Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 853

The momentum of Chen Fan's arrival is enormous. The Golden Rainbow crosses the sky and directly breaks through the city protection array of the northern cold King City, standing on the top of the palace.

At that moment, tens of millions of people in beihanwang city looked up and saw two figures in the sky. The man has black hair and black pupils. He is dressed in hunting clothes. He is as handsome as a God. A woman dressed in purple is charming and beautiful. Two people side by side, just like a banished immortal.

"Bold, who dares to break into my north cold King City?"

The commander of the six guards rose up in the sky, and his face was very blue. I wish I could chew Chen Fan's flesh and tear him to pieces. The commander of the six guards was responsible for suppressing the nine gates of the king's city and protecting the safety of the king's court. However, chen fan broke it with a sword, and it was as if he had no one. There was no light on their faces.

"Is this how the Zhao family of the northern Han Royal Family treats guests?"

Chen Fan flicked his finger.

The sword of the void.

Tianming sword turns into rolling black waves. With one sword, Tianhe flies across the sky for ten li, beating the six commanders out. The six people were in a mess, and there was a trace of horror on their faces. Although they didn't do their best, chen fan shocked six people with one sword, which represented his strength and surpassed Wang Tingjiu Wei.

"Stop it."

Zhao Du Luo's face is iron green to drink a way.

He stepped out of the crowd, forced down his anger and shock, and looked at the two people floating in the sky:

"Mr. Chen beixuan, our northern Han Royal family has always treated people with courtesy. But if you break into the royal city and injure our bodyguards, you don't seem to be like a guest. "

"You are Zhao duluo. Before he died, the black and white elder said that all these were your instructions. What I'm doing now is just learning from Zhu Jiushan. As soon as he entered Guhua City, he injured the elder of our family. I just gave him a little punishment. It's nothing. "

Chen Fan's tone is indifferent.

"Son of a bitch, I'm the commander of the nine guards in the royal court. I have a high status. How can you compare with the Chinese elders? At best, Xie Changying is just born. In our eyes, even ants are inferior. " The ninth Prince Zhao duxuan hummed coldly.

"Insult me Chinese, palm mouth."

Chen Fan eyes a cold, right hand to the void a fan.


Just listening to a clear sound, Zhao duxuan was beaten out of the air. A sharp palm print suddenly appeared on his face, which was sure to appear.


This moment.

They are all moved by the Zhangjiao of the six caves.

In the past, the sword from across the sky shocked people, and this amazing hand was beyond the imagination of the sect.

"The art of moving the void. It's a unique skill of Zhenzong. It's said that only Taixu Zhenjun can do it. " Someone bowed his head and barked. On the square, tens of thousands of people who came to watch the ceremony were already stupid.

No matter Chen Fan's foot in the world, he is arrogant. Or a sword defeated six commander, palm beat nine Prince Zhao Du Xuan, all let people fear.

"Too arrogant, too arrogant."

There are old courtiers in Wangting, and their angry hands are shaking.

After thousands of years of repression by the northern Han court, when was it beaten up as the capital and swaggered? Many royal families even clenched their fists, and their eyes almost burst into flames. Chen Fan's slap seemed to hit them.

But it is not young light generation, to Chen Fan's demeanor admiration.

"Brother Qi, Chen beixuan is too powerful. I killed Zhu Jiushan and others first, and then went directly to the king's city. After juehan Zhenjun, I finally had a lawless character in the northern cold region. "

Zhang Ming cried excitedly.

Tianji sect's Dongtian walk, as if did not hear, looked up at chen fan, frowned, mouth Na Na way: "should not ah... Really not a golden elixir? This is unthinkable


"how dare you hit me?"

Nine Prince Zhao Du Xuan was slapped, Leng for a long time, just reaction. All of a sudden, infinite anger rushed to the top of his head, his head, directly out of the essence of the general white rainbow gas column. The two pupils turn into blood color instantly.

Since the achievement of the golden elixir, it has been the six great masters of the cave who have been respectful to him. Chen fan, however, slapped him in the face in front of tens of thousands of people, making Zhao duxuan instantly angry.

"I'll kill you! "

regardless, Zhao duxuan went straight to the sky.

I saw a white rainbow running through the sun, straight up from the Tuntian palace, tearing the air and pointing at chen fan. Before Zhao duxuan arrived, the terrible cold filled the void. He saw that in the sky, pieces of frost fell and snow fell for ten miles.


This time, chen fan didn't use the Tianming sword, just flicked his finger.


See Guan RI Bai Hong a static, and then suddenly was shot to fly out. Zhao duxuan suddenly turned into a meteor, flew several kilometers away and crashed into the royal city. Suddenly in the King City, pull out a kilometer long ravine, continuously destroyed hundreds of high-rise buildings, just stop.

This time.

People finally see how chen fan moves.

But just because of seeing clearly, my heart is more and more shocked.The six generals can say that they despise the enemy, but Zhao duxuan, as a prince, is no worse than the six generals in his early cultivation of the golden elixir and his blood. But even Chen Fan couldn't stop it.

"I'm afraid he's going to catch up with Taixu Zhenjun, the ancestor of the Ling family and others in terms of cultivation."

Zhao Du's face changed.

Your commanding officers look even worse. Chen Fan's strength is quite different from that recorded. No wonder he can kill Zhu Jiushan.


As they were thinking about it, they saw in the distance an earth shaking roar coming from the bed. It was like a fierce snake roaring at the moon, full of the ancient and wild atmosphere. Then, a white boa constrictor, tens of feet long, rose to the sky. As soon as the white snake appeared, it turned into a snow-white Python thousands of meters long.

Python across the sky, snow-white body, scales sheet Yin cold, a pair of blood vertical pupil, it seems to see all living beings as prey.

Swallow the sky Python Dharma phase.

At this time, Zhao duxuan finally displayed the most powerful magic power of the Zhao family. Zhu Jiushan is only a collateral, blood is not pure, and Zhao duxuan as the son of the north cold king, his blood is pure. As you can see, the python opens its mouth and seems to devour heaven and earth, with the ferocious momentum of the ancient overlord.

As soon as the python appeared, tens of millions of people fell to their knees and trembled in the whole Beihan city. Even the friars can't bear the pressure. Only the inborn strong can stand.

"Swallowing the blood vessels of Tian mang can be divided into four realms: Tongyi, coagulation, FA Xiang and Hua Xing. Zhao duxuan has reached the Dharma phase, and is only one layer away from the real heaven swallowing python. At this time, Zhu Jiushan is not his opponent. "

An elder in the cave, his eyes are dignified.

As soon as the person next to him was about to speak, he saw Chen Fan step out with a light foot.


A huge claw suddenly appeared in the void. The giant claw is very thick, up to 1000 meters high, and it is covered with black scales, like a turtle foot. If Optimus Prime falls, it will directly step on the white python.


The boa constrictor gave a shrill cry.

Then he was shot directly from the air to the ground, and the impact was shaking for hundreds of miles, hitting a huge hole. Countless people in the Royal City scattered in all directions, crying for their parents.

These two people fight, just like Tyrannosaurus Rex fighting. They can cause countless casualties.

"In your eyes, elder Xie is just a mole ant. I don't know. In my eyes, what's the difference between you and mole ants?"

Chen fan light way.

At his feet, the 1000 meter Python howled, its tail and head swayed, and the mountain fell apart, and the gravel flew away, leaving thousands of meters in ruins. However, no matter how Zhao duxuan struggled, he couldn't shake the Qingtian God.

In the end, chen fan hardly crushed Zhao duxuan's five zang organs.

Zhao duxuan was dying and appeared to be a white python. Is the power of Xuanwu divine foot something he could carry in the early days of the golden elixir? Even Zhu Jiushan was slapped to death by Chen fan, not to mention Zhao duxuan.

"Sir, stop it!"

Zhao Du Luo a face dignified, cheers.

Zhao duxuan is his younger brother after all. He can't watch him die. Zhao duluo's face was cold and stern, and his voice was a little chilly: "Chen Zhenjun, this is the northern cold King City, not your ancient Chinese city. Do you really want to face the Zhao family in front of all the great cave aristocratic families

"So what?"

Chen Fan's foot on the white Python looks like a smile.

"Release my ninth younger brother, turn around and leave immediately. Since then, I will never enter Zhongzhou again. I can still leave you a way to live. Otherwise, I'll wait to become a fan with the Chinese."

Zhao Du dropped long sleeves, cold way.

The light of escape has come from inside and outside the king's city, and it floats around chen fan. Each light represents a golden elixir. The thirty-six prefectures, the seventeen armies, the nine imperial guards in the northern Han Dynasty, together with many offerings, royal families and so on. There are nearly 100 Jindan friars belonging to the Zhao family.

Now around chen fan, there are dozens of gold elites, waiting for Leitian's attack at any time.

In the face of so many strong people, even in the later stage of Jindan, they have to turn pale. Zhao tuluo is confident that even if the master of nihilism or the ancestor of the Ling family is here, he can't compete with dozens of real kings at the same time. Besides, there are more than ten golden elites among them.

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan's answer was a slight step.


Then he heard a crisp crackle, and Zhao duxuan was directly trampled by his foot. The real body of Tuntian python, which is known as carrying spiritual treasure, is as fragile as glass in front of the foot of Xuanwu God, so it can't withstand a single blow. White scales and flesh splashed all over the ground.

Chen Fan trampled nine Prince Zhao duxuan to death.

That's not what everyone thought.

"It's over, it's over, it's not going to die."

Zhang Ming shook his head.

Jinwu Zhenjun, on the other hand, laughs happily.


When Zhao Du came down, he was about to split.

He was trembling with anger. At last, he suddenly closed his eyes and calmed down. When he opened his eyes again, there was only a murderous air in his eyes."Kill him."

Zhao Du dropped his hand.

Dozens of gold elixirs will fight against the sky at the same time to wipe chen fan out of the world. War is on the verge of breaking out. In the face of many powerful enemies, chen fan is not afraid. He gently holds Xiaoman's hand and shows a scornful sneer on his face.

"Stop, you're not his match."

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

When they looked back, they saw that the sword king in white was better than snow, with his back to all living beings, slowly turned around. His two white handles are not in his prime, but his eyes in his eyes are sharp to the extreme, just like two heavenly swords, piercing the sky.

Chen fan!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!