Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 856

Surrounded by tens of thousands of monks, chen fan smashed the sword from the sky, just like breaking a myth. Many people can't imagine. Invincible northern cold region, known as the first sword king, so defeated?

"No, the strength of Jianjun is much more than that."

Xuanming Dongtian Zhangjiao said in a deep voice.

There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the others. Only they can know the real strength of this invincible strong man. What a terrible power is it to step on the six caves?

You know, every leader in the cave can borrow the power of the cave. In the middle of the golden elixir, if you get the blessing from the cave, you can give full play to the power of dazhenjun in the later period of the golden elixir.

In the later period of Jindan, dazhenjun could go further, and his power soared several times.

Even those who are strong can't stop the sword. How can they be defeated like this? You know, chen fan's strength at this time is not much better than that of a late Jindan dazhenjun.

Sure enough.

Just a few miles away, the sea of clouds suddenly broke open, and a long sword burst out and returned to the sea of clouds. The sword king is better dressed in white than in snow. He has a negative hand standing in the cloud. His long hair is flying. He is not half defeated.

On the contrary.

On the surface of Chen Fan's body, there are sword marks. It's the scar of Shengsheng splitting the spirit body when he rushes in with his sword Qi. Although these scars recovered quickly, they still lost Chen Fan's life.

"Your strength is good. No wonder you are so rebellious and confident. But just because of this, not to mention fighting with Tianjiao Shenzi, who is the best in the field of Tianhuang, it's not enough to defeat me. "

Jian Jun is calm and calm, and his school has its own way.

"Is it?"

Chen Fan grinned.

The golden color of his whole body was surging, and the scars all over his body quickly recovered. Almost three or five breaths later, chen fan returns to his peak. His body is as solid as a crystal diamond.


Jianjun shook his head slightly, with a trace of pity in his eyes, and said: "the golden elixir is divided into nine grades, one grade and one heavy heaven. I forgot to tell you that what I have just exerted is the power of ordinary inferior gold elixir. Now, it is the power of six genuine gold elixirs. "

With that, a wave, several times stronger than before, suddenly surged out of Jianjun. He stood there out of thin air, just like a pillar supporting heaven and earth.

The sea of clouds, with Jianjun as the center, turns into a huge cloud vortex.

He stood in the center of the vortex like a God.

But this is not the end. The sword King gently extended his hand again, and nine swords came from afar again, and fell into his hand:

"Changliu sword is the best spiritual treasure of our clan. When the ancestor practiced this sword, he used to put three seals on it. Only when it is fully turned on will it show all its powers. Previously, only one floor was opened. "


The sword gentleman flicks a finger lightly.

The nine swords vibrated violently at the same time. The sword, which was only seven inches long, turned into three feet long. Like a complete version of the nine handle weakened long stay immortal sword, suspended in the sword King's side.

Nine towering sword Qi rose from the sky and turned into nine color sword pillars.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, yin and Yang. Nine completely different forces surround the sword king. This top grade Lingbao is actually made up of nine flying swords with different attributes. They are horizontal in the void, the power entangles each other, complements each other.

"I have learned more than 900 kinds of swordsmanship, but they are all small ways. The only thing I've practiced for thousands of years and never changed in my life is haotianzong's "Xuantian chopping sword technique!" This skill is one of the three secret skills of our sect. When it's completed, you can chop Yuanying! "

Jianjun said.

The nine flying swords in front of him roared, then gathered together and turned into a pure purple rainbow. As soon as Jianjun grasped the purple awn, the terrible meaning of the sword soared to the sky.

"Xuan, Tian, Dao, Jian, Shu!"

Jian Jun spewed out word by word, and his voice shocked thousands of miles.

Before the Qi of the sword comes, the meaning of the sword goes ahead. The void is torn by the meaning of the sword. A thousand Zhang long space gap extends from the front of the sword to the top of Chen Fan's head. All they saw was a spectacle.

Heaven and earth split a hole, overflowing with countless essence. The king of the sword did not put out his sword, but split the space, and even cut through other worlds. Layers of essence from different worlds are left in the world, and the scene of colorful blending is suddenly sent out. As if the gate of heaven had been opened, the immortal spirit flowed from the fairyland.

The power of Jindan liupin!

The power of top grade Lingbao.

It's a secret sword skill of supreme sword sect.

When the sword king really cut out, people finally understand why he can be invincible in the northern cold region.

This sword splits, reverses cause and effect, transcends time. Chen Fan's whole person, as well as the hundred Zhang space where he is, is frozen. Not to mention the vitality, even a little finger can't be frozen.

"Control the space!"

The sword of Jianjun has three points of control. It's close to God.

"At that time, we were defeated by this sword. We were convinced."Xuanming Dongtian Zhangjiao sighed softly.

The other four leaders were all drowned in water, obviously recalling the painful experience of their defeat. The great religion of huzong, countless treasures, tens of thousands of disciples, and the power of the whole cave can't stop the sword king.

Jianjun directly split the cave with one sword, divided the two realms. After losing all his opponents, he tore the void and left.

The sword is brilliant and shining in ten directions, which makes everyone turn pale.

Xiao man was so pale that he couldn't say a word. His whole heart seemed to be held tightly. Many of the other friars, who were weak in cultivation, were closer to the battlefield. Suddenly, their whole body broke into knots in the air and burst into blood dance. Only friar Jindan screamed and managed to escape.

It turns out that the meaning of Xuantian's sword cutting technique has already covered a radius of ten li.

Anyone involved in this field will be attacked.

"Too strong, too strong. It's not the human sword technique. It's the immortal's sword technique. With this sword, Jianjun can point at Yuanying. It's just the same with those peerless arrogants on the longevity list. "

Qi Feng's eyes are frightened.

"Who do you think wins and who loses? Does Chen Zhenjun still have a chance to win? " Zhang Ming has an anxious look in his eyes. He is more supportive of Chen fan.

"Under this sword is the fall of dazhenjun in the later period of Jindan, not to mention Chen beixuan. Unless Jianjun doesn't want to kill him, he will die today. "

Qi Feng shook his head.

It is not only him, but everyone believes that Chen fan will be defeated.

Jinwu Zhenjun, the northern Han Royal family, and others, have already got excited eyes, clenched their fists, ready to celebrate.

In the eyes of countless people, in the eyes of Xiaoman worried and heartbroken. Under this sword, the three color field is broken layer upon layer, just like the local chicken and tile dog. The purple sword has not yet arrived, and the terrible meaning of the sword has already rushed to Chen fan.

Chen Fan suddenly smiles.

His smile has never been so bright, so happy, so joyful. Smile of let people don't understand its meaning, smile of let sword gentleman heart tiny sink.

"So you've hidden your strength, just... I've hidden it, too."

Chen Fan looked at the sword king, eyes sincerely said in a soft voice.

Then, outside Chen Fan's body, the last two chains of order broke apart with a bang. Two than before huge several times of Yuan force, thundered from Chen Fan's body.

If the previous three xiaoyuandan were three nuclear reactors.

These two dayuandan are two suns. Blooming eternal and endless energy. A Xuanwu shadow and a chaotic tree appeared behind chen fan at the same time, complementing the other three kinds of shadow.

Five yuan Dan, perfectly coordinated at this time, formed a strange equilateral pentagon.


When these five yuan dans were running at the same time, the void suddenly broke open. The space that had been solidified like iron plate was thawed quickly in front of Chen fan.


The Xuantian sword, which tears the void and claims to hurt Yuanying, just collides with Chen Fan's body. It's like hitting an iron plate, making a creaking sound. On the surface of Chen Fan's body, five colors shine. The five rays of Xuan, Qing, black, yellow and gold, which enveloped him, turned into a halo. It was so bright and indestructible, just like the dust of a Bodhisattva.

Finally, in the eyes of all the people.

Chen Fan hit it with one punch and easily smashed the purple sword into pieces.

"How is that possible?"

Not only many spectators, but also the king of sword, his eyes were shocked and his expression changed greatly.

It's incredible that Chen Fan didn't even hurt the sword Qi of dazhenjun in the later stage of the golden elixir. This kind of terrible power has never been seen in anyone. Only when you face the most unfathomable ancestor in the clan, you have this illusion. As if there was no resistance.

"I said, this world may be very big for you, but it's too small for me. The so-called arrogance, the so-called son of God and the so-called genius are just jokes. "

"I'll crush it if I want to!"

Chen fan came with his hands on his back and his feet in the void.

He was covered with five colors of divine light and came step by step to the sword king.

Let the sword King crazy, cut out a series of Xuantian sword, the overwhelming purple awn across the sky, but cut on Chen fan, all are blocked by the five colors. In the end, chen fan stamped his foot lightly.

All the spectators, including Jianjun, were frozen in the space, just like mosquitoes in amber. They couldn't move a little finger, and their faces were all astonished.

Then, I saw Chen Fan raise a finger and gently click.


This refers to detached space, detached world, detached life. Almost as soon as he raised his hand, he crossed the distance of ten thousand meters and touched Jianjun's forehead. The sword king was stunned, and then the whole person, together with the solid sword body and the terrible sword yuan in his body, all exploded, turned into a blood mist and dispersed in the heaven and earth.One step condenses the void, one finger kills the sword king!

Understatement, without a trace of smoke and fire, like searching for things.

At the moment, the sky and the earth are silent.

People are scared!

PS: it's over at five o'clock. , the fastest update of the webnovel!