Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 852

Northern cold region, Wangdu.

Beihan king is located in Zhongzhou, the most vast and prosperous of the thirty-six prefectures. It is rich in soil, with exotic flowers and plants, springs and rocks everywhere. It is like a dragon gathering from all directions. And the royal city lies in the center of many spiritual veins, like the stars arch the moon.

At this time, Wang Du was holding a ten-year "ancestor worship ceremony.".

"In the early Dynasty, his Majesty the northern Han King opened up 36 states to provide a place for hundreds of millions of people to live and work in peace and contentment. We should offer sacrifices to them every year to show our gratitude."

There was a ceremonial officer reading out the sacrificial rites.

Many northern Han Royal Families stood on it, solemn and solemn.

His highness, the Arctic, has gathered the heavyweights from the 36 states in the northern cold region. The six great Dongtian Zhangjiao, the eight great town area aristocratic families, and the ten strong clan heads almost gathered.

At this time, it can be said that the golden elites are gathered, and the strong are like rain.

Every one of them is the existence of the vibration of the northern cold region, and now the clouds gather here.

"What's the matter, brother Qi? Usually, none of these masters can be seen. How can this year's ancestor worship meeting spring up like bamboo shoots? "

Standing in the middle of the line, a young man asked.

His name is Zhang Ming. He comes from Chunyuan gate, a large family in Zhongzhou. Although he was born at a young age, he is not outstanding among the tens of thousands of ancestor worship guests. Any one of these guests is enough to make half a state tremble.

"Didn't you hear? It is said that after the grand ceremony of ancestor worship, the old Beihan king will determine the prince and pass down the throne. So not only the northern Han Royal family gathered, but also the ancestors of the golden elixir came to watch the ceremony. You don't see that the royal family's legitimate sons are like chicken blood. What's more, the soldiers of the nine guards of the royal court have sealed off the city gate? At this point, not to mention the enemy, even a mosquito can not fly in, we can see that we attach importance to it. "

Qi Feng replied.


Zhang mingza's tongue.

When he looked up, he saw that on the North Pole hall, all the legitimate sons who were qualified to fight for the throne were clenched tightly, their eyes were burning with cold and their swords were drawn.

For thousands of years, the northern Han throne has been passed on for two generations.

The current king of Beihan, who lived for more than 2000 years, has greatly surpassed the general gold elixir. Therefore, his descendants lasted for dozens of generations. Although it is extremely difficult for the blood of tuntian Python to produce its descendants, there are still thousands of princes and grandchildren in Beihan king.

"Among the many legitimate sons, the prince Zhao duluo, the fifth Prince Zhao duling and the ninth Prince Zhao duxuan are the strongest, all of them have reached the golden elixir. There was also Zhao Qingchen, the grandson of the seventeen kings, who was also a half step elixir. Unfortunately, Chen beixuan abandoned his blood and expelled him from the royal family. "

Qi Feng shook his head: "if you take over the throne of Beihan, these three legitimate sons are qualified. But it's a different story whether we can hold the throne

"What does that mean?" Zhang Ming's wonderful way.

"There are three, six and nine grades in the golden elixir. Even the most gifted prince, Zhao duluo, has only become a gold elixir. I've heard that in some ancient orthodoxy outside the northern cold region, the leader of the sect can't succeed unless he is a top-grade golden elixir. There are even some Tianzong religions, which require that they must be the top nine elixirs. "

Qi Feng explained in detail: "the grade of Jindan determines its potential and future in the future. Want to have a glimpse of longevity, ascend the throne of heaven. It's a top-grade elixir. Even a middle-grade elixir has little hope. As for a lower grade elixir, I've never heard of it. "

"So at the moment of thunder robbery, the road has been divided into high and low. These princes, not to mention peeping into longevity, are not as good as even Jianjun and a few big Dongtian Zhangjiao. How can they suppress the northern Han throne? "

Hearing Qi Feng's incisive comments, Zhang Ming can't help feeling sad.

"Ah, nine gold elixirs, step by step. I don't know what kind of goods I'll be able to make when I go through the thunder

Zhang Ming shook his head and sighed. "Brother Qi, what is Chen Zhenjun, the new Chinese? I've heard that in the first battle of Guhua City, you are the master of Tianji cave. "

"Chen fan?"

Qi Feng frowned and hesitated: "at that time, I lived in Tianluo Zhenjun. When I passed by Guhua City, I counted crape myrtle and calculated the result. One is the peak of the six products of Jindan, and another result is that he is not a Jindan, but a congenital one. "


Zhang Ming almost screamed.

The people around him were not happy. The elder of Chunyuan gate in front of him glared at him even more. Zhang Mingcai shrunk his head, quickly grabbed Qi Feng's arm, and said anxiously:

"brother Qi, are you sure? Chen Zhenjun cut five gold elixirs in a row to push back chihuokong. If he is not Jindan, I'm afraid the whole northern cold region will be overturned. "

"Not only in the northern cold region, but also in the end of the world. There are no such monsters in the ancient orthodoxy."

Qi Feng smiles bitterly.


the front end of the Arctic hall.

The sword king, who is better than snow in white, stands alone. Even some of them dare not stand side by side with him. The three Jindan royal families are even more respectful.

"Do you know? I heard that Lord Jianjun came from a strong daotong outside Beihan. At that time, he fought with the orthodox Jianzi for the position of successor, and finally failed, so he had to flee to the northern cold region. "The true king of the dark hell in xuanming cave is the messenger.

"No, Jian Jun is the strongest in the northern cold region of China, except for the immortal northern cold king. It is the elder of void sect, King Chijiao, and the ancestor of Ling family, the head of the eight towns' aristocratic families, who all claim not to be the opponent of Jianjun. "

Several elders around smacked their tongue.

Taixu Zhenjun, the elder of the void sect, Chijiao king, the patriarch of Chijiao clan, the ancestor of Ling family, and Jianjun are the four known late Jindan dazhenjun in the northern cold region.

The mysterious northern cold king is not out, and the northern cold region respects these four people.

But such a powerful sword king is just a loser in the fight of orthodoxy. How can people not be surprised?

"This is what I heard from my friends in Tianji cave. It's said that the ancient orthodoxy is extremely powerful and spans several domains. That is to say, in the end of the world, they are all top forces, among which Yuanying Tianjun may not be the only one. That sword, even more is the existence of the longevity list, condensed into the top grade gold elixir, straight to longevity. "

Heiming Zhenjun continues to gossip.

"Longevity list.".

This time.

All the elders were silent.

This name, as if with magic, can subdue everything. No more questions.

The grand ceremony of ancestor worship was going on in an orderly way. Towards the end of the ceremony, the sword king, with his back to the people, stood up and said, "Zhao Du Luo, over there in ancient Huacheng, do you have any news?"

"Uncle Jian, according to the previous message, Zhu Jiushan has started to work. A moment at the most, news will come. With the speed of Zhu Jiushan, Chen beixuan can be captured to his highness before the end of the ceremony to worship his ancestors. "

Zhao Du Luo bowed.

Around a few Royal legitimate son, no need to envy eyes.

"I was gracious to brother Zhao, and I was accepted by my family. Since he lost an elite descendant, I will compensate him with a golden elixir. Of course, if Chen beixuan didn't know the current situation, he would have been killed. In my life, I've killed a lot of talents. "

the king of the sword is calm and calm.


Zhao Du fell down in a hurry, his face could not help showing a trace of joy.

Chen Fan abolished the seventeen princes and grandsons, and the whole court was tied up. At last, he was captured by Zhao Du. This is obviously superior to other brothers and sisters. When the northern Han King chooses his successor, he must be more inclined to him.

The dialogue on the Arctic hall quickly spread throughout the whole sacrificial ceremony.

"What? Chen Zhenjun is Chen beixuan? Zhao duluo has sent the white boa Sanwei to capture him? "

"Not only that, they also mobilized the royal family to offer sacrifices to the black and white elders, as well as the heads of the seven states and the town Navy. More than 13 golden elites joined hands. No matter how talented Chen beixuan is, he will not be able to carry such a net. "

"Ah, it's a pity that a gorgeous Tianjiao fell here. It's a pain in the neck."

Suddenly, the king's court was boiling.

The elders of numerous sects and aristocratic families who came to watch the ceremony all turned pale.

At this time, Jianjun sent out the news, obviously to frighten the big cave and aristocratic families. Even Chen Fan in the middle of Jindan, the royal family said to catch and kill. Since then, who dares to violate the authority of the Zhao family?

The faces of several cave masters were a little ugly.

Only Jinwu Zhenjun of Yin Yang cave can kill well. He is the backstage supporter of Jinwu hall. Chen fan even killed his two Jinwu envoys. How can Jinwu Zhenjun not jump.

At this time, just outside the sky a streamer, extremely fast shot, it is the Feijian message.

"According to the news, it should be here."

Zhao Du Luo's face is full of smile. Under the resentful eyes of the five princes, he takes the flying sword and opens it. Suddenly smile on the face, such as see ghost.

"What's the matter?"

Jian Jun frowned slightly. Although he didn't turn around, he felt the sudden change of Zhao Du Luo's breath, as if he was frightened.

"I'm... I'm sword uncle, the news of Guhua city..."

Zhao Du trembles.

"... the royal court was defeated. Since then, I wish that under the nine mountains, three generals, seven prefects, two black and white elders, including 300000 guards, will all be destroyed. "

"The murderer... Chen beixuan!"


The whole hall was silent. All the members of the royal family, including many of the sect leaders and elders who came to watch the ceremony, were stunned.

"Brother, are you wrong? That's the three guards of the royal court, the heads of the seven states, and the thirteen golden elites. Even if the elder of void sect is here, he may not be able to beat Chen beixuan. How can he kill so many of them? And the whole army was destroyed, and none of them escaped? "

Nine Prince Zhao Du Xuan jumps out to call a way.

Zhao Du Luo's face was livid, his palm trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

They couldn't believe it. They were about to ask again.

Suddenly, in the distance, a golden rainbow came through the sky.

This golden rainbow is so bright, arrogant and rebellious, even if it is close to the majestic and solemn Royal City, facing the 600000 troops of the royal court and the six Golden elites' obstruction, it never stops.On the contrary, he went through the six guards' guard directly. Like the wind rolling the remnant clouds, he split the Wangdu array layer by layer and came to the sky of Tuntian palace. With Jin Hong came a clear and proud voice:

"Chen beixuan, a Chinese, and his Saint Xiaoman, come to visit the Zhao family of Beihan!"

The sound shocked thousands of miles, and the people were in an uproar.

PS: Thank you for your monthly pass and understanding. The author continues to write the second one. This chapter pays homage to my favorite beacon and Cao Qingyi. ^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!