But in front of Chen Fan's terrible fist strength, any flying sword can't resist."Dangdang."

Just listen to the sound of a torrential rain, nine flying swords are hit by Chen fan at the same time. He jumped up like a meteorite from the sky and stepped on Jianjun.

"Not bad."

This time, Jianjun was moved.

He patted the sword box behind him. Nine flying swords flew into the sword box like a swallow. Then, they turned into a more magnificent sword, like a dragon in the air, and shot out again.

"The sword is thirty thousand li long. One sword knocks at Haotian gate!"

Jianjun holds his sword across the sky, like an electric dragon, and draws it to Chen fan.


The void is split in two by Jianjun's sword, the terrible space is torn apart, and countless space storms blow out from it. There is chaos between heaven and earth, and the vitality roars, just like the boiling of the world.


Chen Fan hit Changliu sword with one punch.

Three kinds of virtual shadows appeared behind Chen Fan one after another, and then quickly burst open. Even Chen Fan couldn't bear the terrible force and flew backward. Even the tricolor field of the whole body is smashed.

With one sword, chen fan is defeated!

"The sword is invincible!"

All the Royal people were excited and shouting at the same time.

The leader of xuanming cave shook his head slightly: "Jianjun is the sixth grade of the golden elixir, and he has been practicing hard for nearly a thousand years. He is very strong in cultivation. I'm afraid he is several times stronger than Dazhen Jun in the later stage of the common golden elixir. It's not wise to fight with him.

Even the younger generation, such as Qi Feng and Zhang Ming, have to admit that Jian Jun is indeed extremely strong.

"Chen beixuan is a little too young after all."

Zhang Ming sighed.

Many people believe that the battle has long been decided. How can Chen Fan compare with the sword king who has lived for thousands of years?

"Come on, come on!"

Jianjun even made 37 swords, and Chen Fan even blocked 37 fists. In the sea of clouds, he stepped back for hundreds of miles before he took off the sword spirit. Looking at Chen Fan's image of being beaten by pressure, little pretty anxious tears are almost falling down.

However, chen fan was more frustrated and braver when he came back. In the 38th punch, instead of retreating, he faced up.

"Zhenwu Shenquan!"

The crackling sound came from Chen fan.

The power of terror, the power of thunder and lightning, finally turned into the purest real power. Chen Fan's whole body is shrouded in the golden light, and his whole body is full of golden flame, which is not inferior to a Dazhen king.

Chen Fan stepped on the golden light and smashed his fist on Changliu sword. This time, he and Jianjun retreated at the same time.

"Your strength has increased dramatically, which is comparable to the later stage of the general gold elixir, especially Zhenyuan. It's more pure than my Jianyuan, so good!"

There was a light in Jianjun's eyes, as if he saw some treasure.

He practiced the pure yuan sword Qi of Haotian sword sect and transformed all the real yuan into Haotian sword yuan.

Haotian sword is incomparably pure and cohesive, and its quality is far better than that of common skills. You can lift your hand to crack the mountain, stone and spirit armor. Depending on it, haotianjianzong can cross the horizon, and one clan can control one territory. But Chen Fan's real power is purer and more concise than his sword yuan. If we say that his sword yuan is wood. The real power is diamond!

"No hard connection."

Jianjun made a decision quickly. He is not only a tough man, but also famous for his swordsmanship. According to legend, the sword master has a total of 999 kinds of sword techniques, which is the best in the northern cold region.

"Xingluo sword."

"Beidou kendo."

"San Sheng San Shi Jian Qi."

At that moment, the sword master wielded seven or eight sword techniques at the same time. Each one is unheard of, unheard of. Let the people in the northern cold region relax their eyes and broaden their horizons.

"You are worthy of the sword king. Master so much peerless kendo. "

A cave elder sighed.

In the void, he was torn by the sword Qi and turned into a chaotic ocean. The power of the sword king is so terrible. He is full of sword Qi, like a tornado. Between the heaven and the earth, the long pillars of sword Qi roar and rotate, cutting all the clouds in a hundred Li radius.

Chen Fan's body was shocked by different kendo. In particular, the sword Qi of Sansheng and Sanshi is directed at time and space, and has the magic of three samsara. If it were not for Chen Fan's longevity, I'm afraid he would be aging on the spot and his longevity would be exhausted.

"Open it for me!"

Surrounded by countless swords, Chen fanzhan went to the extreme. He was angry and crazy, and his whole body was filled with layers of golden blood, which turned into rolling golden flame.

In the end, a huge golden wheel appeared behind him. On the Golden Wheel of light, there are the virtual shadows of Kunpeng and Leize. The terrible power of space and thunder and lightning twined on the wheel of light, and finally turned into the purest and most condensed real power.

Chen fan controls the divine power, sets foot on the heaven and earth, hits with one fist.

This is the punch.

Heaven and earth overturn, sun and moon hang upside down, chaos reopens! The whole space was torn apart and turned into the center of the storm, and countless space debris swept up. They had to retreat again and again, retreating one after another to the distance.Chen Fan tears the void, but with his invincible body, carrying the Dao sword Qi, he rushes to the sword king and hits changliuxian sword with one punch.


This invincible immortal sword could not bear Chen Fan's burst fist force. It burst open and turned into nine flying swords, shooting in all directions. Jianjun was also hit by Chen Fan from the void, like a meteor, falling from a height of 100000 Zhang.

At the same time, they were stunned and couldn't believe it.

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