Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 854

Heaven and earth, dozens of Wang Tingzhen Jun, because the sword Jun a word, all stop. Even the rebellious Liuwei commander, no longer willing to, also respectfully stop.

Jianjun has been in charge of the northern cold court for hundreds of years, and he is respected as the strongest man in the northern cold region. He is as dignified as a mountain, and no one dares to refute him.

"Uncle Jian, I can take him."

Zhao Du Luo slightly with a trace of dissatisfaction.

Dozens of real princes, including ten mid-term elixirs of Jindan, together with six imperial guards, and the powerful man of Mancheng royal family, won one Chen beixuan and was sure to win.


The sword gentleman is cold to hum a, simply ignore, Mou Guang still stares at chen fan.

Next to him, Tianji Dongtian Zhangjiao exhorted:

"Your Highness, can you take him, and then how much will you pay? How many dead real kings? Do you want to smash half of the royal city and make millions of people bleed? "


Zhao duluo hesitated.

If the city of the northern Han king is destroyed, his men will be seriously injured. I'm afraid his father will peel off his skin when he goes through the customs. Besides, in the face of a dazhenjun who can tear up space and smash the vacuum, do you think these people can do nothing about Chen beixuan? As far as such Dazhen Jun is concerned, unless there is a heavenly king in the array, he will come and go whenever he wants. There is no one to stop him except the strong one at the same level. " Tianji Zhangjiao shakes his head gently.

Zhao Du Luo turned pale.

He remembered Chen Fan's miraculous hand, shuttling through the void for several kilometers, slapping Zhao duxuan in the face. You know, Tuntian palace is protected by countless Dharma arrays, and Zhao duxuan is the true king of Jindan. He has many magic weapons, but he is still slapped by Chen fan.

It's true that the strong can't be encircled and killed if there are too many people.

"Do you understand now? Go back and shut up for 50 years. If you don't reach the middle stage of the golden elixir, you can't go out. " Sword gentleman cold voice way.

"Yes, uncle Jian."

Zhao Ducuo bowed respectfully, then tied his hands and wanted to step back.

But at this time, chen fan's voice came from the sky:

"Zhao duliao, you send people to besiege Guhua city and try to kill me. I haven't calculated the revenge with you yet. How can you leave like this?"

When Zhao Du heard the words, he was in shape.

Jian Jun was even more displeased. He looked up at chen fan and said:

"Chen Zhenjun, all the things before are because we don't know your strength. Knowing that you are the Grand Prince, all the enmity will be cancelled. I won't pursue your killing of the nine princes, but please withdraw from the royal city immediately and never enter Zhongzhou again. "

As soon as Jianjun said this, everyone knew it.

This is a recognition of Chen Fan's cultivation, which can be compared with him and be comparable to the later stage of Jindan. The other three Dazhen kings in the northern cold region have similar agreements with Jianjun. Each town has its own side and does not interfere with each other.

"I'm sorry, I've always been narrow-minded, and I'll pay you back if you offend me. If you hand over Zhao duluo, and let the northern Han King come out and ask me a few words, Chen may not be able to let you Zhao family go. "

Chen Fan vowed.

The little man beside, although nervous, still couldn't help laughing.

This is the first time she heard that someone admitted that he was narrow-minded, but said it from Chen fan, but it was so natural.

"So Chen Zhenjun is not going to leave the royal city?"

Jian Jun's eyes are cold.

"Not bad."

Chen Fan never quits.

"Well, don't leave." Sword gentleman light says, long sleeve one wave.


Between heaven and earth, an invisible blade cuts across the sky. Over the square, the air within a few kilometers, like the tide, is split, showing a long white corridor. The sword is so powerful that it soars to the sky and points directly at chen fan.

The sword gentleman unexpectedly crisp clear hand, and a hand, startle the earth!

Facing the blow from the mountain and the sea, chen fan didn't retreat at all. He stretched out his fingers and pressed his thumb to the void.

"Poof Pooh."

A slender black light column suddenly pierces the void and makes a piercing sound in the air. Then he turned into a peerless sword rainbow and suddenly cleaved on the invisible blade.


The void burst.

The terrifying wave surged up, and the vitality turned back and ran like a storm, and the sword Qi was still strong, just like the scattered flowers of heaven, rushing out in all directions. The two men's strike is so terrible that it can rival the most powerful nuclear bomb. Once implemented, I'm afraid the whole area will turn into powder.


When Jian Jun saw this, he frowned lightly.

He stamped his foot gently to control the heaven and earth, and instantly solidified countless sword Qi. Then he gathered all the sword Qi with the magic power of heaven and earth in his sleeve. Finally, he burst into the sky, turned into a brilliant sword and shot into the sky.

"I'm waiting for you in the sky."


Chen Fan answers, embracing Xiaoman in one hand, turning into a rolling black awn, rushing into the sky like smoke.Three people almost play between fingers, disappear in the eyes of the public, leaving only Wangdu public, big eyes stare small eyes, at a loss.

Tianji Dongtian Zhangjiao chuckled, his sleeves and robes danced, and he set up dunguang to catch up with the past:

"this is an unprecedented battle, how can we miss it?"

Other people suddenly wake up. A leader of Dongtian sect and family also rises up. In a flash, almost all the concierges who came to watch the ceremony disappeared.

Zhao Du Luo's face was very blue, and he smashed half of the square.


with Xiaoman, chen fan flew all the way to a height of 100000 feet, breaking through the sea of clouds. See a big day, jump out from the distance, the sunlight, the boundless sea of clouds, dyed into a piece of gold.

The king of the sword stands on the top of the sea of clouds. He bears the sword in white, just like a Sword Fairy.

"Chen beixuan, you shouldn't have come."

Jianjun looks up at the sun, and his tone is plain.

"Since the end of time, it's rare to meet an opponent. Chen has been itching for a long time, waiting for this battle." Chen Fan stretched out and his face was eager to try.

All the time.

He did not let Chen Fan use half of his strength to beat Zhao Qingchen and long Manshen. He could beat chen fan to death by raising his hand. Even Zhu Jiushan can only block Chen Fan twice. Chen fan is happy to meet Jianjun. He is eager to know how strong he is now.

"I grew up in Haotian sword sect when I was a child. I began to learn sword at the age of one. I was born at the age of twenty-five. In thirty years, I became a six grade elixir. In two hundred years, I became a master of kendo. I thought my peers were invincible. But a sword lost to that man, from then on, just know how high the sky is, how thick the earth is. If you don't prove Yuanying, you won't step out of the northern cold region in this life. "

Jian Jun said slowly, as if he regarded chen fan as a close friend and poured out his heart.

The spectators flying from the ground were shocked to hear what he said.

How powerful are the real peerless arrogants outside the northern cold region.

"Oh, really?"

Chen fan doesn't think so.

"The northern cold region is too small to make you feel that the whole world is so big, and the gifted friars are just like that. Let you be arrogant and proud, but don't know what you and I are compared with real genius? "

The sword gentleman light way.

"I'm sorry, I've always been confident. In terms of talent, Lao Tzu may not be able to compete with them, but in terms of fists, no one can compete with Chen beixuan. "

Chen Fan grinned and showed his white teeth.

He is so arrogant that he can't even see the little man next to him. The people of the royal family were even colder and disdainful.

"When you are young and vigorous, you naturally think that your peers are invincible. Without setbacks, how can we break the cocoon and become a butterfly? " Jian Jun shakes his head and looks at Chen Fan with a trace of pity:

"it's a pity that if you stand in front of me in a hundred years' time, I'm not sure I can beat you. But now, killing you is like killing a chicken. "


A dragon chant, from the sword box behind the sword king, shoots directly. Like a dragon, it dances between the sea and the sky, splitting the atmosphere and breaking the sea of clouds. The sword is flying around the king of the sword. He is very intimate and seems to have a spirit.

The swordsman stood up with a proud hand, and his eyes were cold, just like a magic sword penetrating into the sky.

"The name of the sword is long."

"Since I entered the northern cold region, this sword only came out of its sheath three times. For the first time, beheading the Wannian water demon in Beihai. The second time, the ancestor of the bailing family. For the third time, the six caves were leveled with one sword. "

"People in the world think that there is a difference in strength between me and King Chijiao and others. But I don't know how this generation of northern cold region friars are qualified to compete with our Tianzong disciples? I'll kill them... One sword is enough. "


The king of the sword reaches out his hand, grabs the edge of the sword and cuts it out.


A hundred Li sea of clouds, in front of this sword, split for it. The boundless cloud suddenly showed a huge crack. And the Chongxiao sword is just like a magic sword that splits the nine heavens. It has no front and no top. The heaven and the earth split in front of this sword.

It's a sword.

Tens of thousands of friars lose their color at the same time.

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one , the fastest update of the webnovel!